George Drakatos
Dr George Drakatos - Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information

Date of birth: March 6, 1953 - Argostoli-Cephalonia-Greece
Nationality: Greek
Family status: Married, two children
Home Address: Kefallinias 8, 176 55 Alimos, Greece
Tel.: +30-210-98.85.520, Mob. : 6932-338912
Off. Address: National Observatory of Athens - Institute of Geodynamics
P.O. Box 2004 GR 118 10 Athens, Greece
Tel.: +30 -210- 34.90.164/195, FAX: +30 -210 - 34.90.180
E-mail :

Professional Experiences

1984, Scientific Associate in the Institute of Geodynamics.
1992 - 1999 Assistant Researcher
1999 - 2003 Senior Researcher
2003 – Today Research Director


1980, Bachelor of Science in Geology, University of Athens
1987, Post Graduate Diploma in Seismology & Earthquake Engineering, Institute of Seismology & Earthquake Engineering (Tsukuba, Japan)
1989, Ph. D. in Seismology, University of Athens


1986, Summer School on Seismic Hazard in Mediterranean Regions. Organized by the Euromediterranean Seismological Centre (Strasbourg-France)
1988, First European School on Seismic Hazard Assessment. Organized by the University of Athens and the European Community (Athens-Greece).
1996, Seminars about Signal Processing and Digital communications. Organized by the Greek Center of Productivity (Athens-Greece)


English, Italian

Research Projects

Project Leader:

  • Application and evaluation of a contemporary method to detect seismic quiescence in regions of high seismicity in Greece and China (Joint Research and Technology Programs, 1998-1999, between Greece and China. Funding by GSRT)
  • Seismicity Study in the regions of large Hydroelectric Dams of Public Power Corporation (1997-2000, Funding: General Secretary of Research and Technology - Public Power Corporation)
  • Microseismicity study and the structure of Saronikos Gulf (Greece) (2001 –2003, Funding: Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization)
  • The Mechanism of Seismic Quiescence (Joint Research and Technology Programs (2001-2003 between Greece and China, Funding by GSRT)
  • Seismic Quiescence study in the Kefallinia Island region (2001 – 2002, Funding by Athens University)
  • Seismological data acquisition and their interpretation for the area of Greece (2001 – 2002, Funding by Athens University)
  • 3-D Monitoring of Active Tectonic Regions (Greek representative in the frame of COST Project – Action 625)
  • 3-D monitoring of active tectonics in Simitli Kettle (SW Bulgaria) and eastern Corinthian Gulf (Greece). Joint Research and Technology Programs 2003-2005 between Greece and Bulgaria, Funding by GSRT)
  • ESTIA, Advanced Software Program and Integrated system for decision support and Seismic risk management (2003 – 2006, Funded by GSRT).
  • SOL, advanced interactive information system for establishing communication, awareness and sensitivity links to the public concerning earthquake protection. (2003 – 2006, Funded by GSRT).
  • Upgrade of the accelerograph network of the Greek Public Power Corporation (2003 – 2004, Funded by the PPC)
  • S.I.S.M.A.: System Integrated for Security Management Activities (INTERREG IIIB, 2003 – 2006, Funded by EU)
  • Mapping of environmental geohazards (active faults – land- slides) in the southern Crete and Slovenia regions, using LiDAR technique. (Joint Research and Technology Programs 2004-2006 between Greece and Slovenia, Funding by GSRT)
  • Upgrade of the seismological network of the Greek Public Power Corporation (2005 - 2006, Funded by the PPC)
  • Investigation of Recurrence Modes of Large Earthquakes along the Main Seismogenic Faults in Greece and in China. ((Joint Research and Technology Programs 2005-2007 between Greece and China, Funding by GSRT)
  • Installation of a seismological and a geodetic network in the Region of Ionian Islands. (2006 – 2008, Funded by the Region of Ionian Islands)
  • Seismic Risk management in the North Aegean Islands area, using new techniques. (2006 – 2008, Funded by the Region of Northern Aegean Islands)

Scientific Publications

[A] Thesis

[ 1] Drakatos, G., 1987. Three-dimensional Velocity Structure beneath Northwestern Aegean Sea (Greece). Individual study presented at the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering of Japan, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Post-Graduate Diploma, Vol. 23, pp 35 - 48.
[ 2] Drakatos, G., 1989. Seismic Tomography-Determination of Velocity Zones in Greece and Surrounding Regions. Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. of Athens, pp 146 (In Greek).

[B] Papers published in International Journals

[ 1] Stavrakakis, G., Drakopoulos, J., Latoussakis, J., Papanastassiou, D. and G. Drakatos, 1989. Spectral Characteristics of the 1986 September 13, Kalamata (Southern Greece) Earthquake. Geophys. J. Int., Vol.98, pp 149 - 157.
[ 2] Drakatos, G., Stavrakakis, G., Latoussakis, J., Papanastassiou, D. and J. Drakopoulos, 1990. Three -dimensional Seismic Attenuation Structure beneath Italy. Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl., Vol. XXXII, N. 125, pp 67 - 79.
[ 3] Drakatos, G. and J. Drakopoulos, 1991. 3-D Velocity Structure Beneath the Crust and Upper Mantle of Aegean Sea Region. PAGEOPH, Vol. 135, No. 3, pp 401 - 420. PDF
[ 4] Latoussakis, J., Stavrakakis, G., Drakopoulos, J., Papanastassiou, D. and G. Drakatos, 1991. Temporal Characteristics of some Earthquake Sequences in Greece. Tectonophysics, Vol. 193, pp 299 - 310.
[ 5] Latoussakis, J. and G. Drakatos, 1994. A Quantitative Study of Some Aftershock Sequences in Greece. PAGEOPH, Vol. 143, No. 4, pp 603 - 616.
[ 6] Louis, J., Papadopoulos, T., Drakatos, G. and P. Pantzartzis, 1995. Conventional and Modern Seismic Investigations for rock quality determination at a dam site. A case history. Geophysical Prospecting, V 43, pp 779-792.
[ 7] Drakatos, G. and J. Latoussakis, 1996. Some features of Aftershock Patterns in Greece. Geophysical Journal International, Vol 126, pp 123-134.
[ 9] Alessandrini, B., Beranzoli, L., Drakatos, G., Falcone, C., Karantonis, G., Mele, F. and G. Stavrakakis, 1997. Back arc basins and P-wave crustal velocity in the Ionian and Aegean region. Geophys. Res. Letters, Vol 24, No 5, pp 527 – 530.
[10] Drakatos, G., Karantonis, G. and G. Stavrakakis, 1997. P-wave crustal Tomography of Greece with use of an accurate 2-point ray tracer. Annali di Geofisica, Vol. XL, N. 1, pp 25 – 36.
[11] Stavrakakis, G., Drakatos, G., Karantonis, G. and D. Papanastassiou, 1997. A Tomography image of the Aegean region (Greece) derived with inversion of macroseismic intensity data. Annali gi Geofisica,Vol. XL,N.1 pp 99–110.
[12] Alessandrini, B., Beranzoli, L., Drakatos, G., Falcone, C., Karantonis, G., Mele, F. and G. Stavrakakis, 1997. Tomographic image of the crust and uppermost mantle of the Ionian and Aegean Regions. Annali di Geofisica, Vol XL, N. 1, pp 151 – 160.
[13] Drakatos, G., Papanastassiou, D., Papadopoulos, G., Skafida, H. and G. Stavrakakis, 1998. Relationship between the 13 May 1995 Kozani – Grevena earthquake and the Polyphyto artificial lake. Eng. Geology, Vol 51, pp 65 – 74.
[14] Papanastassiou. D., Drakatos, G., Voulgaris, N. and G. Stavrakakis, 1998. The May 13, 1995, Kozani - Grevena (NW Greece) earthquake: Source study and its tectonic implications. Journal of Geodynamics (26),2-4 pp233-244.
[15] Drakatos, G., Papanastassiou, D., Stavrakakis, G. and N. Voulgaris, 1998. Observations on the 3-D crustal velocity structure of the Kozani - Grevena (ÍW Greece) area. Journal of Geodynamics, (26), 2-4, pp 341 – 351.
[16] Delibasis, N., Ziazia, M., Voulgaris, N., Papadopoulos, T., Stavrakakis, G., Papanastassiou, D. and G. Drakatos, 1999. Microseismic Activity and Seismotectonics of Heraklion area (Central Crete Island – Greece). Tectonophysics, 308, pp 237 - 248.
[17] Papadopoulos, G., Drakatos, G. and A. Plessa, 2000. Foreshock activity as a precursor of strong earthquakes in Corinthos Gulf, Central Greece. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol 25, No 3, pp 239 – 245.
[18] Papadopoulos, G., Drakatos, G., Papanastassiou, D., Kalogeras, J. and G. Stavrakakis, 2000. Preliminary results about the catastrophic earthquake of 7th September, 1999, in Athens (Greece). Seismological Research Letters, Vol 71, N3, 318 – 329
[19] Drakatos, G., 2000. Relative Seismic Quiescence before Large Aftershocks. Pure and Appl. Geophysics, V 157, pp 1407 – 1421.
[20] Drakatos, G. and J. Latoussakis, 2001. A catalog of Aftershock Sequences in Greece (1971 – 1997) – Their Spatial and Temporal Characteristics. Journal of Seismology, V5, pp 137 – 145.
[21] Telesca, L., Cuomo, V., Lapenna, V., Vallianatos, F. And G. Drakatos, 2001. Analysis of the temporal properties of Greek aftershock sequences. Tectonophysics, V341, pp 163 - 178
[22] Karastathis, V.K., Karmis, P.N., Drakatos, G. and G. Stavrakakis, 2002. Geophysical methods contributing to the testing of concrete dams. Application of the Marathon Dam. J. Appl. Geophys., 50, pp 247 - 260.
[23] Karastathis, V.K., Karmis, P.N., Drakatos, G. and G. Stavrakakis, 2002. Assessment of the dynamic properties of highly saturated concrete using one-sided Acoustic Tomography. Application in the Marathon Dam. Construction and Building Materials, 16, pp 261 – 269.
[24] Drakatos, G., Melis, N., Papanastassiou, D., Karastathis, V., Papadopoulos, G. and G. Stavrakakis, 2002. 3-D Crustal Velocity Structure from Inversion of Local Earthquake Data in Attiki (Central Greece) Region. Natural Hazards, Vol. 27, N1-2, pp
[25] Makris, J., Papoulia, J. and G. Drakatos, 2004. Tectonic deformation and microseismicity of the Saronikos Gulf, central Greece. BSSA, Vol. 94, N0 3, pp 920 – 929.
[26] Drakatos, G., Voulgaris, N., Pirli, M., Melis, N. and B. Karakostas, 2004. 3-D crustal velocity structure in northwestern Greece. PAGEOPH, Vol. 162, pp 37 – 51.
[27] Ganas, A., Drakatos, G., Pavlides, S.B., Stavrakakis, G.N., Ziazia, M., Sokos, E. and V.K. Karastathis, 2005. The 2001 Mw=6.4 Skyros earthquake, conjugate strike slip faulting and spatial variation in stress within the central Aegean Sea. Journal of Geodynamics, Vol 39, pp 61 – 77.
[28] Drakatos, G., Karastathis, B., Makris, J., Papoulia, J. and G. Stavrakakis, 2005. 3D Crustal structure of the neotectonic basin of Saronikos Gulf (Greece). Tectonophysics, V400, pp 55 – 65.
[29] Benetatos, Ch., Kiratzi, A., Roumelioti, Z., Stavrakakis, G., Drakatos, G. and J. Latoussakis, 2005. The 14 August 2003 Lefkada island (Greece) earthquake: focal mechanisms of the mainshock and of the aftershock sequence. Journal of Seismology, V9, pp 171 - 190.
[30] Ganas, A., Shanov, S., Drakatos, G., Dobrev, N., Sboras, S., Tsimi, C., Frangov, G. and S. Pavlides, 2005. Active fault segmentation in south-west Bulgaria and Coulomb stress triggering of the 1904 earthquake sequence. Journal of Geodynamics, V40 (2-3), pp 316 – 333.
[31] Benetatos, C., Kiratzi, A., Ganas, A., Ziazia, M., Plessa, A. and G. Drakatos, 2006. Strike slip motion in the Gulf of Sigacik (western Turkey): properties of the 17 October 2005 earthquake seismic sequence. Tectonophysics, V 426, pp 263 – 279.
[32] Karastathis, V.K., Ganas, A., Makris, J., Papoulia, J., Dafnis, P., Gerolymatou, E. and G. Drakatos, 2007. The application of shallow seismic techniques in the study of active faults: The Atalanti normal fault, central Greece. J. Appl. Geophysics, 62, pp 215 – 233.
[33] Ganas, A., Bosy, J., Petro, L., Drakatos, G., Kontny, B., Stercz, M., Melis, N., Cacon, S. and A. Kiratzi, 2007. Monitoring active structures in eastern Corinth Gulf (Greece): the Kaparelli fault. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol 4, No 1(145), pp 1–9.
[34] Qi Cheng, Ganas, A., Huang Furiong, Chen Yong and G. Drakatos, 2007. Recurrence behaviours of earthquakes along the Kefallinia Transform Fault, Ionian Sea, Greece. Earthquake Research in China. 21(4):409-419.
[35] Ganas, A., Gosar, A. and G. Drakatos, 2008. Static stress change after the 1998 and 2004 Krn Mountain (Slovenia) earthquakes and its seismic hazard implications. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 8, pp 59 – 66.

[C] Other International Journals

[ 1] Papanastassiou, D., Drakatos, G., Stavrakakis, G., Drakopoulos, J., Latoussakis, J. and K. Papandonopoulos, 1996. Seismicity and Seismic Hazard Assessment at the Site of the Temple of Epicourios Apollo (Vassai). The British School at Athens (eds). Archaeoseismology. Occasional Paper 7 of Fitch Laboratory, Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp 215-223.
[ 2] Dobrev, N., Frangov, G. and G. Drakatos, 2004. Monitoring of active faults along the Strouma fault zone, SW Bulgaria. 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki (Greece), 14 – 20 April 2004.
[ 3] Dobrev, N., Varbanov, R., Matova, M., Frangov. G., Drakatos, G. and B. Kostak, 2005. First step for monitoring on possibly active fault zone in east Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 2, No 1(137), pp7 – 12.
[ 4] Drakatos, G., Petro, L., Ganas, A., Melis, N., Kostak, B., Kontny, B., Cacon, S. and M. Stercz, 2005. Monitoring of strain accumulation along active faults in the eastern Gulf of Corinth: Instrumentation and network setup. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 2, No 1(137), pp 13 – 23.
[ 5] Cacon, S., Kontny, B., Bosy, J., Cello, G., Piccardi, L., Tondi, E., Drakatos, G. And A. Ganas, 2005. Local geodynamic researches in Polish Sudetes and the Mediterranean region. Reports on Geodesy Warsaw University of Technology, No 2 (73), 231-244.

[D] Greek Journals – Greek Conference Proceedings

[ 1] Drakatos, G., Latoussakis, J., Stavrakakis, G., Papanastassiou, D. and J. Drakopoulos, 1989. 3-Dimensional Velocity Structure of North-Central Greece from Inversion of Travel Times. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece,Vol. XXIII/3, pp 157 - 172.
[ 2] Drakopoulos, J., Stavrakakis, G., Latoussakis, J., Drakatos, G. and D. Papanastassiou, 1989. A Reexamination of Earthquake Prediction along the Southeastern Part of the Hellenic Arc. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Vol. XXIII/3, pp 145 - 155.
[ 3] Latoussakis, J., Stavrakakis, G., Drakatos, G., Papanastassiou, D. and J. Drakopoulos, 1989. Source Parameters of some Recent Earthquakes in Greece based on their Spectral Characteristics. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Vol. XXIII/3, pp 173 - 187.
[ 4] Papanastassiou, D., Drakopoulos, J., Drakatos, G., Latoussakis, J. and G. Stavrakakis, 1989. ν - Value Model for Earthquake Prediction. An Application to some Recent Eartquakes Sequences in Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Vol. XXIII/3, pp 129 - 143.
[ 5] Stavrakakis, G., Drakopoulos, J., Papanastassiou, D., Drakatos, G. and J. Latoussakis, 1989. Teleseismic P-wave Spectra for the Kalamata Earthquake of September 13, 1986. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Vol. XXIII/3, pp 349 - 363.
[ 6] Papanastassiou, D., Latoussakis, J., Stavrakakis, G. , Drakatos, G. and J. Drakopoulos, 1993. Recent Activity on Earthquake Prediction Research carried out by the Seismological Institute (National Observatory of Athens). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Vol. XXVIII/3, pag. 181 - 192.
[ 7] Drakatos, G., Latoussakis, J. and J. Drakopoulos, 1994. Some features of Aftershock Pattern in Cephallonia Island Region. Proc. Special Issue of the 2nd Workshop of ESC, Cephalonia 2 - 5 June 1993, pp 49 - 60.
[ 8] Drakatos, G., Latoussakis, J. and J. Drakopoulos, 1994. Temporal characteristics of some aftershock sequences in north Aegean Sea (Greece) and the surrounding regions. 7th Congress of the Geol. Soc. Greece, Thessaloniki, 25-27 May 1994. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Vol XXX/5, pp 181 – 188.
[ 9] Drakatos, G., Drakopoulos, J., Stavrakakis, G., Papanastassiou, D. and J. Latoussakis, 1995. Crust and Upper Mantle Structure in Greece : a Review of Conventional and Modern Methods. Annales Geol. des Pays Hell. Vol. XXXVI pp 917 - 927.
[10] Papanastassiou, D., Drakatos, G., Kalogeras, J., Papis, J., Kourouzidis, M. and G. Stavrakakis, 1996. The violent earthquake of the May 13, 1995 at Kozani - Grevena (NW Greece). Special Publ. Geol. Soc. Greece , No 6, pp 122-127.
[11] Papanastassiou, D., Stavrakakis, G., Drakatos, G. and G. Papadopoulos, 2000. The Athens, Sep 7, 1999, Ms=5.9 Eq.: First Results on the focal properties and the aftershock sequence. Ann.Geol.PaysHell., Vol.38, pp 73–88
[12] Benetatos, C., Kiratzi, A., Kementzetzidou, K., Roumelioti, Z., Karakaisis, G., Scordilis, E., Latoussakis, J. and G. Drakatos, 2004. The Psachna (Evia Island) earthquake swarm of June 2003. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece (XXXVI), pp 1379 – 1388.
[13] Savvaidis, P., Doukas, I., Hatzigogos, Th., Tziavos, I.N., Kiratzi, A., Roumelioti, Z., Savvaidis, A., Theodoulidis, N., Drakatos, G., Koutoupes, S., Karantonis, G. And A. Sotiriadis., 2004. Data base development and evaluation of earthquake damage reports under the SEISIMPACT_THES system. Proc. 11th Int. Congress, April 2004, Thessaloniki (Greece). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Vol. XXXVI, pp 1509 – 1518.
[14] Valadaki – Plessa, K., Plessas, S., Drakatos, G., Karastathis, V., Mangafas, F. and P. Petrou, 2005. GIS for the mitigation of the seismic disaster. Proc. 15th meeting of ArcGIS users, 9 – 11 November 2005, Athens (Greece).
[15] Roumelioti Z., Ganas A., Sokos E., Petrou P., Serpetsidaki, A. and G.. Drakatos, 2007. Τoward a joint catalogue of recent seismicity in western Greece: preliminary results. Proc. 11th Int. Congress Geol. Soc. Greece, May 2007, Athens (Greece). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, V XXXX (3), pp 1257 - 1267.
[16] Ganas, A., Spina, V., Alexandropoulou, N., Oikonomou, A., and G. Drakatos, 2007. The Corini active fault in southwestern Viotia region, central GreeceQsegmentation, stress analysis and extensional strain patterns. Proc. 11th Int.Congress, May 2007, Athens (Greece). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, V XXXVII, pp 297 - 308.
[17] Ganas, A., Drakatos, G., Bosy, J., Petro, L., Kontny, B., Stercz, M., Melis, N., Cacon, S., Papanikolaou, M., Pirentis, A., and A. Kiratzi, 2007. COST Action 625 Results: Monitoring of the Kaparelli fault, 2003 – 2006. Proc. 11th Int. Congress, May 2007, Athens (Greece). Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, V XXXVII, pp 287 - 296.
[18] Tsimi, C., Ganas, A., Ferrier, G., Drakatos, G., Pope, R.J. and C. Fassoulas, 2007. Morphotectonics of the Sfakia normal fault, south-western Crete, Greece. 8th  Pan-Hellenic Geographical Conference, 4 - 7  October 2007, Athens (Greece)

[E] International Conference Proceedings

[ 1] Drakatos, G., Latoussakis, J., Stavrakakis, G., Papanastassiou, D., Drakopoulos, J. and A. Bourboulis, 1988. Examination of a Velocity Model using 3-D Velocity Structure Technique. Proceed. of Workshop on Induced Seismicity and Associated Phenomena , March 14 - 18 1988, Praha, pp 403-421.
[ 2] Papanastassiou, D., Latoussakis, J., Stavrakakis, G., Drakatos, G. and J. Drakopoulos, 1988. Detectability of a Local Network and its Influence on the Accuracy of Seismic Parameters. Proceed. of Workshop on Induced Seismicity and Associated Phenomena , March 14 - 18 1988, Praha, pp 335-355.
[ 3] Stavrakakis, G., Drakopoulos, J., Drakatos, G., Latoussakis, J. and D. Papanastassiou, 1988. Static Displacements, Strains and Tilts due to Finite Faults and Surface Loads. Proceed. of Workshop on Induced Seismicity and Associated Phenomena, March 14 - 18 1988, Praha, pp 36 - 55.
[ 4] Papanastassiou, D., Drakopoulos, J., Latoussakis, J., Stavrakakis, G. and G. Drakatos, 1989. The New Telemetric Seismological Network of the National Observatory of Athens. Proceed. of XXI Gen. Assembly of ESC, 23 - 27 Aug. 1988, Sofia (Bulgaria), pp 228 - 243.
[ 5] Latoussakis, J., Drakatos, G. and J. Drakopoulos, 1995. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Foreshock and Aftershock Sequences in Greece since 1965 to 1993. Proceed. of the XXIV General Assembly of ESC, Athens 19-24 September 1994, Vol. I, pp 185 - 194.
[ 6] Drakatos, G. and J. Latoussakis, 1995. Anomalous changes in Aftershock Activities before the Occurrence of Large Aftershocks. Proceed. of the XXIV General Assembly of ESC, Athens 19-24 September 1994, Vol. I, pp 195-204.
[ 7] Stavrakakis, G., Drakatos, G., Papanastassiou, D., Karantonis, G. and J. Louis, 1995. 3-D Velocity and Attenuation Structure of the Upper Crust of Pyrgos Region (Southern Greece). Proceed. of the XXIV General Assembly of ESC, Athens 19-24 September 1994, Vol. II, pp 722 - 729.
[ 8] Chouliaras, G., Drakatos, G. and J. Drakopoulos, 1995. Magnetotelluric Strikes and their Correlation to the Seismotectonics of Greece. Proceed. of XXIV General Assembly of ESC, Athens 19-24 September 1994, Vol. II, pp 1197 - 1206.
[ 9] Voulgaris, N., Drakatos, G., Makropoulos, K. and J. Drakopoulos, 1995. 3-D Velocity Structure in Northern Peloponnesus (Greece) from Inversion of Local Earthquake Arrival Times. Proceed. of the XXIV General Assembly of ESC, Athens 19-24 September 1994, Vol. II, pp 730 - 738.
[10] Papadopoulos, G., Baskoutas, J., Chouliaras, G., Drakatos, G., Kalogeras, J., Karastathis, V., Kourouzidis, M., Latoussakis, J., Makaris, D., Melis, N., Panopoulou, G., Papanastassiou. D., Pappis, J., Tassos, S., Plessa, A. and G. Stavrakis, 1999. Seismological Aspects of the Athens Earthquake of 7th September, 1999 : Preliminary Results. 1st Conf. Advances on Natural Hazards Mitigation – Experiences from Europe and Japan. Athens – Santorini (Greece), 3 – 7 November 1999, pp 73 – 79.
[11] Karastathis, V., Karmis, P., Drakatos, G. and G. Stavrakakis, 2001. Examination of the Marathon Dam by the use of Geophysical methods. 63rd EAGE Conference and Technical Exhibition. 11 – 15 June 2001, Amsterdam, Τhe Netherlands. Extended Abstracts – Vol. 2. P.134 (4 pgs).
[12] Dobrev, N., Frangov, G. and G. Drakatos, 2004. Monitoring of active faults along the Strouma fault zone, SW Bulgaria. 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki (Greece), 14 – 20 April 2004.
[13] Dandoulaki, M., Valadaki, A., Panoutsopoulou, M., Plessas, S. and G. Drakatos, 2006. Rapid low cost vulnerability and risk assessment for earthquake planning : An application to Rhodes city (Greece). International Disaster Reduction Conference IDRC 2006, August 27 – September 1, 2006, Davos (Switzerland), pp 124 – 126.

Scientific Distinctions

  • Greek Representative in the European Project COST (Action 625, “3-D monitoring of active tectonic regions”)
  • Greek Representative in the Asian Europe Environmental Technology Center (AEETC) about “ Sustainable Cities – Seismic Hazard”
  • Elected Representative of the researchers in the Directing Board of the National Observatory of Athens
  • One-year Scholarship for postgraduate studies (Japan International Cooperation Agency)

General Scientific Activities

  • Reviewer of scientific papers published in international journals and proceedings of international and Greek Congresses
  • Reviewer of Research Projects
  • Invited Lecturer in Symposiums and Congresses
  • Member of Scientific and Organizing Committees of various scientific symposiums and meeting