List of Publications

Last updated – November 2024




Web of Science Citation Index Journals (119)


1.       Basili, R., Danciu, L., Beauval, C., Sesetyan, K., Vilanova, S. P., Adamia, S., Arroucau, P., Atanackov, J., Baize, S., Canora, C., Caputo, R., Carafa, M. M. C., Cushing, E. M., Custódio, S., Demircioglu Tumsa, M. B., Duarte, J. C., Ganas, A., García-Mayordomo, J., Gómez de la Peña, L., Gràcia, E., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Jomard, H., Kastelic, V., Maesano, F. E., Martín-Banda, R., Martínez-Loriente, S., Neres, M., Perea, H., Šket Motnikar, B., Tiberti, M. M., Tsereteli, N., Tsironi, V., Vallone, R., Vanneste, K., Zupančič, P., and Giardini, D. 2024. The European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): geologic input data for the European Seismic Hazard Model 2020, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 3945–3976,


2.       Mildon, Z. K., Diercks, M., Roberts, G. P., Faure Walker, J. P., Ganas, A., Papanikolaou, I., et al. 2024. Transient aseismic vertical deformation across the steeply-dipping Pisia-Skinos normal fault (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). Tectonics, 43, e2024TC008276.


3.       Kapetanidis, V., Spingos, I., Ganas, A., Papageorgiou, A. and Kaviris, G. 2024. Relocation of the 2018–2022 seismic sequences at the Central Gulf of Corinth: New evidence for north-dipping, low angle faulting. Tectonophysics, v. 886, 230433,


4.       Tsironi, V., Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S., Kouskouna, V., Sokos, E., Koukouvelas, I., 2024. Active shortening and aseismic slip along the Cephalonia Plate Boundary (Paliki Peninsula, Greece): Evidence from InSAR and GNSS data. Tectonophysics, v. 884, 230400,


5.       Serpetsidaki, A., Ganas, A., 2024. The 2022–2023 seismic sequence onshore South Evia, central Greece: evidence for activation of a left-lateral strike-slip fault and regional triggering of seismicity. J Seismology, v. 28, 255-278.


6.       Mitchell, S., Roberts, GP., Faure Walker, JP., Iezzi, F., Sgambato, C., Robertson, J., Mildon, ZK., Ganas, A., Papanikolaou, ID., Rugen, EJ. 2024. The relationship between kinematics and fault geometry for surface coseismic ruptures on across-strike faults: New observations of slip vectors and displacements along the Pisia and Skinos faults from the 1981 Eastern Gulf of Corinth, Greece earthquakes. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 182, 105117, .


7.       Sun, Yu-Sheng, Melgar, D., Ruiz-Angulo, A., Ganas, A., Taymaz, T., Crowell, B., Xu, X., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I., Yolsal-Çevikbilen, S., Erman, C., Irmak, T., Çubuk-Sabuncu, Y., Eken, T., 2024. The 2020 Mw 7.0 Samos (Eastern Aegean Sea) Earthquake: joint source inversion of multi-type data, and tsunami modeling, Geophysical Journal International, v. 237 (3), pp. 1285-300,


8.       Valkaniotis, S., De Novellis, V., Ganas, A. et al. 2024. The 2 December 2020 Mw 4.6, Kallithea (Viotia), central Greece earthquake: a very shallow damaging rupture detected by InSAR and its role in strain accommodation by neotectonic normal faults. Acta Geophys.


9.       Evelpidou N, Ganas A, Karkani A, Spyrou E, Saitis G. 2023. Late Quaternary Relative Sea-Level Changes and Vertical GNSS Motions in the Gulf of Corinth: The Asymmetric Localization of Deformation Inside an Active Half-Graben. Geosciences, 13(11):329.


10.    Zygouri, V., Koukouvelas, I., Ganas, A., and Tsimi, C., 2023. Clustering of earthquakes along the Pidima-Anthia normal fault: New data from palaeoseismology and tectonic geomorphology and their significance on the earthquake's regularity and recurrence across southern Greece. Journal of Structural Geology, 176, 104974,


11.    Robertson, J., Roberts, G.P., Ganas, A., Meschis, M., Gheorghiu, D.M., Shanks, R.P. 2023. Quaternary uplift of palaeoshorelines in southwestern Crete: the combined effect of extensional and compressional faulting, Quaternary Science Reviews, 316, 108240,


12.    Kassaras I, Ganas A, Pace P., 2023. Special Issue: “Seismotectonics, Active Deformation, and Structure of the Crust”. Geosciences. 13(3):73.


13.    Ganas A, Hamiel Y, Serpetsidaki A, Briole P, Valkaniotis S, Fassoulas C, Piatibratova O, Kranis H, Tsironi V, Karamitros I, Elias P, Vassilakis E. 2022. The Arkalochori Mw = 5.9 Earthquake of 27 September 2021 Inside the Heraklion Basin: A Shallow, Blind Rupture Event Highlighting the Orthogonal Extension of Central Crete. Geosciences. 12(6):220.


14.    Taymaz T., Ganas A., Berberian M., Eken T., T. Serkan Irmak, Kapetanidis V., Yolsal-Çevikbilen S., Erman C., Keleş D., Esmaeili C., Tsironi V., Özkan B., 2022. The 23 February 2020 Qotur-Ravian earthquake doublet at the Iranian-Turkish border: Seismological and InSAR evidence for escape tectonics, Tectonophysics, 838, 229482, .


15.    Fernandes R, Bruyninx C, Crocker P, Menut J-L, Socquet A, Vergnolle M, Avallone A, Bos M, Bruni S, Cardoso R, Carvalho L, Cotte N, D’Agostino N, Deprez A, Andras F, Geraldes F, Janex G, Kenyeres A, Legrand J, Ngo K-M, Lidberg M, Liwosz T, Manteigueiro J, Miglio A, Soehne W, Holger S, Toth S, Dousa J, Ganas A, Kapetanidis V, Batti G. 2022. A new European service to share GNSS Data and Products. Ann. Geophys. [Internet]. 2022Jul.12 [cited 2022Jul.21];65(3):DM317


16.    Sarhosis, V., Giarlelis, C., Karakostas, C., E. Smyrou, I. E. Bal, S. Valkaniotis & A. Ganas. 2022. Observations from the March 2021 Thessaly Earthquakes: an earthquake engineering perspective for masonry structures. Bull Earthquake Eng.


17.    Mesimeri, M., Ganas, A., Pankow, K.L., 2022. Multisegment ruptures and Vp/Vs variations during the 2020-2021 seismic crisis in western Corinth Gulf, Greece, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 230, Issue 1, Pages 334–348, ggac081,


18.    Tsironi, V., Ganas, A., Karamitros, I., Efstathiou, E., Koukouvelas, I., Sokos, E. 2022. Kinematics of Active Landslides in Achaia (Peloponnese, Greece) through InSAR Time Series Analysis and Relation to Rainfall Patterns. Remote Sens., 14(4), 844.


19.    Kassaras, I., Kapetanidis, V., Ganas, A., Karakonstantis, A., Papadimitriou, P., Kaviris, G., Kouskouna, V., Voulgaris, N., 2022. Seismotectonic analysis of the 2021 Damasi-Tyrnavos (Thessaly, Central Greece) earthquake sequence and implications on the stress field rotations. Journal of Geodynamics, 150, 101898,


20.    Papathanassiou, G., Valkaniotis, S., Ganas, A., Stampolidis, A., Rapti, D., Caputo, R., 2022. Floodplain evolution and its influence on liquefaction clustering: The case study of March 2021 Thessaly, Greece, seismic sequence. Engineering Geology, 298, 106542,


21.    Ganas, A., Elias, P., Briole, P., Valkaniotis, S., Escartin, J., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I, Kosma, Chr. 2021. Co-seismic and post-seismic deformation, field observations and fault model of the 30 October 2020 Mw = 7.0 Samos earthquake, Aegean Sea. Acta Geophys., 69, 999-1024


22.    Iezzi, F., Roberts, G., Faure Walker, J., Papanikolaou, I., Ganas, A., et al. 2021. Temporal and spatial earthquake clustering revealed through comparison of millennial strain-rates from 36Cl cosmogenic exposure dating and decadal GPS strain-rate. Sci Rep 11, 23320.


23.    Cordrie, L., Gailler, A., Heinrich, P., Briole, P. & Ganas, A. 2021. The July 20, 2017 Mw = 6.6 Bodrum-Kos Earthquake, Southeast Aegean Sea: Contribution of the Tsunami Modeling to the Assessment of the Fault Parameters. Pure Appl. Geophys.,


24.    Matsakou, A., Papathanassiou, G., Marinos, V., Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S. 2021. Development of the coseismic landslide susceptibility map of the island of Lefkada, Greece. Environ Earth Sci 80, 457, 


25.    Briole, P., A. Ganas, P. Elias, D. Dimitrov, 2021. The GPS velocity field of the Aegean. New observations, contribution of the earthquakes, crustal blocks model, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 226, Issue 1, Pages 468–492,


26.    Kouskouna, V., Ganas, A., Kleanthi, M. et al. 2021. Evaluation of macroseismic intensity, strong ground motion pattern and fault model of the 19 July 2019 Mw5.1 earthquake west of Athens. J Seismol.


27.    Kontoes, C., Loupasakis, C., Papoutsis, I., Alatza, S., Poyiadji, E., Ganas, A., Psychogyiou, C., Kaskara, M., Antoniadi, S., Spanou, N. 2021. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of Central and Western Greece, Combining NGI and WoE Methods, with Remote Sensing and Ground Truth Data. Land, 10, 402.


28.    Papathanassiou, G., Valkaniotis, S. & Ganas, A. 2021. Spatial patterns, controlling factors, and characteristics of landslides triggered by strike-slip faulting earthquakes: case study of Lefkada island, Greece. Bull Eng Geol Environ


29.    Taymaz, T., A. Ganas, S. Yolsal-Çevikbilen, F. Vera, T. Eken, C. Erman, D. Keleş, V. Kapetanidis, S. Valkaniotis, I. Karasante, V. Tsironi, P. Gaebler, D. Melgar, T. Öcalan, 2021. Source Mechanism and Rupture Process of the 24 January 2020 Mw 6.7 DoğanyolSivrice Earthquake obtained from Seismological Waveform Analysis and Space Geodetic Observations on the East Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey). Tectonophysics, Volume 804, 228745,


30.    Tavoularis, N., Papathanassiou, G., Ganas, A., Argyrakis, P. 2021. Development of the Landslide Susceptibility Map of Attica Region, Greece, Based on the Method of Rock Engineering System. Land, 10, 148.


31.    Valkaniotis, S., Briole, P., Ganas, A., Elias, P., Kapetanidis, V., Tsironi, V., Fokaefs, A., Partheniou, H., Paschos, P. 2020. The Mw = 5.6 Kanallaki Earthquake of 21 March 2020 in West Epirus, Greece: Reverse Fault Model from InSAR Data and Seismotectonic Implications for Apulia-Eurasia Collision. Geosciences, 10, 454


32.    Kassaras, I., Kapetanidis, V., Ganas, A., Tzanis, A., Kosma, C., Karakonstantis, A., Valkaniotis, S., Chailas, S., Kouskouna, V., Papadimitriou, P. 2020. The New Seismotectonic Atlas of Greece (v1.0) and Its Implementation. Geosciences, 10, 447


33.    Melgar, D. Ganas, A., Taymaz, T., Valkaniotis, S., Crowell, BW, Kapetanidis, V., Tsironi, V., Yolsal-Çevikbilen, S., Öcalan, T. 2020. Rupture kinematics of January 24, 2020 Mw 6.7 Doğanyol-Sivrice, Turkey earthquake on the East Anatolian Fault zone imaged by space geodesy, Geophysical Journal International, 223, 2, 862–874,


34.    Ganas, A., Elias, P., Briole, P., Cannavo, F., Valkaniotis, S., Tsironi, V., Partheniou, E.I. 2020. Ground Deformation and Seismic Fault Model of the M6.4 Durres (Albania) Nov. 26, 2019 Earthquake, Based on GNSS/INSAR Observations. Geosciences, 10 (6), 210


35.    Ganas A., Briole P., Bozionelos G., Barberopoulou A., Elias P., Tsironi V., Valkaniotis S., Moshou A., Mintourakis I., 2020. The 25 October 2018 Mw= 6.7 Zakynthos earthquake (Ionian Sea, Greece): a low-angle fault model based on GNSS data, relocated seismicity, small tsunami and implications for the seismic hazard in the west Hellenic Arc, Journal of Geodynamics doi:


36.    Karamitros, I., Ganas, A., Chatzipetros, A., Valkaniotis, S., 2020. Non-planarity, scale-dependent roughness and kinematic properties of the Pidima active normal fault scarp (Messinia, Greece) using high-resolution terrestrial LiDAR data, Journal of Structural Geology, 136, 104065, doi:


37.    Argyrakis, P., Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S. et al. 2020. Anthropogenically induced subsidence in Thessaly, central Greece: new evidence from GNSS data. Nat Hazards, 102, 179-200


38.    D'Agostino, N., M. Métois, R. Koci, L. Duni, N. Kuka, A. Ganas, I. Georgiev, F. Jouanne, N. Kaludjerovic, R. Kandić, 2020. Active crustal deformation and rotations in the southwestern Balkans from continuous GPS measurements. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 539, 116246,


39.    Haddad, Α., A. Ganas, I. Kassaras, M. Lupi, 2020. Seismicity and geodynamics of western Peloponnese and central Ionian Islands: insights from a local seismic deployment, Tectonophysics, 778, 228353,


40.    Cirella, A., F. Romano, A. Avallone, A. Piatanesi, P. Briole, A. Ganas, N. Theodoulidis, K. Chousianitis, M. Volpe, G. Bozionellos, G. Selvaggi, S. Lorito, 2020. The 2018 Mw 6.8 Zakynthos (Ionian Sea, Greece) Earthquake: Seismic source and local tsunami characterization, Geophysical Journal International, 221 (2) 1043-1054,


41.    Ganas, A., Elias, P., Kapetanidis, V, Valkaniotis, S., Briole, P., Kassaras, I., Argyrakis, P., Barberopoulou, A., Moshou, A., 2019. The July 20, 2017 M6.6 Kos Earthquake: Seismic and Geodetic Evidence for an Active North-Dipping Normal Fault at the Western End of the Gulf of Gökova (SE Aegean Sea), Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176 (10), 4177-4211


42.    Robertson, J., Meschis, M., Roberts, G.P, Ganas A., Gheorgiou, D., 2019. Temporally constant Quaternary uplift rates and their relationship with extensional upper-plate faults in south Crete (Greece), constrained with 36Cl exposure dating. Tectonics. 38 (4), 1189-1222.


43.    Ferrier, Graham, Richard Pope, Athanassios Ganas, 2019. Prospectivity mapping for high sulfidation epithermal porphyry deposits using an integrated compositional and topographic remote sensing dataset. Ore Geology Reviews, 107, 353-363


44.    Ferrier, G.; Ganas, A.; Pope, R.; Jo Miles, A. 2019. Prospectivity Mapping for Epithermal Deposits of Western Milos Using a Fuzzy Multi Criteria Evaluation Approach Parameterized by Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data. Geosciences, 9 (3), 116


45.    Giannaraki, G. Kassaras, I., Roumelioti, Z., Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, D., and Ganas, A. 2019. Deterministic seismic risk assessment in the city of Aigion (W. Corinth Gulf, Greece) and juxtaposition with real damage due to the 1995 Mw6.4 earthquake, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17 (2), 603-634


46.    Ruhl, Christine J., Diego Melgar, Jianghui Geng, Dara E Goldberg, Brendan W Crowell, Richard M Allen, Yehuda Bock, Sergio Barrientos, Sebastian Riquelme, Juan Carlos Baez, Enrique Cabral‐Cano, Xyoli Pérez‐Campos, Emma M Hill, Marino Protti, Athanassios Ganas, Mario Ruiz, Patricia Mothes, Paul Jarrín, Jean‐Mathieu Nocquet, Jean‐Phillipe Avouac, Elisabetta D'Anastasio, 2019. A Global Database of Strong‐Motion Displacement GNSS Recordings and an Example Application to PGD Scaling, Seismological Research Letters, 90 (1), 271-279


47.    Valkaniotis, S., Papathanassiou, G., Ganas, A., 2018. Mapping an earthquake-induced landslide based on UAV imagery; case study of the 2015 Okeanos landslide, Lefkada, Greece. Engineering Geology, 245, 141-152, .


48.    Kassaras, I., D. Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, A. Ganas, S. Tonna, A. Pomonis, Ch. Karakostas, Ch. Papadatou-Giannopoulou, D. Psarris, E. Lekkas & K. Makropoulos 2018. On the Lefkas (Ionian Sea) November 17, 2015 Mw=6.5 Earthquake Macroseismic Effects, Journal of Earthquake Engineering,


49.    Ganas, A, Kourkouli, P, Briole, P, Moshou, A, Elias, P, Parcharidis, I, 2018. Coseismic Displacements from Moderate-Size Earthquakes Mapped by Sentinel-1 Differential Interferometry: The Case of February 2017 Gulpinar Earthquake Sequence (Biga Peninsula, Turkey). Remote Sens., 10, 1089,


50.    Grendas, N., Marinos, V., Papathanassiou, G., Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S., 2018. Engineering geological mapping of earthquake-induced landslides in South Lefkada Island, Greece: evaluation of the type and characteristics of the slope failures, Environ Earth Sci, 77: 425.


51.    Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, D., Kassaras, I. & Ganas, A. 2018. Empirical seismic vulnerability, deterministic risk and monetary loss assessment in Fira (Santorini, Greece). Nat Hazards.


52.    Kassaras, I., D. Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, A. Ganas, V. Kapetanidis, C. Tsimi, S. Valkaniotis, N. Sakellariou and S. Mourloukos, 2018. Seismic risk and loss assessment for Kalamata (SW Peloponnese, Greece) from neighbouring shallow sources. Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, Vol. 59, n.1, pp. 1-26.


53.    Karantoni, Fillitsa, Stavroula Pantazopoulou, Athanassios Ganas, 2018. Confined masonry as practical seismic construction alternative–the experience from the 2014 Cephalonia Earthquake, Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 12 (3), 270-290, doi 10.1007/s11709-017-0390-1


54.    Avallone Antonio, Antonella Cirella, Daniele Cheloni, Cristiano Tolomei, Nikos Theodoulidis, Alessio Piatanesi, Pierre Briole & Athanassios Ganas, 2017.  Near-source high-rate GPS, strong motion and InSAR observations to image the 2015 Lefkada (Greece) Earthquake rupture history, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 10358, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-10431-w


55.    Papathanassiou George, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Athanassios Ganas, 2017. Evaluation of the macroseismic intensities triggered by the January/February 2014 Cephalonia, (Greece) earthquakes based on ESI-07 scale and their comparison to 1867 historical event, Quaternary International, volume 451, pages 234-247 (


56.    Papadopoulos, G.A., Ganas, A., Agalos, A. et al. 2017. Earthquake Triggering Inferred from Rupture Histories, DInSAR Ground Deformation and Stress-Transfer Modelling: The Case of Central Italy During August 2016–January 2017, Pure Appl. Geophys.  174: 3689


57.    Melgar, D., A. Ganas, J. Geng, C. Liang, E. J. Fielding, and I. Kassaras, 2017. Source characteristics of the 2015 Mw6.5 Lefkada, Greece, strike-slip earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, .


58.    Papathanassiou George, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Athanassios Ganas, Nikos Grendas, Elisavet Kollia, 2017. The November 17th, 2015 Lefkada (Greece) strike-slip earthquake: Field mapping of generated failures and assessment of macroseismic intensity ESI-07, Engineering Geology, 220, 13-30,


59.    Ilieva, M., P. Briole, A. Ganas, D. Dimitrov, P. Elias, A. Mouratidis, R. Charara, 2016. Fault plane modelling of the 2003 August 14 Lefkada Island (Greece) earthquake based on the analysis of ENVISAT SAR interferograms, Tectonophysics, 693, 47-65, ISSN 0040-1951,


60.    Ganas, Athanassios, Panagiotis Elias, George Bozionelos, George Papathanassiou, Antonio Avallone, Asterios Papastergios, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Issaak Parcharidis, Pierre Briole, 2016. Coseismic deformation, field observations and seismic fault of the 17 November 2015 M = 6.5, Lefkada Island, Greece earthquake, Tectonophysics, 687, 210-222, ISSN 0040-1951, .


61.    Ferrier, G.; Naden, J.; Ganas, A.; Kemp, S.; Pope, R. 2016. Identification of Multi-Style Hydrothermal Alteration Using Integrated Compositional and Topographic Remote Sensing Datasets. Geosciences, 6 (3), 36 doi:10.3390/geosciences6030036.


62.    Ganas Athanassios, Evangelos Mouzakiotis, Alexandra Moshou, Vassilios Karastathis, 2016. Left-lateral shear inside the North Gulf of Evia Rift, Central Greece, evidenced by relocated earthquake sequences and moment tensor inversion, Tectonophysics, 682, 237-248, ISSN 0040-1951,


63.    Papathanassiou G, A Ganas, S Valkaniotis, 2016. Recurrent liquefaction-induced failures triggered by 2014 Cephalonia, Greece earthquakes: Spatial distribution and quantitative analysis of liquefaction potential, Engineering Geology, 200, 18-30,


64.    Caporali A, C Bruyninx, R Fernandes, A Ganas, A Kenyeres, M Lidberg, et al., 2016. Stress drop at the Kephalonia Transform Zone estimated from the 2014 seismic sequence, Tectonophysics, Volume 666, 15 January 2016, Pages 164–172,


65.    Melgar, D., B. W. Crowell, J. Geng, R. M. Allen, Y. Bock, S. Riquelme, E. M. Hill, M. Protti, and A. Ganas 2015. Earthquake magnitude calculation without saturation from the scaling of peak ground displacement, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, .


66.    Chousianitis, K., A. Ganas, and C. P. Evangelidis, 2015. Strain and rotation rate patterns of mainland Greece from continuous GPS data and comparison between seismic and geodetic moment release, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 3909–3931 .


67.    Ganas Athanassios, Cannavo Flavio, Chousianitis Konstantinos, Kassaras Ioannis and Drakatos George, 2015. Displacements recorded on continuous GPS stations following the 2014 M6 Cephalonia (Greece) earthquakes: dynamic characteristics and kinematic implications. Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 12, No. 1 (177), 5–27, 10.13168/AGG.2015.0005.


68.    Marinou, Aggeliki, Athanassios Ganas, Kalliopi Papazissi, Demitris Paradissis, 2015. Strain patterns along the Kaparelli–Asopos rift (central Greece) from campaign GPS data. Annals of Geophysics, 58, 2, S0219


69.    Karastathis, V. K., Mouzakiotis, E., Ganas, A., and Papadopoulos, G. A. 2015. High-precision relocation of seismic sequences above a dipping Moho: the case of the January–February 2014 seismic sequence on Cephalonia island (Greece), Solid Earth, 6, 173-184, doi:10.5194/se-6-173-2015


70.    Tsimi, Christina, Athanassios Ganas, 2015. Using the ASTER global DEM to derive empirical relationships among triangular facet slope, facet height and slip rates along active normal faults. Geomorphology, 234, 171-181,3sl3SjOx


71.    Merryman Boncori John Peter, Ioannis Papoutsis, Giuseppe Pezzo, Cristiano Tolomei, Simone Atzori, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilios Karastathis, Stefano Salvi, Charalampos Kontoes, and A. Antonioli, 2015, The February 2014 Cephalonia Earthquake (Greece): 3D Deformation Field and Source Modeling from Multiple SAR Techniques, Seismological Research Letters, January/February 2015, v. 86 no. 1 p. 124-137, First published on November 19, 2014,


72.    Chousianitis, Konstantinos; Del Gaudio, Vincenzo; Kalogeras, Ioannis, Ganas, Athanassios, 2014. Predictive model of Arias intensity and Newmark displacement for regional scale evaluation of earthquake-induced landslide hazard in Greece, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 65, 11-29,


73.    Valkaniotis S., Ganas A., Papathanassiou, G., and Papanikolaou M., 2014. Field observations of geological effects triggered by the January-February 2014 Cephalonia (Ionian Sea, Greece) earthquakes, Tectonophysics, 630, 150-157, DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2014.05.012


74.    Ganas, Athanassios, Vassilios Karastathis, Alexandra Moshou, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Evangelos Mouzakiotis, George Papathanassiou 2014, Aftershock relocation and frequency–size distribution, stress inversion and seismotectonic setting of the 7 August 2013 M=5.4 earthquake in Kallidromon Mountain, central Greece, Tectonophysics, 617, 101-113, ISSN 0040-1951,


75.    Ganas, Athanassios, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Vassilios Karastathis, Konstantinos Chousianitis, Alexandra Moshou, Evangelos Mouzakiotis, 2014. The Lemnos 8 January 2013 (Mw=5.7) earthquake: fault slip, aftershock properties and static stress transfer modeling in the north Aegean Sea, Journal of Seismology, 18, (3), 433-455,


76.    Kassaras, I., V. Kapetanidis, A. Karakonstantis, V. Kouskouna, A. Ganas, G. Chouliaras, G. Drakatos, A. Moshou, V. Mitropoulou, P. Argyrakis, E. Lekkas, K. Makropoulos, 2014. Constraints on the dynamics and spatio-temporal evolution of the 2011 Oichalia seismic swarm (SW Peloponnesus, Greece), Tectonophysics, 614, 100-127, ISSN 0040-1951, .


77.    Chousianitis Konstantinos, Ganas Athanassios, Gianniou Michail, 2013. Kinematic interpretation of present-day crustal deformation in central Greece from continuous GPS measurements. Journal of Geodynamics, 71, 1– 13.


78.    Kyriakopoulos Christodoulos, Marco Chini, Christian Bignami, Salvatore Stramondo, Athanassios Ganas, Maria Kolligri, Alexandra Moshou, 2013. Monthly migration of a tectonic seismic swarm detected by DInSAR: southwest Peloponnese, Greece, Geophysical Journal International, 194, 1302–1309, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt196, 


79.    Ganas Athanassios, Chousianitis Kostas, Batsi Evaggelia, Kolligri Maria, Agalos Apostolos, Chouliaras Gerassimos, Makropoulos Kostas, 2013. The January 2010 Efpalion earthquakes (Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece): earthquake interactions and blind normal faulting. Journal of Seismology, 17 (2), 465-484,


80.    Ganas, A., Marinou A, Anastasiou D., Paradissis D., Papazissi K., Tzavaras P., Drakatos G. 2013.  GPS-derived estimates of crustal deformation in the central and north Ionian Sea, Greece: 3-yr results from NOANET continuous network data. Journal of Geodynamics, 67, 62– 71.


81.    Papathanassiou, George, Valkaniotis Sotiris, Ganas Athanassios, Pavlides Spyros, 2013. GIS-based statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of earthquake-induced landslides in the island of Lefkada, Ionian Islands, Greece. Landslides (2013) 10:771–783, 


82.    Ganas, Athanassios, Roumelioti Zafeiria, Chousianitis Konstantinos, 2012. Static stress transfer from the May 20, 2012, M 6.1 Emilia-Romagna (northern Italy) earthquake using a co-seismic slip distribution model. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 55, 4, 655-662  


83.    Tsimi Christina, Athanassios Ganas, Dimitrios Dimoyiannis, Spyros Valmis and Efthimios Lekkas, 2012. Catchment-wide estimate of single storm interrill soil erosion using an aggregate instability index: a model based on geographic information systems. Natural Hazards, 2012, Volume 62, Number 3, Pages 863-875.


84.    Kortekaas, S., Papadopoulos, G. A., Ganas, A., Cundy, A. B., and Diakantoni, A. 2011. Geological identification of historical tsunamis in the Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 2029-2041, doi:10.5194/nhess-11-2029-2011


85.    Ganas, A., Grecu, B., Batsi, E., and M. Radulian, 2010. Vrancea slab earthquakes triggered by static stress transfer. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 2565-2577


86.    Khairunniza-Bejo, Siti, Petrou, Maria and Ganas, Athanassios, 2010. Local similarity measure for landslide detection and identification in comparison with the image differencing method. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31: 23, 6033 — 6045.


87.    Ganas, A., Lagios, E., Petropoulos, G. and Psiloglou, B., 2010. Thermal imaging of Nisyros volcano (Aegean Sea) using ASTER data: estimation of radiative heat flux, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31: 15, 4033 — 4047.


88.    Ganas, A., Serpelloni, E., Drakatos, G., Kolligri, M., Adamis, I., Tsimi, Ch. and Batsi, E., 2009. The Mw 6.4 SW Achaia (Western Greece) Earthquake of 8 June 2008: Seismological, Field, GPS Observations, and Stress Modeling, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 13:8, 1101 — 1124.


89.    Ganas, A., and T. Parsons, 2009. Three-dimensional model of Hellenic Arc deformation and origin of the Cretan uplift, Journal Geophysical Research, 114, B06404, doi: 10.1029/2008JB005599.


90.    Atzori S., M. Manunta, G. Fornaro, A. Ganas, S. Salvi, 2008. Postseismic displacement of the 1999 Athens earthquake retrieved by the Differential Interferometry by Synthetic Aperture Radar time series, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B09309, doi:10.1029/2007JB005504


91.    Cowie, P. A., A. C. Whittaker, M. Attal, G. P. Roberts, G. E. Tucker and A. Ganas, 2008. New constraints on sediment flux-dependent river incision: Implications for extracting tectonic signals from river profiles, Geology, 36(7), 535-538.


92.    Kiratzi, A., Sokos, E., Ganas, A., Tselentis, A., Benetatos, C., Roumelioti, Z., Serpetsidaki, A., Andriopoulos, G, Galanis, O, and Petrou, P., 2008. The April 2007 earthquake swarm near Lake Trichonis and implications for active tectonics in western Greece. Tectonophysics, 452 (1), p.51-65.


93.    Ganas, A., Gosar, A., and Drakatos, G. 2008. Static stress changes due to the 1998 and 2004 Krn Mountain (Slovenia) earthquakes and implications for future seismicity, Nat. Hazards Earth System Science, 8, 59-66.


94.    Ganas A, Bosy J, Petro L, Drakatos G, Kontny B, Stercz M, Melis NS, Cacon S, and Kiratzi A, 2007. Monitoring active structures in eastern Corinth Gulf (Greece): The Kaparelli fault. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 4 (1), 67-75.


95.    Lagios, E., Vassilopoulou, S., Sakkas, V., Dietrich, V., Damiata, B.N., Ganas, A., 2007. Testing satellite and ground thermal imaging of low-temperature fumarolic fields: The dormant Nisyros Volcano (Greece). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 62 (6), pp. 447-460.


96.    Karastathis, V.K., Ganas, A., Makris, J., Papoulia, J., Dafnis, P., Gerolymatou, E., Drakatos, G.  2007. The application of shallow seismic techniques in the study of active faults: The Atalanti normal fault, central Greece. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 62 (3), pp. 215-233.


97.    Kokkalas, S., Pavlides, S., Koukouvelas, I., Ganas, A., Stamatopoulos, L.  2007. Paleoseismicity of the Kaparelli fault (eastern Corinth Gulf): Evidence for earthquake recurrence and fault behaviour. Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana, 126 (2), pp. 387-395.


98.    Benetatos C, Kiratzi A, Ganas A, Ziazia M, Plessa A, & Drakatos G. 2006. Strike-slip motions in the Gulf of Sigacik (western Turkey): Properties of the 17 October 2005 earthquake seismic sequence. Tectonophysics, 426 (3-4), 263-279.


99.    Cowie, PA, Attal, M., Tucker, GE., Whittaker, AC., Naylor, M., Ganas, A., Roberts, GP., 2006. Investigating the surface process response to fault interaction and linkage using a numerical modelling approach. Basin Research, 18 (3), 231-266.


100. Ganas, A, Sokos, E, Agalos, A, Leontakianakos, G, Pavlides S, 2006. Coulomb stress triggering of earthquakes along the Atalanti Fault, central Greece: Two April 1894 M6+ events and stress change patterns. Tectonophysics, 420, 357–369.


101. Papathanassiou, G., Pavlides, S., & Ganas, A., 2005. The 2003 Lefkada earthquake: Field observations and preliminary microzonation map based on liquefaction potential index for the town of Lefkada. Engineering Geology, 82, 12– 31.


102. Ganas A, Shanov S, Drakatos G, Dobrev N, Sboras S, Tsimi C, Frangov G & Pavlides S., 2005. Active fault segmentation in southwest Bulgaria and Coulomb stress triggering of the 1904 earthquake sequence. Journal of Geodynamics, 40, issues 2-3, 316-333.


103. Kundu HK, Sato H, Ganas A, Ikeya M., 2005.  ESR studies on calcite encrustation on Fili neotectonic fault, Greece. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 29 (2): 185-194.


104. Ganas, A, Pavlides, S, Karastathis, V., 2005. DEM-based morphometry of range-front escarpments in Attica, central Greece, and its relation to fault slip rates. Geomorphology, 65, 301–319.


105. Ganas, A., Drakatos, G., Pavlides, S.B, Stavrakakis, G.N, Ziazia, M., Sokos, E., & Karastathis, V.K., 2005. The 2001 Mw = 6.4 Skyros earthquake, conjugate strike-slip faulting and spatial variation in stress within the central Aegean Sea. Journal of Geodynamics, 39, 61–77.


106. Ganas, A., Pavlides, SB., Sboras, S., Valkaniotis, S., Papaioannou, S., Alexandris, GA, Plessa, A., Papadopoulos, GA., 2004. Active Fault Geometry and Kinematics in Parnitha Mountain, Attica, Greece. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 2103-2118.


107. Papadopoulos, GA., Matsumoto, H., Ganas, A., Karastathis, V., & Pavlides, SB., 2004. Deformation patterns associated with the M5.9 Athens (Greece) earthquake of 7 September 1999. Journal of Seismology, 8, 381–394.


108. Ganas, A., et al, 2004. The Use of Earth Observation and Decision Support Systems in the restoration of open-cast nickel mines in Evia, central Greece. International Journal of Remote Sensing., 25 (16), 3261–3274.


109. Papadopoulos, G. A., Karastathis, V. K., Ganas, A., Pavlides, S. B., Fokaefs, A., and Orfanogiannaki, K., 2003. The Lefkada, Ionian Sea (Greece), shock (Mw 6.2) of 14 August 2003: Evidence for the characteristic earthquake from seismicity and ground failures. Earth Planets Space, 55 (No. 11), pp. 713-718.


110. Ganas, A., and Lagios, E., 2003. Landsat 7 Night Imaging of the Nissyros volcano, Greece. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24 (7), 1579 – 1586.


111. Pavlides, S. B., Papadopoulos, G., and Ganas, A., 2002. The fault that caused the Athens September 1999 Ms=5.9 earthquake: field observations. Natural Hazards, 27(1-2), 61-85.


112. Ganas, A., Lagios, E., and Tzannetos, N., 2002. An investigation on the spatial accuracy of the IKONOS 2 orthoimagery within an urban environment.  International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23 (17), 3513-3519.


113. Papadopoulos, G., Ganas, A., and Plessa, A., 2002. The Skyros earthquake (Mw6.5) of 26 July 2001 and precursory seismicity patterns in the North Aegean Sea. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (30), 1141-1145.


114. Papadopoulos, G., Ganas, A., and Pavlides, S., 2002. The problem of seismic potential assessment: Case study of the unexpected earthquake of 7 September 1999 in Athens, Greece. Earth Planets Space, 54, 9-18.


115. Ganas, A., Papadopoulos, G. A., and Pavlides, S. B., 2001. The 7th September 1999 Athens 5.9Ms earthquake: remote sensing and digital elevation model inputs towards identifying the seismic fault. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22 (1), 191-196.


116. Roberts, G. P. and Ganas, A., 2000.  Fault-slip directions in central and southern Greece measured from striated and corrugated fault planes: Comparison with focal mechanism and geodetic data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 (B10), p. 23,443 (1999JB900440)


117. Ganas, A., and Papoulia, I., 2000. High-resolution Digital Mapping of the Seismic Hazard within the Gulf of Evia rift, Eastern Central Greece using normal fault segments as line sources. Natural Hazards, 22, 203-223.


118. Ganas, A., Roberts, G.P., & Memou, Tz. 1998. Segment boundaries, the 1894 ruptures and strain patterns along the Atalanti Fault, Central Greece. Journal of Geodynamics, 26: 2-4, 461 - 486.


119. Hanmer, S., Corrigan, D., and Ganas, A., 1996. Orientation of nucleating faults in anisotropic media: insights from three-dimensional deformation experiments. Tectonophysics, 267, 275-290.



Other International Journals with peer-review (37)


120. Melgar, D., Taymaz, T., Ganas, A., Crowell, B., Öcalan, T., Kahraman, M., Tsironi, V., Yolsal-Çevikbilen, S., Valkaniotis, S., Irmak, T. S., Eken, T., Erman, C., Özkan, B., Dogan, A. H., & Altuntaş, C. 2023. Sub- and super-shear ruptures during the 2023 Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 earthquake doublet in SE Türkiye. Seismica, 2(3).


121. Sykioti, O., Ganas, A., Vasilatos, C. and Kypritidou, Z. 2023. Investigating the Capability of Sentinel-2 and Worldview-3 VNIR Satellite Data to Detect Mineralized Zones at an Igneous Intrusion in The Koutala Islet (Lavreotiki, Greece) Using Laboratory Mineralogical Analysis, Reflectance Spectroscopy and Spectral Indices. Bulletin Geological Society of Greece, 59, 175-213.


122. Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S., Briole, P., Serpetsidaki, A., Kapetanidis, V., Karasante, I., Kassaras, I., Papathanassiou, G., Karamitros, I., Tsironi, V., Elias, P., Sarhosis, V., Karakonstantis, A., Konstantakopoulou, E., Papadimitriou, P., & Sokos, E. 2021. Domino-style earthquakes along blind normal faults in Northern Thessaly (Greece): kinematic evidence from field observations, seismology, SAR interferometry and GNSS. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 58, 37-86.


123. Ganas, A., Andritsou, N., Kosma, C., Argyrakis, P., Tsironi, V., & Drakatos, G. 2018. A 20-yr database (1997-2017) of co-seismic displacements from GPS recordings in the Aegean area and their scaling with Mw and hypocentral distance. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 52, 98-130. doi:


124. Ganas, A., Fassoulas, C., Moshou, A., Bozionelos, G., Papathanassiou, G., Tsimi, C., & Valkaniotis, S. 2017. Geological and seismological evidence for NW-SE crustal extension at the southern margin of Heraklion basin, Crete. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 51, 52-75. doi:


125. Ganas, A., Chousianitis, K., Argyrakis, P., Tsimi, C., Papanikolaou, M., Papathanassiou, G., & Exarchos, K. 2016. Monitoring of surface displacements in the Kalochori area (Thessaloniki, Greece) using a local GNSS network. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(3), 1553-1562.


126. Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, D., Kassaras, I., Ganas, A., Tsimi, C., Sakellariou, N., Mourloukos, S., Stoumpos, P., Michalaki, K., & Giannaraki, G. 2016. Seismic damage scenarios in Kalamata (S. Greece). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(3), 1495-1505.


127. Zygouri, V., Koukouvelas, I., & Ganas, A. 2016. Palaeoseismological analysis of the East Giouchtas fault, Heraklion basin, Crete (preliminary results). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(1), 563-571.


128. Papathanassiou, G., Ganas, A., Moshou, A., & Valkaniotis, S. 2016. Geoenviromental effects of the M=6.4 17 November 2015 earthquake on south Lefkada, Ionian Sea, Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(1), 521-539.


129. Ganas, A., Briole, P., Melgar, D., Bozionelos, G., Valkaniotis, S., Avallone, A., Papathanassiou, G., Mendonidis, E., & Elias, P. 2016. Coseismic deformation and seismic fault of the 17 November 2015 M=6.5 earthquake, Lefkada island. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(1), 491-498.


130. Chousianitis K., Ganas A., Papanikolaou M., Argyrakis P., Drakatos G. and Makropoulos K. 2013. Time series analysis of the NOANET CGPS stations, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 47 (2), 508-517, Δελτίο Ε.Γ.Ε., τόμος XLVII - 13o Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, Χανιά 5-8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 p.508-517, 


131. Ganas A., Oikonomou I.A. and Tsimi Ch., 2013. NOAfaults: a digital database for active faults in Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 47 (2), 518-530, Δελτίο Ε.Γ.Ε., τόμος XLVII - 13o Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, Χανιά, 5-8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013  p.518-530, 


132. Benekos G., Parcharidis I., Foumelis M. and Ganas A, 2013. Ground deformation measurements over Lake Trichonis based on SAR interferometry, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 47 (3), 1071-1080, Δελτίο Ε.Γ.Ε., τόμος XLVII - 13o Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, Χανιά 5-8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013  p.1071-1080. 


133. Ganas A., Lekkas E., Kolligri M., Moshou A, Makropoulos K, 2012. THE 2011 OICHALIA (SW PELOPONNESE, GREECE) SEISMIC SWARM: GEOLOGICAL AND SEISMOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FOR E-W EXTENSION AND REACTIVATION OF THE NNW-SSE STRIKING SIAMO FAULT. Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας τομ. 46, 81-94, 2012 - Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. 46, 81-94.


134. Spyropoulos, N., Valmis, S., Ganas, A., Metaxas, G. 2010. Land reclamation of surface mining based on imagery intelligence and spatial decision support systems. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 8 (1), pp. 115-119.


135. Sboras S., Ganas A., Pavlides S., 2010. Morphotectonic analysis of the neotectonic and active faults of Beotia (central Greece), using GIS techniques. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 43 (3), 1607-1618, 2010 and Proceedings of the 12th International Congress, Patras, May, 2010.


136. Kokkalas, Sotirios, Spiridon Pavlides, Ioannis Koukouvelas, Athanasios Ganas, Ioannis Tsodoulos, Leonidas Stamatopoulos, Chrisa Gountromichou & Sotirios Valkaniotis, 2007. Preliminary paleoseismological results from Kaparelli Fault (Central Greece): evidence of seismic events for the past 10.000 years. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, vol. 42, 65-74.


137. Qi Cheng, Ganas, A., Huang Furiong, Chen Yong and G. Drakatos, 2007. Recurrence behaviours of earthquakes along the Kefallinia Transform Fault, Ionian Sea, Greece. Earthquake Research in China, 21(4):409-419.


138. Ganas, A., Drakatos, G., Bosy, J., Petro, L., Kontny, B., Stercz, M., Melis, N., Cacon, S., Papanikolaou, M., Pirentis, A., and Kiratzi, A., 2007. COST Action 625 results: monitoring of the Kaparelli fault, 2003-2006. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 40, 287-296 .


139. Ganas, A., Spina, V., Alexandropoulou, N., Oikonomou, A., and Drakatos, G., 2007. The Corini active fault in south-western Viotia region, central Greece: segmentation, stress analysis and extensional strain patterns. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 40, 297-308


140. Tsimi,Ch., Ganas, A., Soulakellis, N., Kairis, O., and Valmis, S., 2007. Morphotectonics of the Psathopyrgos active fault, western Corinth rift, central Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 40, 500-511 .


141. ROUMELIOTI, Z., GANAS, A., SOKOS, E., PETROU, P., SERPETSIDAKI, A., AND DRAKATOS, G., 2007. Toward a joint catalogue of recent seismicity in western Greece: preliminary results. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. 40, 1257-1266 .


142. CACON, S., KONTNY, B., BOSY, J., CELLO, G., PICCARDI, L., TONDI, E., DRAKATOS, G & GANAS, A., 2005. Local geodynamic researches in Polish Sudetes and the Mediterranean region. Reports on Geodesy Warsaw University of Technology, No 2 (73), 231-244.


143. DRAKATOS, G., PETRO, L., GANAS, A., MELIS, N., KOŠŤÁK, B., KONTNY, B., CACON, S., & STERCZ, M., 2005. Monitoring of strain accumulation along active faults in the eastern Gulf of Corinth: instruments and network setup. Acta Geodynamica and Geomaterialia, IRSM CAS, 2, No 1 (137), pp. 13-23.


144. Pavlides SB, S Valkaniotis, A Ganas, D Keramydas, S Sboras, 2004. The Atalanti active fault: re-evaluation using new geological data, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 36, 1560-1567 .


145. GANAS, A., VASSILOPOULOU, S., LAGIOS, E., and SAKKAS, V., 2003. Thermal Imaging of Nisyros Volcano (Aegean Sea) using ASTER data. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 35, 108-117.


146. Matsumoto, H., Papadopoulos, G.A., and Ganas, A. 2002. Re-examination of the unexpected earthquake of 7 September 1999 in Athens, Greece. Research Reports on Earthquake Engineering, 82, 1-17.


147. ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΣ AND FERRIER, GRAHAM, 2002. Mapping epithermal gold in Milos using DAIS Hyperspectral data. Χαρτογράφηση εμφανίσεων διαγνωστικών ορυκτών επιθερμικού χρυσού στη νήσο Μήλο με χρήση υπερφασματικών δεδομένων DAIS. ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ ΟΡΥΚΤΟΣ ΠΛΟΥΤΟΣ (in Greek), Mineral Wealth, 122, 37-46.


148. GANAS, A., LAGIOS, E., STAVRAKAKIS, G., 2001. Computer techniques for imaging earthquake deformation using satellite data and digital elevation models. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 34/5, 2033-2038.


149. ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Γ. Α.,  ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, Α., ΠΑΥΛΙΔΗΣ, Σ.,  2001. Ενόργανες και Υπαίθριες Παρατηρήσεις για τον Καθορισμό  της Σεισμογόνου  Δομής  του  Σεισμού  της 7ης  Σεπτεμβρίου 1999  στην  Αθηνα, Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 34/4, 1457-1464 .


150. GANAS, A., PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., and PAVLIDES, S. B., 2000. The 7th September 1999 Athens unexpected earthquake: 3D visualisation and field evidence of the seismic fault. Annales Geologiques des pays Helleniques, 1e Serie, 38, Fasc B, 113-129.


151. ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ, Ε., ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, Α., ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ, Ε., & ΡΕΤΑΛΗΣ, Α., 2000. Χρήση δεικτών βλάστησης για τη διαχρονική χαρτογράφηση καμένων εκτάσεων στην περιοχή του όρους Πεντέλη. Γεωτεχνικά Επιστημονικά Θέματα, σειρά ΙΙ, τόμος 11, τεύχος 3/2000, σελ 258-271.


152. Ganas, A., and Athanassiou, E., 2000.  A comparative study on the production of satellite orthoimagery for geological remote sensing. GeoCarto International, 15 (2), 51-59


153. Ganas, A., 1998. Mapping of active normal faults in the Lokris region (central Greece) using SPOT DEM data. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, pages 173-179. Patras 27-29 May 1998.


154. Ganas, A., and Buck, V. A., 1998.  A model for tectonic subsidence of the Allai Archaeological site, Lokris, central Greece. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, pages 181-187. Patras 27-29 May 1998.


155. Ganas, A., 1998. The geometrical properties of radar imagery and their geological applications. Geotechnica Epistimonika Chronika, Thessaloniki, 9, pp. 4-16.


156. ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ, Δ., ΛΟΓΟΣ, Ε., ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, Α, ΚΟΚΟΡΟΜΥΤΗΣ, Α., ΣΠΥΡΙΔΩΝΟΣ, Ε. 1991. Τεκτονικά πρότυπα των μεταμορφωμένων των Κυκλάδων και η σημασία τους στην Υδρογεωλογία, Δελτίο της Ελλ. Γεωλ. Εταιρ., XXVII, pp. 147-164.



Conference Proceedings (75)


157. Ganas, Athanassios, Varvara Tsironi, Eirini Efstathiou, Emmanouela Konstantakopoulou, Nikoletta Andritsou, Vasileios Georgakopoulos, Christina Tsimi, Anna Fokaefs and Nikolaos Madonis, 2023. The National Observatory of Athens active faults of Greece database (NOAFAULTs) version 2023. In: Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes, Palaeo- Macroseismology and Seismotectonics, Bulletin of the Geological Society Special Publication No. 11, pp. 36-38, ISBN: 978-618-86841-1-9


158. Kouskouna, V., A. Ganas, I. Kassaras and the Lixouri Projects Group, 2023. The Lixouri, Kefalonia, Projects INFRASEPREL, KNETSEISRL ACTCIPROL. In: Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes, Palaeo- Macroseismology and Seismotectonics, Bulletin of the Geological Society Special Publication No. 11, pp. 205-208, ISBN: 978-618-86841-1-9


159. Tsironi, Varvara, Athanassios Ganas, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Vassiliki Kouskouna, Ioannis Kassaras, Asimina Antonarakou, George Kontakiotis, Besiou Evangelia, Efthimios Sokos, Ioannis Koukouvelas, 2023. Compressional interseismic deformation and crustal uplift through geodetic and geological investigations onshore Paliki peninsula, Cephalonia, Greece. In: Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes, Palaeo- Macroseismology and Seismotectonics, Bulletin of the Geological Society Special Publication No. 11, pp. 54-56, ISBN: 978-618-86841-1-9


160. Ranero, C. R., P. Nomikou, M.F. Loreto, I. Merino, V. Ferrante, D. Lampidou, E. Nikoli, S. Poulos, 2023. POSEIDON: New data on offshore structures in the west Peloponnese - Ionian Islands Domain and implications for seismic hazards. In: Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes, Palaeo- Macroseismology and Seismotectonics, Bulletin of the Geological Society Special Publication No. 11, pp. 28-31, ISBN: 978-618-86841-1-9


161. Tsironi, Varvara and Athanassios Ganas, 2023. Deformation Pattern and Mapping of Earthquake ruptures of the 6 February 2023 M7.8 & M7.6 earthquakes (Türkiye) through sub-pixel correlation method on InSAR. In: Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes, Palaeo- Macroseismology and Seismotectonics, Bulletin of the Geological Society Special Publication No. 11, pp. 52-53, ISBN: 978-618-86841-1-9


162. Loreto, M.F., P. Nomikou, V. Ferrante, A. Argnani, M. G. Ferrante, D. Accettella, R. Ametller, A. Bubbi, A. Cova, M. Dal Cin, L. Facchin, M. Ferrante, A. Fiorentino, M. Iurcev, D. Lampidou, I. Merino, E. Nikoli, M. Ligi, F. Muccini, C. Palmiotto, L. Petracchini, S. Romano, R. Romeo, S. Poulos, M. Santulin, M. Sanchez, P. Visnovic, F. Zgur, A. Ganas, C. R. Ranero, 2023. From shallow to very shallow image of the highly active Kefalonia – Zakynthos fault system. In: Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes, Palaeo- Macroseismology and Seismotectonics, Bulletin of the Geological Society Special Publication No. 11, pp. 39-42, ISBN: 978-618-86841-1-9


163. Kyriou, Aggeliki, Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos, Athanassios Ganas, Vassiliki Charalampopoulou, and Theodoros Athanasopoulos, 2023.  Interpretation of archived measurements within PROION project. Proc. SPIE 12786, Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023), 127861R (21 September 2023);


164. Nikolakopoulos, Konstantinos, Vassiliki Mpelogianni, Peter Groumpos, Aggeliki Kyriou, Athanassios Ganas, Vassiliki Charalampopoulou, and Theodoros Athanasopoulos, 2023. Soft computing algorithms for infrastructure monitoring: preliminary results of PROION project. Proc. SPIE 12786, Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023), 127861S (21 September 2023);


165. Nikolakopoulos, Konstantinos G., Aggeliki Kyriou, Efthimios Sokos, Stathis Bousias, Elias Strepelias, Peter Groumpos, Vassiliki Mpelogianni, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Anna Serpetsidaki, Dimitrios Paliatsas, Panagiotis Stefanopoulos, Athanassios Ganas, Vassiliki Charalampoulou, and Theodoros Athanasopoulos 2023. Outcomes of continuous monitoring of crucial infrastructure in the framework of PROION project, Proc. SPIE 12734, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XIV, 127340C (19 October 2023);


166. Nikolakopoulos, K., Kyriou, A., Ganas, A., Karamitros, I., Anastasiou, D., Tsironi, V., Athanasopoulos, Th., Zervakis, E., 2023. Crucial infrastructure monitoring in the frame of the PROION Project. EPiC Series in Engineering, Volume XXX, pages 1–4, Proceedings of Emerging Tech Conference: Edge Intelligence 2022.


167. Nikolakopoulos, Konstantinos G., Aggeliki Kyriou, Efthimios Sokos, Stathis Bousias, Elias Strepelias, Peter Groumpos, Vassiliki Mpelogianni, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Anna Serpetsidaki, Dimitrios Paliatsas, Panagiotis Stephanopoulos, Athanassios Ganas, Vassiliki (Betty) Charalampoulou, and Theodoros Athanasopoulos, 2022. Multiparametric microsensor monitoring platform of the Enceladus Hellenic supersite: the PROIΟΝ project. Proc. SPIE 12268, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XIII, 122680K (26 October 2022);


168. Sykioti Olga, Athanassios Ganas, Charalampos Vasilatos and Zacharenia Kypritidou, 2022. Detection of mineralized zones at an igneous intrusion in the Koutala islet, Lavreotiki, Greece using Sentinel-2 satellite data and mineralogical analysis. 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 17-19 October 2022, Patras, Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Sp. Publ. 10, pp. 388-389, ISBN: 978-960-98709-8-6.


169. Barberopoulou Aggeliki, Vassiliki Kouskouna, Athanassios Ganas, George Malaperdas and Maya Nielsen, 2022. The forgotten earthquakes of the Peloponnese. 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 17-19 October 2022, Patras, Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Sp. Publ. 10, pp. 424-425, ISBN: 978-960-98709-8-6.


170. Ganas Athanassios, Andreas Karakonstantis, Vasilis Kapetanidis, Varvara Tsironi, Ioannis Karamitros, Eirini Efstathiou, Ilektra Karasante, and Ioannis Kassaras, 2022. Ground deformation and microseismicity patterns onshore Milos, Cyclades, Greece. 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 17-19 October 2022, Patras, Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Sp. Publ. 10, pp. 663-664, ISBN: 978-960-98709-8-6.


171. Tsironi Varvara, Athanassios Ganas, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Vassiliki Kouskouna, Ioannis Kassaras, Efthimios Sokos, Ioannis Koukouvelas, 2022. Geodetic evidence for active deformation onshore Paliki Peninsula, Cephalonia, Greece. 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 17-19 October 2022, Patras, Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Sp. Publ. 10, pp. 669-670, ISBN: 978-960-98709-8-6.


172. Ganas, Athanassios, Ioannis Karamitros, George Mavropoulos, Dimitrios Anastasiou, Theodoros Athanassopoulos, Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos, Aggeliki Kyriou, Christos Kontopoulos, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou, Varvara Tsironi, 2022. A New Low-Cost GNSS and Strong Motion Instrument for Monitoring of Slopes and Critical Infrastructures Within the Greek “Supersite”. SafeThessaloniki 2022 – 9th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies, 29 September-1 October, pp. 117-120, SafeThessaloniki 2022 Proceedings, ISSN 2654-1823.


173. Kouskouna, Vasiliki, Ioannis Kassaras, Athanasios Ganas, Vasileios Kapetanidis, George Kaviris, Efthymios Lekkas, Maria Jose Jimenez, Mariano Garcia-Fernandez, Paola Albini, Asimina Kourou, Filippos Vallianatos, Nikolaos Sakellariou, Nikolaos Galanos, Georgios Sakkas, Ioannis Spingos, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Varvara Tsironi, Polydoros Rallatos, Kyriaki Pavlou and Antonia Rallatou, 2022. Projects INFRASEPREL, KNETSEISRL ACTCIPROL: towards a state of-the-art centre for the study of earthquakes in Lixouri (W. Kefalonia, Greece), Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania, 5046-5053. ISBN 978-973-100-533-1.


174. Tsironi Varvara, Athanassios Ganas, Ioannis Karamitros, Eirini Efstathiou, Ioannis Koukouvelas and Efthimios Sokos, 2021. Detection of active landslides in Achaia (central Greece) through InSAR time series analysis. SafeGreece 2021 – 8th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies 24-26 November, on-line Proceedings, pp. 97-100, ISSN 2654-1823.


175. Papathanassiou, George, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Athanassios Ganas, Riccardo Caputo, 2021. A new protocol for post-earthquake reconnaissance survey; case study of Thessaly, Greece March 2021 liquefaction phenomena. SafeGreece 2021 – 8th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies 24-26 November, on-line Proceedings, pp. 121-222, ISSN 2654-1823.


176. Papathanassiou George, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Athanassios Ganas and Riccardo Caputo, 2021. Liquefaction phenomena triggered by the March 2021, Thessaly, Greece seismic sequence. Proceedings of 3rd European regional conference of IAEG/ Athens/ Greece/ 6-10 October 2021, pp. 214-215.


177. Matsakou Aglaia, Vassilis Marinos, George Papathanassiou, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Athanasios Ganas, 2021. Earthquake - induced landslides in the island of Lefkada triggered by the November 17, 2015 event and assessment of landslide susceptibility, Proceedings of 3rd European regional conference of IAEG/ Athens/ Greece/ 6-10 October 2021, pp. 159-160.


178. Tavoularis Nikolaos, Panagiotis Argyrakis, George Papathanassiou and Athanasios Ganas, 2021. Development of a web-based landslide inventory map of Attica Region, Greece. Proceedings of 3rd European regional conference of IAEG/ Athens/ Greece/ 6-10 October 2021, pp. 172-173


179. Matsakou Aglaia, Vassilis Marinos, George Papathanassiou, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Athanassios Ganas, 2020. Assessment of Seismically Induced Landslide Susceptibility at the Island of Lefkada Based on Data Provided by the 2003 and 2015 Earthquakes. SafeGreece 2020 – 7th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies Proceedings, 14-16 October, p. 59-62, ISSN 2654-1823


180. Tavoularis, Nikolaos, Panagiotis Argyrakis, George Papathanassiou, Athanassios Ganas, 2020. Towards the Development of an Updated GIS-based Landslide Hazard Map in Attica Region, Greece; Dias Project. SafeGreece 2020 – 7th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies Proceedings, 14-16 October, p. 63-66, ISSN 2654-1823,


181. Kouskouna V., A. Ganas, M. Kleanthi, I. Kassaras, N. Sakellariou, G. Sakkas, S. Valkaniotis, E. Manousou G. Bozionelos, V. Tsironi, I. Karamitros, N. Tavoularis, Ch. Papaioannou and R. Bossu, 2020. The 19 July 2019 Mw5.1 Attica Earthquake: a Multidisciplinary Approach. SafeGreece 2020 – 7th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies Proceedings, 14-16 October, p. 115-118, ISSN 2654-1823,


182. Elias Panagiotis, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Athanassios Ganas, George Papathanassiou, Alexandra Bilia, Elisavet Kollia, 2020. Satellite SAR interferometry for monitoring dam deformations: the case of Evinos dam, central Greece. Proc. SPIE 11524, Eighth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2020), 115241I,


183. Παπαθανασίου, Γιώργος, Σωτήρης Βαλκανιώτης, Αθανάσιος Γκανάς, 2019. ΑΠΟΤΥΠΩΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ ΣΥΝΟΔΩΝ ΣΕΙΣΜΙΚΩΝ ΦΑΙΝΟΜΕΝΩΝ ΜΕ ΤΗ ΧΡΗΣΗ ΝΕΩΝ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ, 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας, 5-7/9/2019, Αθήνα.


184. Valkaniotis, S., Papathanassiou, G and Ganas, A. 2019. Application of SfM technique for measuring near-field earthquake-induced failures; case studies from Greece. In: Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions – Silvestri & Moraci (Eds) Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, Rome, Italy, ISBN 978-0-367-14328-2, pp 5435-5441.


185. Andritsou, Nikoletta, Athanassios Ganas, Chrysanthi Kosma, Panagiotis Argyrakis, Varvara Tsironi, George Drakatos, Efthymios Lekkas, 2019. A new GPS – derived database for co – seismic displacements in the Aegean area and its geodynamic significance, 4th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM), 15-17 May 2019, Athens, Greece. 


186. Bovenga, F., Refice, A., Belmonte, A., Nutricato, R., Nitti, D.O., Chiaradia, M.T., Valkaniotis, S., Gkioni, S., Kosma, C., Ganas, A., Manunta, P., Elizar, E., Darusman, D., Bally, P. 2018. COSMO-SkyMed and Sentinel-1 DInSAR processing for ground instability monitoring in Indonesia, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2018-July, art. no. 8518429, pp. 486-489, DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518429


187. Verroios, S., Ganas, A., Zygouri, V., Koukouvelas, I., 2018. Preliminary comparison between paleoseismologically and geodetically determined slip rates in central Greece. 9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 25 – 27 June 2018, Possidi, Greece, pp. 318-320.


188. Valkaniotis, S., Foumelis, M., de Michele, M., Ganas, A., Papathanassiou, G., 2018. Three‐dimensional displacement field of a large co‐seismic landslide (2017 Iraq‐Iran earthquake) using optical‐image correlation and SAR pixel offset‐tracking. 9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 25 – 27 June 2018, Possidi, Greece, pp. 295-298.


189. Bovenga Fabio, Alberto Refice, Antonella Belmonte, Raffaele Nutricato, Davide Oscar Nitti, Maria Teresa Chiaradia, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Sofia Gkioni, Chrysanthi Kosma, Athanassis Ganas, Paolo Manunta, Elizar Darusman, Philippe Bally, 2017. Investigating ground instabilities in Indonesia through SAR Interferometry. In: Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, edited by Claudia Notarnicola, Nazzareno Pierdicca, Emanuele Santi, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10426, 1042602, doi: 10.1117/12.2277838


190. Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, D., I. Kassaras, S. Tonna, A. Ganas, E. Vintzileou, C. Chesi, 2016. Τhe Lefkada 17 November 2015 (Mw6.4) earthquake: strong ground motion and damage distribution, 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, 28-30 June, 2016, Chania, Greece.


191. Ordoqui Patrick, Mora Oscar, Koudogbo Fifamè Nadège, Ganas Athanassios, 2016. Sentinel-1 TOPSAR Interferometry with the DIAPASON InSAR software, Paper 2564, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016


192. Koudogbo Fifamè Nadège, Eddy Andrew, Rudari Roberto, Rossi Lauro, Trasforini Eva, Beckers Joost, Huber Martin, Salvi Stefano, Yésou Hervé, Dell'acqua Fabio, Ganas Athanassios, 2016. Rapid Analysis and Spatialisation of Risk – changing the paradigm of informed risk decision-making, Paper 2516, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016.


193. Kaskara Maria, Atzori Simone, Papoutsis Ioannis, Kontoes Charalampos, Salvi Stefano, Ganas Athanassios, 2016. Geodetic analysis and modeling of the Santorini volcano, Greece, for the period 2012-2015, Paper 2341, European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP-740, Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016.


194. Kaskara Maria, Aggeliki Barberopoulou, Ioannis Papoutsis, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilios Karastathis, 2015. Analysis of the deformation pattern along the subduction zone of Crete, Greece, using multi-temporal ERS and Envisat data. In Proceedings of FRINGE’15: Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 23-27 March 2015, Ouwehand L., Ed., ESA Publication SP-731. doi:10.5270/Fringe2015.122


195. Koudogbo, Fifame N., Roberto Rudari, Andrew Eddy, Eva Trasforini, Lauro Rossi, Herve Yesou, Joost Beckers, Fabio Dell’Acqua, Martin Huber, Achim Roth, Stefano Salvi, Athanassios Ganas, 2015. EO Data for Rapid Risk Analysis with the RASOR platform, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) July 26-31 2015, Milan Italy, 4817-4820.


196. Papathanassiou G., Valkaniotis S., Ganas A., and Papanikolaou M. 2015. Evaluation of the macroseismic intensities triggered by the February 3, 2014 Cephalonia, Greece earthquake based on ESI-07 scale. In Blumetti, A.M., Cinti, F., De Martini, P., Galadini, F., Guerrieri, L., Michetti, A.M., Pantosti, D., Vittori, E. (eds.) 2015. 6th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology, 19-24 April 2015, Pescina, Fucino Basin, Italy, pp. 365-368.


197. Rovithis, Emmanouil, Alexandros Savvaidis, Konstantia Makra, Athanassios Ganas, Constantinos Loupasakis, Emmanouil Kirtas, Betty Charalampopoulou 2014. Multi-sensor network for monitoring subsidence and seismic motion in Kalochori urban site, N. Greece. In Proceedings of the 1st International Geomatics Application Conference, Skiathos, September 08-10, 2014, pp. 36-43, ISBN: 978-960-88490-9-9.


198. Papoutsis Ioannis, Charalampos Kontoes, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilis Karastathis, Stavros Solomos and Vassilis Amiridis, 2014. BEYOND Center of Excellence: geophysical activity ‘seen’ from space, In Proceedings of the 1st International Geomatics Application Conference, Skiathos, September 08-10, 2014, pp. 15-21, ISBN: 978-960-88490-9-9.


199. Charalampopoulou, Betty, Charalampos Manesis, Konstantinos Tsivikis, Alexandros Savvaidis, Konstantia Makra, Athanasios Ganas, Emmanouil Rovithis, 2014. 3D city model using LIDAR & Digital color imagery in Kalochori region. In Proceedings of the 1st International Geomatics Application Conference, Skiathos, September 08-10, 2014, pp. 72-82, ISBN: 978-960-88490-9-9.


200. Rovithis, Emmanouil, Betty Charalampopoulou, Athanassios Ganas, Alexandros Savvaidis, Konstantia Makra, Kiriaki Konstantinidou, Emmanouil Kirtas, Christos Karakostas, Vasilios Lekidis, Dimitris Pitilakis, Constantinos Loupasakis, Christina Tsimi and Charalambos Manesis, 2014. INDES-MUSA Project - Integrated monitoring of subsiding coastal areas prone to large earthquakes: the case of Kalochori in Greece. In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, August 24-29, 2014, paper No. 2739.


201. Stramondo S., J. Cyziene, A. Ganas,  I. Guerra, E. Lagios, I. Parcharidis, C. Zulfikar, N. Adam, C. Bignami, M. Erdik, D. Mine, M. Foumelis, A. Gervasi, M. Manunta, F. Novali, V. Sakkas, E. Sansosti, E. Serpelloni, G.  Solaro, K.  Stamatopoulos, G. Ventura, F.  Zucca, M.  Chini, J. Satkunas, 2013. PSI Techniques Applied to Mapping Surface Displacements in Active Tectonics Areas: TERRAFIRMA Tectonic Theme. European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh, 9-13 September 2013.


202. Kyriakopoulos C, C. Bignami, M. Chini, S. Stramondo, A. Ganas, M. Kolligri and A. Moshou, 2013. Detection and modelling of the 2011 Ichalia (Southwest Peloponnese, Greece) seismic swarm through DInSAR analysis, TH1.T12.2, IGARSS Sunday 21 - Friday 26 July 2013, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Melbourne, Australia.


203. Ganas A., Palyvos N., Mavrikas G., Kollias S., and Tsimi C. 2010. Geomorphological and geological observations at the coast of Tripiti hill (Heraklion harbour, Crete), in relation to reported active faulting. Proceedings of the XIX CBGA Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, volume 99, pp. 11-20.


204. Ganas, A., Korakas, V.D. and Berardino, P., 2009. ERS Detection of Surface Uplift Related to the M=6.3 Lefkada Earthquake. Proceedings 1st International Conference of Space Technology, Thessaloniki, 24-26 August 2009.


205. Tsimi, C., Ganas, A., Ferrier, G., Drakatos, G., Pope, RJ. and C. Fassoulas, 2007. Morphotectonics of the Sfakia normal fault, south-western Crete, Greece. 8th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Conference, volume 1 (186-194), 4 - 7 October 2007, Athens (Greece).


206. Khairunniza-Bejo, S., Petrou, M., Ganas, A.  2007. Landslide detection using a local similarity measure. Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, NORSIG 2006, art. no. 4052257, pp. 6-9.


207. ΓΚΑΝAΣ Α., ΔΡΑΚAΤΟΣ Γ., SHANOV S. AND DOBREV N. PETRO L., KONTNY B., 2005 Active faults of SW Bulgaria (Rhodope) / monitoring of active deformation along the Kaparelli - Asopos rift valley, central Greece. Eπιστημονική Συνεδρία της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας «Γεωλογία της Θράκης - Σεισμοτεκτονική του ΒΑ Αιγαίου» Σαμοθράκη 2, 3, και 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2005. Σελίδες 33-37.


208. PAVLIDES, S. B., PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., GANAS, A., PAPATHANASSIOU, G., KARASTATHIS, V., KERAMYDAS, D. & FOKAEFS, A., 2004. The 14 August 2003 Lefkada (Ionian Sea) Earthquake. 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-20 April 2004, Reference T5-34.


209. PAVLIDES, S., KOUSKOUNA, V., GANAS, A., CAPUTO, R., KARASTATHIS, V. & SOKOS, E., 2004. The Gonnoi (NE Thessaly - Greece) Earthquake (June 2003, Ms=5.5) and the Neotectonic Regime of Lower Olympus. 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-20 April 2004, Reference T5-35.


210. GANAS, A., PAVLIDES, S. & KARASTATHIS, V., 2004. Active Fault Mapping in Attica, Greece, using Image Processing of Digital Elevation Models. 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-20 April 2004, Reference T7-9.


211. SALVI, S., GANAS, A., STRAMONDO, S., ATZORI, S., TOLOMEI, C., PEPE, A., MANZO, M., CASU, F., BERARDINO, P. & LANARI, R., 2004. Monitoring Long-Term Ground Deformation by SAR Interferometry: Examples from the Abruzzi, Central Italy, and Thessaly, Greece. 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-20 April 2004, Reference T7-17.


212. ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, A. ΚΑΡΑΣΤΑΘΗΣ, B., ΑΓΑΛΟΣ, A., ΛΕΟΝΤΑΚΙΑΝΝΑΚΟΣ, Γ. & Σ. ΠΑΥΛΙΔΗΣ, 2004. Διερεύνηση μοντέλων διέγερσης των σεισμών του 1894 στο ρήγμα της Αταλάντης με μεταφορά στατικών τάσεων. 10ο  Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, Θεσσαλονκη 1517 Απριλου 2004, Εκτεταμένες Περιλήψεις, σελίδες 60-61.


213. ΠΑΥΛΙΔΗΣ, Σ., ΧΑΤΖΗΠΕΤΡΟΣ, Α., ΜΟΥΡΟΥΖΙΔΟΥ, Ο., ΚΟΥΚΟΥΒΕΛΑΣ, Ι., ΣΤΑΜΑΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Λ., ΚΟΚΚΑΛΑΣ, Σ. ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Γ., & ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, Α. 2004. Παλαιοσεισμολογική Έρευνα στα ενεργά ρήγματα της Βόλβης (Μυγδονία-Κ. Μακεδονία), Ωρωπού-Αυλώνα-Καπαρελλίου (Αττική-Βοιωτία-Στερεά Ελλάδα). 10ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, Θεσσαλονκη 1517 Απριλου 2004, Εκτεταμένες Περιλήψεις, σελίδες 208-209.


214. PAPADOPOULOS, G., KARASTATHIS, V., KONSTANTINOU, K., GANAS, A. & ORFANOGIANNAKI, K., 2004. The 2nd December 2002 Killini Earthquake, its Foreshocks and Crustal Heterogeneity. 10ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, Θεσσαλονκη 1517 Απριλου 2004, Εκτεταμένες Περιλήψεις, σελίδες 531-532.


215. VASSILOPOULOU, S., SAKKAS, V., LAGIOS, E., & GANAS, A., 2004. Surface Temperature monitoring of Nisyros volcano (Greece) using space and ground techniques. 10ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας, Θεσσαλονκη 1517 Απριλου 2004, Εκτεταμένες Περιλήψεις, σελίδες 648-649.


216. ΓΚΑΝΑΣ Α. & G. FERRIER, 2002. Ψηφιακή ανάλυση υπερφασματικών δεδομένων DAIS για την χαρτογράφηση εμφανίσεων διαγνωστικών αργιλικών ορυκτών επιθερμικού χρυσού στη νήσο Μήλο. 6th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Congress, Thessaloniki, Volume II, pages 118 – 126.


217. ΓΚΑΝΑΣ Α. & Ε. ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ, 2002. Πρόγραμμα Aperture : Συνεργεία περιβαλλοντικού δικαίου – τηλεπισκόπησης για την έκδοση και ενημέρωση χαρτών χρήσεων γης σε ευαίσθητες περιοχές. 6th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Congress, Thessaloniki, Volume II, pages 127-134


218. GANAS A., LAGIOS E., DIETRICH V.J., VASSILOPOULOU S., HURNI L., & G. STAVRAKAKIS, 2002. Interferometric mapping of ground deformation in Nissyros volcano, Aegean Sea, during 1995-1996. 6th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Congress, Thessaloniki, Volume II, pages 135-141.


219. PARCHARIDIS I., SAKKAS V.A., GANAS A. & A. KATOPODI, 2002. A production of Digital Elevation Model (D.E.M.) by means of SAR tandem images in a volcanic landscape and its quality assessment. 6th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Congress, Thessaloniki, Volume II, pages 201-207.


220. Papadopoulos, GA, Ziazia M, Plessa A, Ganas A, Karastathis V, Melis N, Stavrakakis G. 2002. Seismic anisotropy in the East Mediterranean Lithosphere: The Mw = 6.3 Karpathos Intermediate Depth Earthquake of 22 January 2002 in the Hellenic Arc. In: XXVIII General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Genoa, September 1-6, 2002.


221. GANAS, A., STAVRAKAKIS, G., LAGIOS, E., PAPADOPOULOS, G., & PAVLIDES, S., 2001. Investigation of the seismic fault that ruptured during the 7/9/99 Athens earthquake using space techniques. Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry Society 12-14 September 2001, ISBN 0 946226 31 8, pp 4-11.


222. GANAS, A., NIKOLAOU, E., DERMENTZOPOULOS, Th., and PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., 2001. A GIS for Tsunami Risk Mapping and Management. In NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk, and Mitigation” Book of Abstracts, 249-252, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-26, 2001.


223. PAVLIDES, S.B., PAPADOPOULOS, G.A., and GANAS, A., 2000. Seismic Hazard in urban areas: The 7th September 1999 Athens earthquake case study. Proceedings of the Hokudan International Symposium and School on Active Faulting (edited by Koji Okumura, Keita Takada and Hideaki Goto), pp. 367-370.


224. PAVLIDES, S.B., PAPADOPOULOS, G.A., and GANAS, A., 1999. The 7th September 1999 unexpected earthquake of Athens: Preliminary results on the seismotectonic environment. 1st Conference “Advances on Natural Hazards Mitigation – Experiences from Europe and Japan”, Athens 3-4 November 1999, pp 80-85.


225. ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, Α., & ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ, Ε., 1999. Η παραγωγή δορυφορικής ορθοεικόνας: μεθοδολογίες και συγκριτικά αποτελέσματα. 5th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Congress, Αθήνα 11-13 Νοεμβρίου 1999, σελίδες 361-370.


226. Ganas, A., Papoulia, I., White, K., Wadge, G., 1997. Seismic Hazard modeling in rift systems using a remotely-sensed deterministic input. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Remote Sensing Society, The University of Reading, 2-4 September 1997, pages 47-52.


227. Ganas, A., White, K., & Wadge, G., 1997. SPOT DEM Analysis for fault segment mapping in the Lokris region, Central Greece. EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing Yearbook Vol. 5 - December 1997- pp 46-53. ISSN: 1017-4613 ISBN: 2-9908885-21-2.


228. Ganas, A., and White, K., 1996. Neotectonic fault segments and footwall geomorphology in Eastern Central Greece from Landsat TM data. Geological Society of Greece Special Publication 6, Athens, pp. 169-175.


229. Ganas, A., Wadge, G., & White, K., 1996. Fault Segmentation and Tectonic Geomorphology in eastern central Greece from satellite data. 11th Thematic Conference and Workshops on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing, Las Vegas, Nevada, 27-29 February 1996, volume I, pages 119-124.


230. ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, Α., & ΣΤΕΦΟΥΛΗ, Μ., 1995. Μετρήσεις επιφανειακών θαλάσσιων θερμοκρασιών στο κεντρικό Αιγαίο από δεδομένα LANDSAT TM. Πρακτικά 4ου Πανελληνίου Γεωγραφικού Συνεδρίου, Αθήνα 12-14 Οκτωβρίου 1995, σελ. 417-429.


231. ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, Α., 1995. Εξαγωγή ψηφιακών μοντέλων εδάφους από παγχρωματικά στερεοζεύγη: Η περίπτωση της Ανατολικής Στερεάς. Πρακτικά 4ου Πανελληνίου Γεωγραφικού Συνεδρίου, Αθήνα 12-14 Οκτωβρίου 1995, σελ. 531-545.



Software – Data - Theses – Earthquake reports - Project Reports (43)


232. Bedford, Jonathan; Chousianitis, Konstantinos; Ganas, Athanassios; Mouslopoulou, Vasiliki; Sokos, Efthimios; Roumelioti, Zafeiria; Ramatschi, Markus; Falck, Carsten; Männel, Benjamin; Garcia, Cristian; Çökerim, Kaan; Latypova, Elvira; Gianniou, Michail; Saltogianni, Vasiliki; Kanakaki, Stamatina; Pappas, Christoforos; Peña, Carlos; Ioannidi, Paraskevi Io; Kounanis, Jason Stelios; Shaaban, Hamza; Arvanitis, Angelo; Giorgos, Fotiadis; Nikolakopoulos, Konstantinos; Pikridas, Christos; Lazos, Ilias; Evangelidis, Christos; Roth, Marco; Bradke, Markus; Sakkas, Vassilis; Schulte, Anna, 2024. Multi-frequency, multi-constellation, GNSS observations at low-cost tectonic GNSS stations in Greece. GFZ Data Services.


233. Ganas, Α., 2024. NOAFAULTS KMZ layer Version 6.0 (version 6.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.


234. Anastasiou, D., Papanikolaou, X., Ganas, A., Paradissis, D., 2024. StrainTool: A software package to estimate strain tensor parameters (v1.1). Zenodo.


235. Ganas, A. 2023. NOAFAULTS KMZ layer Version 5.0 (V5.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.


236. Tsironi, Varvara, and Ganas, Athanassios, 2023. The 6 February 2023 M7.8 & M7.6 earthquake ruptures mapped with InSAR [Data set]. Zenodo.


237. Ganas Athanassios, Sakellariou Dimitris, Tsironi Varvara, Tsampouraki-Kraounaki Konstantina, Papaioannou Christos, Konstantakopoulou Emmanouela, Drakopoulou Paraskevi, & Loukaidi Vasiliki, 2023. The HELPOS Fault Database: a new contribution to seismic hazard assessment in Greece (version 1.8) [Data set]. Zenodo.


238. Ganas, A. 2022. NOAFAULTS KMZ layer Version 4.0 (V4.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.


239. Basili R., Danciu L., Beauval C., Sesetyan K., Vilanova S., Adamia S., Arroucau P., Atanackov J., Baize S., Canora C., Caputo R., Carafa M., Cushing M., Custódio S., Demircioglu Tumsa M., Duarte J., Ganas A., García-Mayordomo J., Gómez de la Peña L., Gràcia E., Jamšek Rupnik P., Jomard H., Kastelic V., Maesano F., Martín-Banda R., Martínez-Loriente S., Neres M., Perea H., Sket-Motnikar B., Tiberti M., Tsereteli N., Tsironi V., Vallone R., Vanneste K., Zupančič P. 2022. European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): online data on fault geometry and activity parameters. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).


240. Ganas, Athanassios, Valkaniotis Sotiris, Tsironi Varvara, Karasante Ilektra, Elias Panagiotis, Kapetanidis Vassilis, Kassaras Ioannis, Papathanassiou George and Briole, Pierre, 2021. The March 2021 seismic sequence in Larisa - Damasi, Thessaly (central Greece), its seismotectonic characteristics and geodynamic effects. Zenodo.


241. Valkaniotis Sotiris, George Papathanassiou, Athanassios Ganas, Evagellos Kremastas, & Riccardo Caputo. (2021, March 16). Preliminary report of liquefaction phenomena triggered by the March 2021 earthquakes in Central Thessaly, Greece. Zenodo.


242. Lekkas, E., K. Agorastos, S. Mavroulis, Ch. Kranis, Emm. Skourtsos, P. Carydis, M. Gogou, K.-N. Katsetsiadou, G. Papadopoulos, I. Triantafyllou, A. Agalos, S. Moraitis, E. Stamati, D. Psarris, G. Kaviris, V. Kapetanidis, P. Papadimitriou, A. Karakonstantis, I. Spingos, V. Kouskouna, I. Kassaras, K. Pavlou, N. Voulgaris, M. Mavrouli, S. Pavlides, A. Chatzipetros, S. Sboras, E. Kremastas, A. Chatziioannou, A. Kiratzi, C. Papazachos, N. Chatzis, V. Karakostas, E. Papadimitriou, Ι. Koukouvelas, Κ. Nikolakopoulos, Α. Kyriou, D. Apostolopoulos, V. Zygouri, S. Verroios, A. Belesis, I. Tsentzos, P. Krassakis, K. Lymperopoulos, A. Karavias, D. Bafi, T. Gatsios, M. Karatzia, I. Gkougkoustamos, T. Falaras, I. Parcharidis, G. Papathanassiou, C.P. Evangelidis, V. Karastathis, G-A. Tselentis, A. Ganas, V. Tsironi, I. Karasante, S. Valkaniotis, D. Galanakis, G. Kostantopoulou, N. Theodoulidis, Ch. Karakostas, V. Lekidis, K. Makra, V. Margaris, K. Morfidis, Ch. Papaioannou, M. Rovithis, Th. Salonikios, N. Papadopoulos, A. Kourou, M. Manousaki, T. Thoma, 2021. The early March 2021 Thessaly earthquake sequence. Newsletter of Environmental, Disaster and Crises Management Strategies, 22, ISSN 2653-9454.


243. Ganas, A., Elias, P., Valkaniotis, S., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I., Briole, P., 2021. Petrinja earthquake moved crust 10 feet, Temblor,


244. Athanassios Ganas, 2020. NOAFAULTS KMZ layer Version 3.0 (2020 update) (Version V3.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.


245. Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association, 2020. Seismological and Engineering Effects of the M 7.0 Samos Island (Aegean Sea) Earthquake. Report GEER-069  https://doi.10.18118/G6H088


246. Valkaniotis, S., and Ganas, A., 2020, Surface deformation observed in moderate Greek quake, Temblor,


247. Zekkos D., Zalachoris G., Alvertos, A. E., Amatya P. M., Blunts P., Clark M., Dafis S., Farmakis I., Ganas A., Hille M., Kalimogiannis V., Karagiannidis A., Karantanellis E., Khan K., Kirshbaum D., Kourkoulis R., Kotroni V., Ktenidou O.-J., Lagouvardos K., Loli M., Makrinikas A., Marinos V., Manousakis J., Nikas K., Panousis D., Papathanassiou G., Saroglou C., Simopoulos A., Stanley T., Tsavalas A., Valkaniotis S. 2020. The September 18-20 2020 Medicane Ianos Impact on Greece - Phase I Reconnaissance Report. Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Report, GEER-068, .


248. Vadaloukas, G., Vintzileou, E., Ganas, A., Giarlelis, C., Ziotopoulou, K., Theodoulidis, N., Karasante, I., Margaris, B., Mylonakis, G., Papachristidis, A., Repapis, C., Psarropoulos, P. N., & Sextos, A. G. 2020. Samos Earthquake of 30th October, 2020. Preliminary Report of the Hellenic Association for Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Greece.


249. Ganas, A., Elias, P., Briole, P., Tsironi, V., Valkaniotis, S., Escartin, J., Karasante, I., and Efstathiou, E., 2020, Fault responsible for Samos earthquake identified, Temblor,


250. Lekkas, E. S. Mavroulis, M. Gogou, G.A. Papadopoulos, I. Triantafyllou, K.-N. Katsetsiadou, H. Kranis, E. Skourtsos, P. Carydis, N. Voulgaris, P. Papadimitriou, V. Kapetanidis, A. Karakonstantis, I. Spingos, V. Kouskouna, I. Kassaras, G. Kaviris, K. Pavlou, V. Sakkas, A. Karatzetzou, N. Evelpidou, E. Karkani, I. Kampolis, P. Nomikou, D. Lambridou, P. Krassakis, M. Foumelis, C. Papazachos, A. Karavias, D. Bafi, T. Gatsios, O. Markogiannaki, I. Parcharidis, A. Ganas, V. Tsironi, I. Karasante, D. Galanakis, K. Kontodimos, D. Sakellariou, N. Theodoulidis, C. Karakostas, V. Lekidis, K. Makra, V. Margaris, K. Morfidis, C. Papaioannou, E. Rovithis, T. Salonikios, A. Kourou, M. Manousaki, T. Thoma, N. Κarveleas 2020. The October 30, 2020 Mw 6.9 Samos (Greece) earthquake. Newsletter of Environmental, Disaster and Crises Management Strategies, 21, ISSN 2653-9454.


251. Lekkas, E., Nastos, P., Cartalis , C., Diakakis , M., Gogou , M., Mavroulis , S., Spyrou , N.-I., Kotsi , E., Vassilakis , E., Katsetsiadou , K.-N., Skourtsos , E., Andreadakis , E., Kapourani , E., Soukis, K., Theodorakatou , D., Tsironis , A., Lekka , C., Moraitis , S., Stamati , E., Psaris , D., Lagouvardos , K., Kotroni , V., Dafis , S., Karagiannidis , A., Parcharidis , I., Falaras , T., Karavias , A., Mourampetzis , A., Foumelis , M., Ganas , A., Valkaniotis , S. 2020. Impact of Medicane “IANOS” (September 2020) on Cephalonia and Ithaki Islands. Newsletter of Environmental, Disaster and Crises Management Strategies, 20, ISSN 2653 -9454 .


252. Lekkas, E., Mavroulis, S., Carydis, P., Skourtsos, E., Kaviris, G., Paschos, P., Ganas, A., Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, D., Parcharidis, I., Gatsios, T., Angelou, D., Karavias, A., Bafi, D., Markogiannaki, O. 2020. The March 21, 2020, Mw 5.7 Epirus (Greece) Earthquake. Newsletter of Environmental, Disaster and Crises Management Strategies, 17, ISSN 2653-9454.


253. Athanassios Ganas. 2019. NOAFAULTS KMZ layer Version 2.1 (2019 update) (Version V2.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.


254. Kouskouna V, A. Ganas, M. Kleanthi, I. Kassaras, N. Sakellariou, G. Sakkas, E. Manousou, V. Tsironi, I. Karamitros, N. Tavoularis, S. Valkaniotis and R. Bossu, 2019. The Athens 19/07/2019 Mw5.1 earthquake–Preliminary macroseismic report submitted to EMSC on 20/08/2019, 17 pages, available at


255. Anastasiou, Dimitrios G., Xanthos Papanikolaou, Athanassios Ganas, Demitris Paradissis, 2018. StrainTool: A software package to estimate strain tensor parameters (Version v1.0-rc2.0). Zenodo.


256. Valkaniotis, Sotiris, Athanassios Ganas, Varvara Tsironi, Aggeliki Barberopoulou, 2018. A preliminary report on the M7.5 Palu earthquake co-seismic ruptures and landslides using image correlation techniques on optical satellite data. Online report submitted to EMSC on 19 October 2018


257. Ganas, A. Tsironi, V. and Valkaniotis, S. 2018. A preliminary report on the 2018 Lombok region - Indonesia earthquakes. Online report submitted to EMSC on 9 August 2018, 14p .


258. A. Ganas, P. Elias, S. Valkaniotis, P. Briole, V. Kapetanidis, I. Kassaras, A. Barberopoulou, P. Argyrakis, G. Chouliaras, A. Moshou, 2017. Co-seismic deformation and preliminary fault model of the July 20, 2017 M6.6 Kos earthquake, Aegean Sea. Report submitted to EMSC on 30 July 2017, 20 pages


259. Papathanassiou, G., Valkaniotis, S., Ganas, A., and Pavlides, S. 2017. Earthquake-induced landslides in the island of Lefkada, Ionian Islands, Greece,,, in Schmitt, R., Tanyas, H., Jessee, M.A., Zhu, J., Biegel, K., Allstadt, K.E., Jibson, R.W., Thompson, E.M., van Westen, C., Sato, H.P., Wald, D.J., Godt, J.W., Gorum, T., Moss, R.E.S., Xu, C, Rathje, E.M., Knudsen, K.L., 2017, An Open Repository of Earthquake-triggered Ground Failure Inventories, U.S. Geological Survey data release collection,


260. Valkaniotis, S., Foumelis, M., and Ganas, A. 2017. A preliminary report on the Jul. 6, 2017 M=6.5 Philippines earthquake


261. Athanassios Ganas, Pierre Briole, George Papathanassiou, George Bozionelos, Antonio Avallone, Diego Melgar, Panagiotis Argyrakis, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Evangelos Mendonidis, Alexandra Moshou and Panagiotis Elias 2015. A preliminary report on the Nov 17, 2015 M=6.4 South Lefkada earthquake, Ionian Sea, Greece. Report submitted to EMSC on 4 December 2015, 22 pages.


262. Παπαδόπουλος, Γ.Α., Μ. Σαχπάζη, Β. Καραστάθης, Α. Γκανάς, Γ. Μιναδάκης, Ι. Μπασκούτας, Α. Μόσχου, Α. Μουζακιώτης, Κ. Ορφανογιαννάκη, Ε. Δασκαλάκη, Σ. Λιακόπουλος, Α. Παπαγεωργίου, Ι. Τριανταφύλλου, 2014. ΟΙ ΣΕΙΣΜΟΙ ΤΟΥ ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ-ΦΕΒΡΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ ΤΟΥ 2014 ΣΤΗΝ ΚΕΦΑΛΟΝΙΑ: ΜΙΑ ΠΡΩΤΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ, Αθήνα 26/2/2014, 25 σελίδες


263. Papathanassiou G., Ganas A., Valkaniotis S., Papanikolaou M., Pavlides S. 2014. Preliminary report on the geological effects triggered by the 2014 Cephalonia earthquakes. Institute of Geodynamics, NOA & School of Geology, A.U.TH, 1-9. Uploaded on 24 February 2104 in


264. Ganas, Athanassios, 2013. TERRAFIRMA WAP Product Interpretation Thessaly, Greece


265. Ganas, Athanassios, 2013. TERRAFIRMA WAP Product Interpretation Messenia, Greece


266. Ganas, Athanassios, 2011. TERRAFIRMA Interpretation Report, 18 December 2011, Soil Vulnerability Product Lefkada, Ionian Sea, Greece.


267. Ganas, Athanassios, Ivan Georgiev, Elias Kostopoulos and Mircea Radulian, 2011. Monitoring Crustal deformation in West-Central Bulgaria and Northern Greece using the Global Positioning System (HemusNET) Science for Peace Project 981881,  Final Report submitted to the NATO Security through Science Program, 51 pages.


268. Zouros N, Pavlides S, Kiratzi AA, Kakakaisis G, Drakatos G, Soulakellis N, Vaitis M, Tsapanos Th, Chatzipetros A, Ganas A, Sboras S, Koravos G, Koukourouvli N, Lampaki O and Valiakos I (2008) Active fault and seismicity maps of the North Aegean region (6 maps, 1:200.000, 1:100.000). Research project: Use of modern research tools in geosciences for seismic hazard management in NE Aegean islands, Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest, Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece.


269. Ganas, A., 2006. Crustal strain measurements in Thessaly, central Greece by use of ERS differential interferometry. Final Report, Project ESA AO-1453.


270. Ganas, A., 2004. Report of COST Action 625 STSM to SW Bulgaria (June 2004).


271. Ganas, A., 2002. Monitoring of Nissyros Volcano (Greece) using ERS Repeat-Pass Interferometry. Final Report, ESA Project AO-3 201, 34 pages.


272. Ganas, A., 1997. Fault Segmentation and Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Gulf of Evia Rift, central Greece. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Reading, November 1997


273. Ganas, A., 1990. Three-Dimensional deformation of a statistically homogeneous anisotropic material at high strains, by formation of extensional ductile shears. MSc Dissertation (unpublished), Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, 152p.


274. Papanikolaou, D., Ganas, A., Spiridonos, E., Kokoromitis, A., 1985. Hydrogeological Study of Donoussa Island, Aegean Sea, Greece. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Special Publication, Athens (In Greek), 37 pages.



Book Chapters (5)


275. Picridas, C., N. Zinas, A. Ganas, 2018. New analysis center (AUTh) and National Observatory of Athens (NOA), In:  Advanced GNSS Tropospheric Products for Severe Weather Events and Climate: COST Action ES1206, Springer International Publishing AG, 634 p.


276. Papathanassiou, George, Valkaniotis, Sotiris, Ganas, Athanassios, Pavlides, Spyros, 2017, Earthquake-induced landslides in the island of Lefkada, Ionian Islands, Greece,  , in Schmitt, R., Tanyas, H., Nowicki Jessee, M.A., Zhu, J., Biegel, K.M., Allstadt, K.E., Jibson, R.W., Thompson, E.M., van Westen, C.J., Sato, H.P., Wald, D.J., Godt, J.W., Gorum, T., Xu, C., Rathje, E.M., Knudsen, K.L., 2017, An Open Repository of Earthquake-triggered Ground Failure Inventories, U.S. Geological Survey data release collection, at


277. John Peter Merryman Boncori, Ioannis Papoutsis, Giuseppe Pezzo, Cristiano Tolomei, Simone Atzori, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilios Karastathis, Stefano Salvi, Charalampos Kontoes, A. Antonioli. The crucial and unique role of Earth Observation data within the 2014 Cephalonia (Greece) seismic crisis, In: Applications of Satellite Earth Observations: Serving Society, Science, & Industry, 2015 edition Committee on Earth Observation Satellites, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, pages 146-149.


278. Drakatos, G., Stavrakakis, G., Ganas, A., Karastathis, V., Melis, N., Ziazia, M., & Plessa, A., 2004. The 26 July 2001 Skyros (north Aegean Sea, Greece) earthquake. In Earthquake Geodynamics: Seismic Case Studies (Editor E.L. Lekkas), WIT Press Series: Advances in Earthquake Engineering, ISBN 1-85312-996-8, pages 81-90.


279. Ganas, A., 2002. Methods for imaging earthquake deformation using satellite data and digital elevation models. Proceedings of the NATO Seminar on Integration of Earth Science Research on the Turkish and Greek 1999 Earthquakes and Needs for future Cooperative Research, held in Istanbul, Turkey from 14-17 May 2000. NATO SCIENCE SERIES: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences: Volume 9. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 1-4020-0653-5, June 2002, 224 pp.



Greek meetings – Conference Abstracts (15)



280. Γκανάς, Αθανάσιος, Βαρβάρα Τσιρώνη, Σωτήρης Βαλκανιώτης, Παναγιώτης Ηλίας Pierre Briole Flavio Cannavo, Ευθύμιος Σώκος Ιωάννης Κουκουβέλας, 2020. Χαρτογράφηση με InSAR/GNSS της εδαφικής παραμόρφωσης και μοντέλα διάρρηξης των ισχυρών σεισμών στο Δυρράχιο (26/11/2019, Μ=6.5) και στο Ελαζίγκ (24/1/2020, M=6.8). Πρακτικά 3ου Επιστημονικού Forum για τη Μείωση της Διακινδύνευσης από Καταστροφές στην Ελλάδα, Αθήνα 6 Μαρτίου 2020.


281. Παρθενίου Ελένη, Αθανάσιος Γκανάς, Βασίλης Σακκάς, 2020. Μεταβολή γραμμών βάσης GNSS στο κεντρικό Ιόνιο και σχέση αυτών με ισχυρούς σεισμούς (περίοδος 2014-2018).  Πρακτικά της 2ης Ημερίδας Τηλεπισκόπησης και Διαστημικών Εφαρμογών, Αθήνα 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2020, σελ. 75-76.


282. Γκανάς Αθανάσιος, Τσιρώνη Βαρβάρα, Flavio Cannavo, Pierre Briole, Παναγιώτης Ηλίας, Σωτήρης Βαλκανιώτης, Ιωάννης Κουκουβέλας, Ευθύμιος Σώκος, 2020. Χαρτογράφηση της σεισμικής παραμόρφωσης και προσομοίωση του σεισμικού ρήγματος του σεισμού Μw6.4 στο Δυρράχιο (Durres, 26 Νοεμβρίου 2019) μέσω δορυφορικής γεωδαισίας. Πρακτικά της 2ης Ημερίδας Τηλεπισκόπησης και Διαστημικών Εφαρμογών, Αθήνα 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2020, σελ. 34-35.


283. Τσιρώνη Βαρβάρα, Ελένη Παρθενίου  Ιωάννης Καραμήτρος Βασίλης Καπετανίδης , Σωτήρης Βαλκανιώτης , Δημήτρης Αναστασίου , Ξάνθος Παπανικολάου , Νικολέττα Ανδρίτσου, Αθανάσιος Γκανάς, 2020. Μελέτη της τεκτονικής παραμόρφωσης στην Βορειο-Δυτική Πελοπόννησο με δεδομένα GNSS. Πρακτικά της 2ης Ημερίδας Τηλεπισκόπησης και Διαστημικών Εφαρμογών, Αθήνα 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2020, σελ. 48-49..


284. Karamitros, Ioannis, Athanassios Ganas, Alexandros Chatzipetros, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Elena Partheniou, Konstantina Betzelou, 2018. Structural analysis and scarp morphology of the active Pidima fault, Messinia, Greece using Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Photogrammetry, 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Tectonics Committee of the Geological Society of Greece, 13 June 2018, Patras, Greece.


285. Ganas A., Elias P., Ilieva M., Dimitrov D., Briole P., Parcharidis I., Valkaniotis S., Papathanassiou G., Papastergios A., Argyrakis P., Mendonidis E. and Kollia E. 2018. 2003-2015 deformation history of the central Ionian islands, Greece, mapped by InSAR. 1st Scientific meeting of the Remote Sensing and Space Applications Committee, Athens, 21 February 2018 ( )


286. Valkaniotis, Sotirios, Athanassios Ganas, George Papathanassiou, 2017. Rapid Mapping of the Amyntaio-Anargyroi landslide (Western Macedonia, Greece) using combined remote sensing techniques, Meeting Safe Athens 2017, Athens, 28-30 June, 2017.


287. Kassaras I., D. Kazantzidou-Firtinidou1, D. Kalantoni, A. Ganas, A. Pomonis, M. Gaspari, G. Giannaraki, P. Kalantonis, C. Karakostas, G. Kaviris, V. Kouskouna, E. Lekkas, K. Makropoulos, K. Michalaki, S. Mourloukos, D. Psarris, N. Sakellariou, G. Sakkas, P. Stoumpos, C. Tsimi and S. Valkaniotis, 2017. Modelling Seismic Risk in Greece Methodology, Applications, Perspective. Abstract, Safe Athens 2017, Athens, 28-30 June 2017, p. 36.


288. Ganas, A., P. Briole, P. Elias, P. Argyrakis, E. Mendonidis and M. Papanikolaou, 2016. Postseismic deformation following the M6.5 Lefkada earthquake (17 November 2015), Ionian Sea, Greece. Proceedings 1st Tectonics and Structural Geology meeting, Athens, 6 December 2016, p.11.


289. Pavlides S., Ganas A., Papathanasiou G., Valkaniotis S., Thomaidou E., Georgiadis G., Sboras S. & Chatzipetros A. 2016. Geological-seismotectonic study of the wider area of Ioannina (seismic region of the earthquake October 15, 2016). Tectonics & Structural Geology Committee of the G.S.G., 1st TSG Meeting, Athens 6 December 2016.


290. Bozionelos G., Moshou A.,Ganas A., Karastathis V., and Mouzakiotis E. 2015. Use of multiple relocation techniques to better understand seismotectonic structure in Greece. 2015 Geological Society of Greece Annual Scientific Meeting, 13 May 2015, Athens, Abstracts Volume, p. 51.


291. Zygouri, V., Valkaniotis, S. Betzelou, K., Ganas A. and Koukouvelas I., 2015. Paleoseismicity of the Eastern Messinia Fault Zone, SW Peloponnesus (Messinia, Greece). 2015 Geological Society of Greece Annual Scientific Meeting, 13 May 2015, Athens, Abstracts Volume, p. 51.


292. M. ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Χ. ΜΑΝΕΣΗΣ Κ. ΤΣΙΒΙΚΗΣ Α. ΣΑΒΑΪΔΗΣ Κ. ΜΑΚΡΑ Ε. ΡΟΒΥΘΗΣ Α. ΓΚΑΝΑΣ, 2014. 3D city model using Lidar & Digital Color imagery in Kalochori region. 4ο ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΑΤΜ, Θεσσαλονίκη, 26-28/9/2014.


293. Lekkas E, Kyratzi A, Ganas A, Mavroulis S, Alexoudi V, Avramea V, Gkountromichou Chr, Ioakeimidou A, Kerpelis Pl, Kourou A, Lalechos S, Manousaki M, Bakas K, Panoutsopoulou M, 2014. The earthquakes (Mw 6.0) on January 26th and February 3rd, 2014: the seismotectonic and geodynamic setting as parameters controlling structural damage. In: Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization and Technical Chamber of Greece (Eds), Proceedings of the Conference “The 2014 Cephalonia earthquakes”, June 6th, 2014, Argostoli, Cephalonia, 5.


294. Ganas, A., Salvi, S., Stramondo, S., and Lanari, R., 2004. Monitoring long-term ground deformation in Thessaly (central Greece) by SAR interferometry. Abstracts of the DRAGON Project Conference, Athens, 11 October 2004.



International Abstracts (170)


295. Ranero, C.R., Paraskevi Nomikou, Filomena Loreto, Irene Merino, Valentina Ferrante, Danai Lampridou, Elisavet Nikoli, Serafeim Poulos, Sotiria Kothri and Athanassios Ganas, 2024. The tectonic structure of Western Greece in the Ionian Sea realm. Abstract T43B-3310, AGU Fall meeting.


296. Loreto Maria Filomena, Valentina Ferrante, Andrea Argnani, Alessia Conti, Marco Cuffaro, Athanassios Ganas, Danai Lampidou, Marco Ligi, Irene Merino, Filippo Muccini, Nikoli Elisavet, Camilla Palmiotto, Lorenzo Petracchini, Serafeim Poulos, Cesar R. Ranero, Stefania Romano, Paraskevi Nomikou, 2024. Mapping the strike-slip Kefalonia fault to Hellenic frontal thrust transitional zone (western Hellenic Arc). 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S12/20-540, page 269.


297. Mitchell Sam, Gerald Roberts, Joanna Faure Walker, Francesco Iezzi, Claudia Sgambato, Jennifer Robertson, Zoe Mildon, Athanassios Ganas, Ioannis Papanikolaou, Elias Rugen, 2024. The slip relationship between across-strike faults: New observations of Greece’s 1981 earthquake ruptures and the long-term slip history of the Pisia and Skinos Faults. 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S19-368, page 353.


298. Robertson Jenni, Claudia Sgambato, Gerald Roberts, Zoe Mildon, Joanna Faure Walker, Francesco Iezzi, Sam Mitchell, Athanassios Ganas, Ioannis Papanikolaou, Elias Rugen, Varvara Tsironi, 2024. Out of phase slip on the onshore Pisia and offshore Strava faults (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S19-819, page 358.


299. Sahakian Valerie, Avigyan Chatterjee, Diego Melgar, Athanassios Ganas, Tuncay Taymaz, Vasilis Kapetanidis, Daniel Trugman, 2024. Analyzing Source versus Path Effects in Ground Motions From the 2020 M6.6 Ierapetra, Crete Earthquake. 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S27-600, page 495.


300. Tsironi Varvara, Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, Athanassios Ganas, Efthimios Sokos, Ioannis Koukouvelas, 2024. Block Kinematics in Western Greece using geodetic data. 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S34-562, page 650.


301. Bedford Jonathan, Konstantinos Chousianitis, Athanassios Ganas, Vasiliki Mouslopoulou, Efthimios Sokos, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos, Christoforos Pappas, Carsten Falck, Benjamin Männel, Cristian Garcia, Rebecca Harrington, Carlos Peña, Kaan Cökerim, Elvira Latypova, Stamatina Kanakaki, Marco P. Roth, Michail Gianniou, Paraskevi Io Ioannidi, Christos Pikridas, Ilias Lazos, Vassilis Sakkas, Jason Kounanis, 2024. Preliminary results of the TectoVision low-cost GNSS network in Greece. 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S34-592, page 651.


302. Ganas Athanassios, Simone Atzori, Cristiano Tolomei, Michael Foumelis, Christian Bignami, Emmanouela Konstantakopoulou, 2024. InSAR imaging of post-seismic slip distribution along the seismic faults of the 2021 Northern Thessaly sequence, Greece. 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S34-696, page 653.


303. Baccheschi Paola, Vasilis Kapetanidis, Pasquale De Gori, Athanassios Ganas, Matteo Lupi, 2024. Imaging the crustal structure of the Western Peloponnese region from body wave travel-time tomography. 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S44-378, page 748.


304. Elias Panagiotis, George Kaviris, Fotis Danaskos, Kyriaki Makri, Angelos Zymvragakis, Christopher Kaltsas, Athanassios Ganas, Georgios Goutsos, Alexandros Papadopoulos, Christian Beck, Olympia Tripolitsiotou, Francesca Cifelli, Jean-Luc Berenguer, Carlo Laj, Pierre Briole, 2024. CRL School: The educational component of the Corinth Rift Laboratory. A sustainable hand-on opportunity for inspiring young geoscientists and school teachers. 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S45-661, page 762.


305. Kapetanidis Vasilis, Ioannis Spingos, Athanassios Ganas, Antonia Papageorgiou, George Kaviris, 2024. Relocated seismicity and inferred major faults in the Central Gulf of Corinth, Greece. 39th GA of the European Seismological Commission Abstract Book, ESC2024-S49-377, page 821.


306. Bedford, J., Chousianitis, K., Ganas, A., Mouslopoulou, V., Sokos, E., Roumelioti, Z., Nikolakopoulos, K., Pappas, C., Ramatschi, M., Falck, C., Männel, B., Garcia, C., Peña, C., Cökerim, K., Latypova, E., Gianniou, M., Ioannidi, P. I., Pikridas, C., Lazos, I., and Saltogianni, V. 2024. Tectonic monitoring with low-cost multi-GNSS installations in Greece, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14279,


307. Ganas, A., Mavropoulos, G., Karamitros, I., Nikolakopoulos, K., Charalampopoulou, V., Anastasiou, D., Athanassopoulos, T., Kyriou, A., and Tsironi, V. 2024. A new low-cost GNSS instrument for monitoring of ground motions and critical infrastructures within the Greek “Supersite”, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10188,


308. Koukouvelas, I., Ganas, A., Zygouri, V., and Tsimi, C. 2024. Palaeoseismology and tectonic geomorphology for detecting the seismic behaviour of the Pidima-Anthia Fault, south Greece, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14251, .


309. Robertson, J., Sgambato, C., Roberts, G., Mildon, Z., Faure Walker, J., Iezzi, F., Mitchell, S., Ganas, A., Papanikolaou, I., Rugen, E., Tsironi, V., Beck, J., Mechernich, S., Deligiannakis, G., Binnie, S., Dunai, T., and Reicherter, K. 2024. Deformed Holocene coastal notches reinforce the validity of earthquake slip histories implied by in-situ 36Cl exposure fault scarp dating., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12582,


310. Mildon, Z., Diercks, M., Roberts, G., Faure Walker, J., Ganas, A., Papanikolaou, I., Sakas, V., Robertson, J., Sgambato, C., and Mitchell, S. 2024.  Transient aseismic vertical deformation during the interseismic cycle across the Pisia-Skinos normal fault (Gulf of Corinth, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16153, .


311. Ganas, A., Tsironi, V., Karamitros, I., and Efstathiou, E., 2024. InSAR mapping of ground deformation using time-series data: examples from the Gulf of Corinth and Milos, Greece. Tenth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, RSCy 2024, Paphos, Cyprus, 8-9 April 2024,


312. Xiaoge Liu, Wenbin Xu, Roland Burgmann, Sigurjon Jonsson, Jiuyuan Yang, Stephen Andrew Miller, Yong Zheng, Athanassios Ganas and Minhan Sheng, 2023. Seismogeodetic Evidence for Fluids-Dominating Aftershock Sequence During the 2021 Thessaly (Greece) Earthquake. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, Abstract S32B-02.


313. Mitchell Sam, Gerald P. Roberts, Joanna Faure Walker, Claudia Sgambato, Jenni Robertson, Zoe Mildon, Francesco Iezzi, Ioannis Papanikolaou, Athanassios Ganas, Elias Rugen, 2023.  New Observations of the Surface Slip Distribution of the Ruptures to the 24th and 25th February 1981 Ms 6.7 and 6.4 Earthquakes, Pisia and Skinos Fault, Greece. XXI INQUA Congress 2023, Roma 2023.


314. Robertson, Jenni, Gerald P. Roberts, Athanassios Ganas, Marco Meschis, Delia M. Gheorghiu, Richard Shanks, 2023. What can uplifted, deformed Pleistocene palaeoshorelines tell us about long-term faulting offshore southwestern Crete? XXI INQUA Congress 2023, Roma 2023.


315. Tsironi, V., Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S., Kouskouna, V., Kassaras, I., Sokos, E., and Koukouvelas, I. 2023. Geodetic evidence for compressional interseismic deformation onshore Paliki Peninsula, Cephalonia, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8525,


316. Nikolakopoulos, K., Kyriou, A., Sokos, E., Bousias, S., Strepelias, E., Groumpos, P., Mpelogianni, V., Roumelioti, Z., Serpetsidaki, A., Paliatsas, D., Ganas, A., Charalampoulou, V. and Athanasopoulos, T. 2023. Synergy of accelerometer, GNSS, InSAR and TLS measurements in the light of PROION Project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8367,


317. Tsironi, V., Ganas, A., Karamitros, I., Efstathiou, E., Koukouvelas, I., and Sokos, E. 2022. Mapping and kinematic history of active landslides in Panachaikon Mountain, Achaia (Peloponnese, Greece) by InSAR Time Series analysis and its relationship to rainfall patterns, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5958,


318. Fernandes, R., Bruyninx, C., Crocker, P., Socquet, A., and Vergnolle, M. and the EPOS-GNSS Members, 2022. EPOS-GNSS – Current status of service implementation for European GNSS data and products, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6628,


319. Yu-Sheng Sun, Diego Melgar, Angel Ruiz Angulo, Athanassios Ganas, Tuncay Taymaz, Brendan Crowell, Xiaohua Xu, Varvara Tsironi, Ilektra Karasante, Seda Yolsal Cevikbilen and Tuna Eken, 2021. Source characteristics and tsunami energetics of the 2020 Mw 7.0 Néon Karlovásion (Samos) Earthquake in the Eastern Aegean Sea, AGU Abstract S44C-02.


320. Ganas Athanassios, Dimitris Sakellariou, Varvara Tsironi, Konstantina Tsampouraki-Kraounaki, Christos Papaioannou, Emmanouela Konstantakopoulou, Paraskevi Drakopoulou, Vasiliki Loukaidi, 2021. The HeLPOS Fault Database: a new contribution to seismic hazard assessment in Greece. 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission, Abstract ESC2021-S27-216, p. 308, Athens, Greece.


321. Ganas Athanassios, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Pierre Briole, Anna Serpetsidaki, Tuncay Taymaz Vassilis Kapetanidis, Varvara Tsironi, George Papathanassiou, Ilektra Karasante, Panagiotis Elias, Ioannis Kassaras, Seda Yolsal-Çevikbilen, Tuna Eken, Andreas Karakonstantis, Ioannis Karamitros, Emmanouela Konstantakopoulou, Panagiotis Papadimitriou, and Efthimios Sokos, 2021. The March 2021 seismic sequence in Northern Thessaly (central Greece), its seismotectonic characteristics and geodynamic effects. 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission, Abstract ESC2021-S29-148, p. 331, Athens, Greece.


322. Lorito Stefano, Antonella Cirella, Alessio Piatanesi, Fabrizio Romano, Simone Atzori, Nikos Svigkas, Antonio Avallone, Angela Stallone, Federica Magnoni, Emanuele Casarotti, Beatriz Brizuela, Manuela Volpe, Roberto Tonini, Lorenzo Cugliari, Alessandro Amato, Enrico Baglione, Basak Bayraktar, Ryo Okuwaki, Yuji Yagi, Malte Metz, Torsten Dahm, Andrey Babeyko, Athanassios Ganas, Tuncay Taymaz, Pierre Briole, 2021. The 30 October 2020 Mw 7.0 Samos-Izmir earthquake and tsunami: multi-stage source characterization from teleseismic, strong motion, HR and static GPS, InSAR, and tsunami data. 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission, Abstract ESC2021-S38-598, p. 414, Athens, Greece.


323. Mesimeri Maria, Athanassios Ganas, Kristine Pankow, 2021. Earthquake swarms and migration patterns during the 2020-2021 seismic crisis in the western Corinth Gulf, Greece. 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission, Abstract ESC2021-S23-098, p. 273, Athens, Greece.


324. Tsironi Varvara, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilis Kapetanidis, Helena Partheniou, Ioannis Karamitros, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Nikoletta Andritsou, Efthimios Sokos, Ioannis Koukouvelas, 2021. Study of Tectonic Deformation in NW Peloponnese: preliminary results on crustal coupling from GNSS and seismology. 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission, Abstract ESC2021-S29-208, p. 331, Athens, Greece.


325. Kassaras Ioannis, Vasilis Kapetanidis, Andreas Karakonstantis, Panayotis Papadimitriou, Vicki Kouskouna, George Kaviris, Nicholas Voulgaris, Athanassios Ganas, Varvara Tsironi, Ioannis Karamitros, Ilectra Karasante, Sotirios Valkaniotis, 2021. Seismotectonic implications of the March 2021 Damasi-Elassona (Central Greece) earthquake sequence based on high-resolution aftershock relocation and focal mechanisms. 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission, Abstract ESC2021-S38-214, p. 406, Athens, Greece.


326. D'Agostino Nicola, Marianne Métois, Rexhep Koci, Llambro Duni, Neki Kuka, Athanassios Ganas, Ivan Georgiev, François Jouanne, Nataša Kaludjerovic, Radovan Kandic ́, 2021. Active crustal deformation and rotations in the southwestern Balkans from continuous GPS measurements. 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission, Abstract ESC2021-S29-257, p. 332, Athens, Greece.


327. Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S., Elias, P., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I., Briole, P., Sansosti, E., and De Novellis, V. 2021. Ground deformation related to slip and afterslip of the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrijna earthquake (Croatia) imaged by InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16576,


328. Elias, P., Ganas, A., Briole, P., Valkaniotis, S., Escartin, J., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I., and Kosma, C. 2021. Co-seismic deformation, field observations and seismic fault model of the Oct. 30, 2020 Mw=7.0 Samos earthquake, Aegean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14595,


329. Ganas, Athanassios, Varvara Tsironi, Flavio Cannavo, Pierre Briole, Panagiotis Elias, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Ioannis Koukouvelas, and Efthimios Sokos, 2020. Co-seismic deformation and preliminary fault model of the M6.4 Durres (Albania) Nov. 26, 2019 earthquake, based on space geodesy observations. EGU2020-8478, EGU General Assembly 2020


330. Kassaras Ioannis, Vasilis Kapetanidis, Athanassios Ganas, Andreas Tzanis et al. 2020. Design and implementation of the seismotectonic Atlas of Greece v1.0, EGU2020-2220, EGU General Assembly 2020,


331. Iezzi Francesco, Gerald Roberts, Joanna Faure Walker, Ioannis Papanikolaou, Athanassios Ganas, Giorgios Deligiannakis, and Delia-Mihaela Gheorghiu, 2020. Across-strike variations of fault slip-rates constrained using in-situ cosmogenic 36Cl concentrations. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-756,


332. Haddad Antoine, Athanassios Ganas, Ioannis Kassaras and Matteo Lupi, 2020. Seismotectonics of the Ionian – Akarnania Block (IAB) and western Greece deduced from a local seismic deployment. EGU General Assembly 2020,


333. Haddad Antoine, Athanassios Ganas, Ioannis Kassaras and Matteo Lupi, 2019. Seismicity and geodynamics of western Peloponnese and central Ionian Islands: insights from a local seismic deployment. AGU Fall meeting abstract 492831, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019.


334. Romano F., et al. 2019. The 2018 Mw6.8 Zakynthos (Ionian Sea, Greece) Earthquake: Seismic Source and Local Tsunami Characterization. AGU Fall meeting abstract 505613, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019.


335. Kassaras Ioannis, Vassilis Kapetanidis, Athanassios Ganas, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Andreas Karakonstantis, Panayotis Papadimitriou, Vicki Kouskouna, Stylianos Chailas and Andreas Tzanis, 2019. The seismotectonic Atlas of Greece v1.0, AGU Fall meeting abstract 533666, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019.


336. Iezzi, Francesco, Gerald Roberts, Joanna Faure Walker, Ioannis Papanikolaou, Athanassios Ganas, Georgios Deligiannakis, Joakim Beck, Soren Wolfers, 2019. Across-strike variations of fault slip-rates constrained using in-situ cosmogenic 36Cl concentrations. AGU Fall meeting abstract 577243, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019.


337. Anastasiou Dimitrios, Xanthos Papanikolaou, Vasilis Kapetanidis, Varvara Tsironi, Athanassios Ganas, Demitris Paradissis, 2019. STRAINTOOL – IMPROVING THE MAPPING OF TECTONIC STRAIN IN EURASIA, 12th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 22-25/9/2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.


338. Fokaefs A., Sapountzaki K. and Ganas A., 2019. Emergency Public Information after Earthquakes: Effects on Seismic Disasters and their Management. In Book of abstracts: SRA-E2019 Conference, Disaster Risk Session S19-1, 23-26 June 2019, Potsdam, Germany.


339. Ganas, Athanassios, Pierre Briole, George Bozionelos, Panagiotis Elias, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Varvara Tsironi, Alexandra Moshou and Nikoletta Andritsou, 2019. The October 25, 2018 M6.7 Zakynthos earthquake sequence (Ionian Sea, Greece): fault modelling from seismic and GNSS data and implications for seismic strain release along the western Hellenic Arc. Bull. Geological Society of Greece, Special Publication 7, pp. 602-603.


340. Evangelidis Christos, Sokos Efthimios, Ganas Athanasios, Chousianitis Konstantinos, Kontakos Kiriakos, Liakopoulos Spyros, Samios Michalis, Boukouras Kostas, Karamitros Ioannis, and Tselentis Gerasimos-Akis, 2019. Methana volcanic observatory: Towards a seismic and geodetic network deployment to monitor seismicity, seismic velocity changes and deformation. Bull. Geological Society of Greece, Special Publication 7, pp. 287-288.


341. Valkaniotis Sotiris and Ganas Athanassios 2019. Mapping deformation due to moderate/strong seismic events with Geohazards TEP - An overview of year 2018. Bull. Geological Society of Greece, Special Publication 7, pp. 600-601.


342. Partheniou, Eleni, Athanassios Ganas and Sakkas Vassilis, 2019. Ground deformation from GNSS data following strong Ionian Sea earthquakes in 2014 and 2015: co-seismic offsets and station baseline changes. Bull. Geological Society of Greece, Special Publication 7, pp. 253-254.


343. Valkaniotis Sotiris, Papathanassiou George and Ganas Athanassios, 2019. Application of Structure-from-Moon (SfM) technique for measuring near-field earthquake-induced failures; case studies from Greece. Bull. Geological Society of Greece, Special Publication 7, pp. 763-764.


344. Grendas Nikolaos, Marinos Vassilis, Papathanasiou George, Valkaniotis Sotiris and Ganas Athanassios, 2019. Engineering geological mapping of earthquake-induced landslides in South Lefkada Island, Greece Using UAV; Applications and limitations. Bull. Geological Society of Greece, Special Publication 7, pp. 767-768.


345. Elias, P. A Ganas, P Briole, S Valkaniotis, P Kourkouli, V Tsironi et al. 2019. Recent East Mediterranean shallow earthquakes seen by space geodesy. The cases of Gulpinar, Lesvos, Kos and Zakynthos earthquakes. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milano, Italy, 2019.


346. Anastasiou Dimitris, Athanassios Ganas, Juliette Legrand, Carine Bruyninx, Xanthos Papanikolaou, Varvara Tsironi, and Vasilis Kapetanidis, 2019. Tectonic Strain distribution over Europe from EPN data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-17744-1, 2019, EGU General Assembly 2019 .


347. Ganas A., Kapetanidis V., Nilfouroushan F., Steffen H., Lidberg M., Deprez A., Socquet A., Walpersdorf A., D'agostino N., Avallone A., Legrand J., Fernandes R., Nastase Eduard I., Bos M., Kenyeres A. 2018.  Developments on the EPOS-IP Pan-European strain rate product; ESC2018 - S2-749, European Seismological Commission 36th General Assembly, Valletta – Malta.


348. Evangelidis Christos), Sokos Efthimios, Chousianitis Konstantinos, Ganas Athanassios, Drakatos George, Tselentis G-Akis, 2018. Towards a monitoring network deployment at Methana volcano: an effort to monitor seismicity, seismic velocity changes and deformation. ESC2018 – S11-859, European Seismological Commission 36th General Assembly, Valletta – Malta.


349. Ganas, A., Tsironi, V., Kollia, E., Delagas, M., Tsimi, Ch., Oikonomou, Ath. 2018. Recent upgrades of the NOA database of active faults in Greece (NOAFAULTs). 19th General Assembly of WEGENER, September 2018, Grenoble,


350. Karamitros, Ioannis, Athanassios Ganas, Alexandros Chatzipetros, 2018. Terrestrial Lidar surveying of active normal faults: Preliminary results from The Pidima fault scarp, Messinia, Greece. 9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 26 June 2018, Possidi, Chalikidiki, Greece.


351. Ganas Athanassios, Panagiotis Elias, Vassilis Kapetanidis, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Pierre Briole, Ioannis Kassaras, Panagiotis Argyrakis, Aggeliki Barberopoulou, and Alexandra Moshou, 2018. The July 20, 2017 M6.6 Kos-Bodrum earthquake: seismic and geodetic evidence for a north-dipping, normal fault at the western end of the Gulf of Gökova, SE Aegean Sea, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-9262.


352. Floyd Michael, Demitris Paradissis, Athanassios Ganas, Hayrullah Karabulut, Robert King, and Robert Reilinger, 2018. Geodetic and Seismic Constraints on Strain Accumulation on the Hellenic Subduction Zone off Crete, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-11522.


353. Fernandes Rui, Machiel Bos, Carine Bruyninx, Paul Crocker, Jan Dousa, Andrea Walpersdorf, Anne Socquet, Antonio Avallone, Athanassios Ganas, Constatin Ionescu, Ambrus Kenyeres, Benedikt Ofeigsson, Haluk Ozener, Mathilde Vergnolle, Martin Lidberg, Tomasz Liwosz, and Wolfgang Soehne and the WP10 Members, 2018. EPOS-GNSS - Current status of service and product implementation, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-16448.


354. Bovenga Fabio, Athanassios Ganas, Alberto Refice, Antonella Belmonte, Raffaele Nutricato, Davide Oscar Nitti, Maria Teresa Chiaradia, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Sofia Gkioni, Chrysanthi Kosma, Paolo Manunta, Elizar Elizar, Darusman Darusman, and Philippe Bally, 2018. Investigating ground instability in Indonesia by using multi temporal SAR interferometry, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-8488.


355. Briole Pierre, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilis Karastathis, Panagiotis Elias, Evangelos Mouzakiotis, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Michael Foumelis, Alexandra Moshou, Penelope Kourkouli, Marine Roger, Gerassimos Chouliaras, Panagiotis Argyrakis, G-Akis Tselentis, and Isaak Parcharidis, 2018. The June 12, 2017 M6.3 Lesvos offshore earthquake sequence (Aegean Sea, Greece): fault model and ground deformation from seismic and geodetic observations, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-18189.


356. Kourkouli Penelope, Athanassios Ganas, Alexandra Moshou, Pierre Briole, Panagiotis Elias, and Isaak Pacharidis, 2018. Crustal deformation and fault model of the 2017 Gulpinar-Babakale earthquake sequence (Biga peninsula, NE Aegean region): seismological and InSAR evidence, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-9446.


357. Cetin, S.; Konca, A. O.; Dogan, U.; Floyd, M.; Karabulut, H.; Ergintav, S.; Ganas, A.; Paradisis, D.; King, R. W.; Reilinger, R. E. 2017. The 2014 Mw6.9 Gokceada and 2017 Mw6.3 Lesvos Earthquakes in the Northern Aegean Sea: The Transition from Right-Lateral Strike-Slip Faulting on the North Anatolian Fault to Extension in the Central Aegean. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, abstract #T41C-0644.


358. Valkaniotis Sotirios, Athanassios Ganas, and George Papathanassiou, 2017. Using a UAV for collecting information about a deep-seated landslide in the island of Lefkada following the 17 November 2015 strike-slip earthquake (M=6.5), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-9376, 2017.


359. Elias Panagiotis, Athanassios Ganas, Pierre Briole, Isaak Parcharidis, Antonio Avallone, Nikos Roukounakis, Panagiotis Argyrakis, Marine Roger, Daniele Cheloni, Christiano Tolomei, Evangelos Mendonidis, Evelyn Moraitini, Marios Papanikolaou, and Asterios Papastergios, 2017. Surface deformation due to the M6.5 Lefkada earthquake (17 November 2015) exploiting SENTINEL-1 and GNSS observations. implications for seismic hazard. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-13120, 2017.


360. Papadopoulos Gerassimos, Athanasios Ganas, Apostolos Agalos, Antonia Papageorgiou, Ioanna Triantafyllou, Charalambos Kontoes, and Ioannis Papoutsis, 2017. Triggering effects during the seismic sequence of Central Italy in 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-12240, 2017.


361. Pavlides Spyros, Athanasios Ganas, Alexandros Chatzipetros, Sotiris Sboras, Sotiris Valkaniotis, George Papathanassiou, Efi Thomaidou, and George Georgiadis, 2017. Geological and seismotectonic characteristics of the broader area of the October 15, 2016, earthquake (Ioannina, Greece), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-18135-1, 2017.


362. Rui Fernandes, Machiel Bos, Carine Bruyninx, Paul Crocker, Jan Dousa, Anne Socquet, Andrea Walpersdorf, Antonio Avallone, Athanassios Ganas, Benedikt Gunnar, Constantin Ionescu, Ambrus Kenyeres, Haluk Ozener, Mathilde Vergnolle, Martin Lidberg, Tomek Liwosz, and Wolfgang Soehne, 2017. EPOS-GNSS – Improving the infrastructure for GNSS data and products in Europe, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-10766.


363. Antoine Haddad, Matteo Lupi, Diego Gonzalez Vidal, Athanassios Ganas, and Ioannis Kassaras, 2017. Recent seismic activity recorded by a new local seismographic deployment in the Gulfs of Zakynthos and Cefalonia, Western Peloponnese, Greece, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-7490.


364. Avallone Antonio, Antonella Cirella, Daniele Cheloni, Cristiano Tolomei, Nikos Theodoulidis, Alessio Piatanesi, Pierre Briole, and Athanassios Ganas, 2016. Finite fault modeling of the 2015, Mw 6.5, Lefkada, Greece, earthquake by using near source high-rate GPS, strong motion data and InSAR, ESC2016-446.


365. Kassaras Ioannis, Athanassios Ganas, Danai Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, Jerome Maxant, Herve Yesou, Jianghui Geng, Dimitrios Psarris, and Efthimios Lekkas, 2016. The November 2015 Mw=6.4 earthquake of Lefkada, Ionian Sea: Strong ground motion and its impact on the environment and the structures, ESC2016-555.


366. Caporali Alessandro, Carine Bruyninx, Rui Fernandes, Athanassios Ganas, Ambrus Kenyeres, Martin Lidberg, Guenter Stangl, Holger Steffen, and Joaquin Zurutuza, 2016. An analysis of the Kephalonia/Lefkada seismic sequences of 2014/2015, ESC2016-104.


367. Ioannis Kassaras, Vasilis Kapetanidis, Andreas Karakonstantis, and Athanassios Ganas, 2016. Regional patterns of earthquake sources in western Greece: Insights on the 3-D stress tensor and seismic velocity structure arrangement, ESC2016-556.


368. Panagiotis Argyrakis, Athanαssios Ganas and Nikolaos Sagias, 2016. The NOANET GSAC (Geodesy Seamless Archive Centers) tool for GNSS data dissemination in SE Europe, ESC2016-144


369. Ganas Athanassios, Diego Melgar, Pierre Briole, Jianghui Geng, George Papathanassiou, George Bozionelos, Antonio Avallone, Sotirios Valkaniotis, Evangelos Mendonidis, Panagiotis Argyrakis, Alexandra Moshou, and Panagiotis Elias, 2016. Coseismic deformation and slip model of the 17 November 2015 M=6.5 earthquake, Lefkada Island, Greece, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-12041, 2016, EGU General Assembly 2016.


370. Jianghui Geng, Yehuda Bock, Antonio Avallone, Athanassios Ganas, Diego Melgar, Sebastian Riquelme, 2015. GLONASS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution (PPP-AR) and its Integration with GPS for Earthquake Early Warning. Abstract G44A-06, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 December 2015.


371. Roukounakis N, Elias P, Briole P, Argiriou A, Kioutsoukis I, Retalis A, Katsanos D, Ganas A, Dimitrov D, 2015.  Improvement of the vertical component of GPS and INSAR measurements in the western Corinth Gulf (Greece), by the use of high-resolution meteorological modeling of the lower troposphere: The PaTrop Experiment, 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), EMS2015-544;11 September 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.


372. Valkaniotis, Sotirios, Konstantina Betzelou, Vassiliki Zygouri, Ioannis Koukouvelas, and Athanassios Ganas, 2015. Late Quaternary tectonic activity and paleoseismicity of the Eastern Messinia Fault Zone, SW Peloponessus (Messinia, Greece), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-13215-1, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.


373. Bozionelos, George, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilios Karastathis, and Alexandra Moshou, 2015. Use of multiple relocation techniques to better understand Seismotectonic structure in Greece, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, GU2015-13948, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.


374. Moshou, Alexandra, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilios Karastathis, and Evangelos Mouzakiotis, 2015. Relocation and characteristics of recent earthquake sequences (2013, 2014) on the North Gulf of Evia, Greece, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-14165-1, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.


375. Boncori John Peter Merryman, Ioannis Papoutsis, Giuseppe Pezzo, Cristiano Tolomei, Simone Atzori , Athanassios Ganas, Vassilios Karastathis, Stefano Salvi, Charalampos Kontoes, and Andrea Antonioli, 2015. The Mw 5.9 February 2014 Cephalonia earthquake (Greece): 3D deformation field and source modeling from multiple SAR techniques, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-7468, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.


376. Tsimi, Christina and Athanassios Ganas, 2015. Empirical relationships among triangular facet slope, facet height and slip rates along active normal faults from ASTER DEM data, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-13822-1, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.


377. Vernant, Philippe, Michael Floyd, Haluk Ozener, Semih Ergintav, Arkadi Karakhanyan, Fakhraddin Kadirov, Giorgi Sokhadze, Abdullah ArRajehi, Hamid Nankali, Ivan Georgiev, Athanassios Ganas, Demitris Paradissis, Simon McClusky, Francisco Gomez, Robert Reilinger, 2014;New Arabia-Africa-Eurasia GPS Velocity Field (1994-2014) and E Mediterranean Block Model: Implications for Continental Deformation in a Zone of Active Plate Interaction, AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA (abstract G13B-01).


378. Ganas, A., T. Parsons, M. Segou, 2014. Fault-based Earthquake Rupture Forecasts for Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece. AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA (abstract T13C-4666)


379. Ganas, A., Argyrakis, P. and Sagias, N., 2014. Progress towards development of the NOANET GNSS Early Warning Web Platform: Preliminary Results. In METSZ, Workshop, Rhodes Isl., Greece 6-8 October, 2014


380. Moshou Alexandra, Vassilis Karastathis, Athanassios Ganas, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Konstantinos Chousiantis and Evangelos Mouzakiotis, 2014. The ML=5.7, 8 January 2013 earthquake Aegean sea and the evolution of the aftershock sequence, In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, August 24-29, 2014, paper


381. Argyrakis Panagiotis K., Athanassios Ganas and Nicos C. Sagias, 2014. Development of the NOANET GNSS EARLY WARNING WEB PLATFORM : preliminary results, In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, August 24-29, 2014, paper


382. Moshou, Alexandra, Athanassios Ganas, Vassilios Karastathis, Evangelos Mouzakiotis, 2014. Properties of the 2013 Kallidromon mountain (central Greece) seismic sequence, doi: 10.13140/2.1.4222.5921, In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, August 24-29, 2014


383. Georgiev, Ivan and Athanassios Ganas, 2014. Status of the HemusNET permanent GNSS network data maintenance, data processing and analysis. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-13479, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014, © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License.


384. Karastathis Vassilis, Ioannis Koukouvelas, Athanasios Ganas, Alexandra Moschou, Aggelos Mouzakiotis, Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos, and Dimitrios Spanos, 2014. The strong Mw6 earthquake of 26th January 2014 in Cephalonia island, Ionian Sea, Greece: a first report. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-17001, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014, © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License.


385. Boler, Fran, Stuart Wier, Nicola D’Agostino, Rui R.M. Fernandes, Athanassios Ganas, Carine Bruyninx, and Benedikt Ofeigsson, 2014. New Collaboration Among Geodesy Data Centers in Europe and the US Facilitates Data Discovery and Access. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-12385, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014, © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License.


386. Fernandes Rui, Luisa Bastos, Carine Bruyninx, Nicola D’Agostino, Jan Dousa, Athanassios Ganas, Martin Lidberg, and Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, 2014. Current status of the EPOS WG4 – GNSS and Other Geodetic Data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-7064, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014, © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License.


387. Boler, FM, Wier, S, D’Agostino, N., Fernades, RM, Ganas, A, Bruyninx, C. 2013. New Collaboration Among Geodesy Data Centers in Europe and the US Facilitates Data Discovery and Access. AGU Fall meeting 2013 Abstracts session IN23D-1444, "International cross-project collaboration and interoperability of data management systems”.


388. Kassaras, I., Ganas, A., Karakonstantis, A., Kapetanidis, V., Kouskouna, V., Chouliaras, G., Moshou, A., Mitropoulou, V., Argyrakis, P., Lekkas, E., Makropoulos, K., 2013. Spatiotemporal properties of the 2011 Oichalia seismic swarm, SW Peloponnese, Greece. IAHS/IAPSO/IASPEI Joint Assembly in Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013


389. Georgiev, Ivan and Ganas Athanassios, 2013. Six years analysis of HemusNET permanent GPS network data – impact on geodynamics of the Balkans. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-14032.


390. Fernandes, Rui, Luísa Bastos, Carine Bruyninx, Nicola D’Agostino, Jan Dousa, Athanassios Ganas, Martin Lidberg, Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, and the WG4 Members Team, 2013. Current status of the EPOS WG4 – GNSS and Other Geodetic Data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-11751.


391. Ganas Athanassios, Konstantinos Chousianitis and Michalis Gianniou, 2013. Data Analysis of cGPS stations in central Greece: station velocities and 1-D strain estimates. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-3181.


392. Ganas, A., K. Chousianitis, M. Papanikolaou, P. Argyrakis, G. Drakatos, K. Makropoulos, 2012. Continuous GPS Velocity Profiles and Baseline Rate Changes in Central and Western Greece: Comparison with Geological Data, In: Book of Abstracts, 33rd General Assembly of ESC, 19-24 August 2012 Moscow, p. 125.


393. Chouliaras, G., I. Kassaras, G. Drakatos, A. Ganas, V. Kouskouna, A. Moshou, A. Agalos, A. Karakonstantis, P. Argyrakis, K. Makropoulos, 2012. Monitoring of the 2011 Messinia (SW Greece) Seismic Swarm, In: Book of Abstracts, 33rd General Assembly of ESC, 19-24 August 2012 Moscow, p. 132.


394. Ferrier, G., Naden, J., and A. Ganas, 2012. Application of field-based thermal infrared spectroscopy in mapping volcanic terrains. 4th Workshop on Remote Sensing and Geology, Mykonos, Greece, 24-25 May 2012


395. Ganas A. 2012. User perspective from Greek National Observatories. INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON SATELLITE EARTH OBSERVATION FOR GEO-HAZARD RISK MANAGEMENT organised by ESA, Santorini, Greece, 21-24 May 2012.


396. Fernandes, R.M.S., L.C. Bastos, C. Bruyninx, N. D’Agostino, J. Dousa, A. Ganas, M. Lidberg, J.-M. Nocquet, and the WG4 Members Team, 2012. The Contribution of the Geodetic Community (WG4) to EPOS. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-7493, 2012, EGU General Assembly 2012.


397. Bovenga, Fabio, Nitti Oscar Davide, Ganas Athanassios, Chousianitis Kostas, 2011. Co-seismic deformation due to the Tohoku-Oki earthquake measured by ENVISAT-ASAR data and GPS.


398. Ganas, Athanassios, Kostas Chousianitis, George Drakatos, Marios Papanikolaou, Panagiotis Argyrakis, Maria Kolligri, Panagiota Petrou, Evagelia Batsi, and Christina Tsimi, 2011. NOANET: High-rate GPS Network for Seismology and Geodynamics in Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-4840, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011.


399. Ganas, Athanassios, Nikos Palyvos, George Mavrikas, Vassilios Karastathis, George Drakatos, and Kostas Makropoulos, 2011. Recognition and Characterisation of Neotectonic Faults in Heraklion City area (Crete, Greece): a multidisciplinary approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-4824, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011.


400. Karastathis, Vassilis, Athanassios Ganas, Petros Karmis, George Drakatos, and Kostas Makropoulos, 2011. Application of seismic velocity modelling at footwall escarpment areas in Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-5635, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011.


401. A Ganas, K Chousianitis, P Argyrakis, M Papanikolaou, 2011. Data Analysis of Continuous GPS networks in central and western Greece: station velocities and crustal extension estimates AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 04. 


402. Georgiev, ivan, Dimitar Dimitrov, Athanassios Ganas, 2010. Permanent GPS array in Bulgaria with impact on the geodynamics in East Mediterranean. VOLUME 39 (1-2)/September 2010 XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2010, Pages: p. 129


403. Chatzipetros, Alexandros, Spyros Pavlides, Riccardo Caputo, Athanassios Ganas 2010. Historical faulting in Aghios Konstantinos area (central Greece), based on archaeological indications. VOLUME 39 (1-2)/September 2010 XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2010. Pages: pp. 68-69.


404. Elias, Panagiotis, Pierre Briole, Athanassios Ganas, Olga Sykioti 2010. Synergy of ASAR and RADARSAT-2 ultra-fine acquisitions for ground deformation monitoring by means of DInSAR and PS. Case study gulf of Corinth - town of Patras, Greece VOLUME 39 (1-2)/September 2010 XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2010. Pages: pp. 109


405. Ganas, A, Makropoulos, K., Drakatos, G., Chouliaras, G., Papanikolaou, M., Fokaefs, A., and Kolligri, M., 2010. The January 2010 Efpalio earthquake sequence in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece. ESC2010 Abstracts, September 6-10, 2010, Session ES8/P15/ID178.


406. Marinou, A., Ganas, A., Papanikolaou, X, Bosy, J., Papazissi, K., Anastasiou, D, Paradissis, D., Drakatos, G., Kontny, B., Cacon, S., and Papanikolaou, M., 2010. Deformation Studies in the Kaparelli Area, Central Greece. Abstracts of the 15th General Assembly of Wegener, September 14-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 41.


407. Anastasiou, D., Paradissis, D., Ganas, A., Marinou, A., Papazissi, K., Drakatos, G., Makropoulos, K., 2009a. Crustal deformation from GPS measurements at the Ionian Sea: preliminary results. In: International Technical Laser Workshop on SLR Tracking of GNSS Constellations, Metsovo, Greece, 14–19 September 2009.


408. Anastasiou, D., Paradissis, D., Ganas, A., Marinou, A., Papazissi, K., Drakatos, G., Makropoulos, K., 2009b. Crustal deformation from GPS measurements at the Ionian Sea: results from 3 years of observations. In: 2nd International Workshop Advances in Understanding Crustal Deformation in SE Europe using GNSS Systems, Nevrokopi, Eastern Macedonia, Greece, 20–21 November 2009.


409. Ganas, A., E. Serpelloni, M. Kolligri, G. Drakatos, I. Adamis, C. Tsimi, E. Batsi, M. Papanikolaou, P. Petrou, and P. Argyrakis, 2009. The 8th June 2008 Mw=6.4 earthquake in NW Peloponnesus: preliminary results from seismic, GPS and field data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-10935.


410. Di Fiore, B., G. Balasis, P. Kapiris, I.A. Daglis, A. Ganas, and N. Melis, 2009. Preliminary analysis of the Hellenic geomagnetic array stations’ response functions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-2198-1.


411. Marinou A., A. Ganas, J. Bosy, D. Paradissis, G. Drakatos, B. Kontny, S. Cacon, and K. Papazissi, 2008. Preliminary results from GPS measurements along the Kaparelli Fault, central Greece. In: WEGENER 2008 14th General Assembly of Wegener Programme and Book of Abstracts, September 15-18, 2008, Darmstadt, Germany, page 31.


412. Ganas, A., G. Drakatos, S. Rontogianni, C. Tsimi, P. Petrou, M. Papanikolaou, P. Argyrakis, K. Boukouras, N. Melis and G. Stavrakakis, 2008. NOANET: the new permanent GPS network for Geodynamics in Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-04380.


413. Ganas,A., A. Gosar & G. Drakatos, 2008. Static stress changes due to the 1998 and 2004 Krn Mountain (Slovenia) earthquakes and implications for future seismicity. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-05076.


414. Kiratzi, A., E. Sokos, A. Ganas, A. Tselentis, C. Benetatos, Z. Roumelioti, A. Serpetzidaki, G. Andriopoulos, O. Galanis, and P. Petrou, 2008. The April 2007 earthquake swarm near Lake Trichonis and implications for active tectonics in western Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-07446,


415. Ganas, A., Spina, V., Drakatos, G., Economou, A., & Alexandropoulou, N., 2007a. Geo-structural analyses along the Corini and Erithres active faults, Viotia region, central Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 04008, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-04008, © European Geosciences Union 2007.


416. Ganas, A., Drakatos, G., Bosy, J., Petro, L., Kontny, B., Stercz, M., Melis, NS, Cacon, S., Papanikolaou, M., & Kiratzi, A., 2007b. COST Action 625 Results: Monitoring of the Kaparelli active fault, 2003-2006 Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 04880, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-04880. © European Geosciences Union 2007.


417. Ganas, A., Spina, V., Alexandropoulou, N., Oikonomou, A., Tondi, E., & Drakatos, G., 2007c.  The Corini Active Fault in Southwestern Viotia region, central Greece: segmentation, stress analysis and extensional strain patterns. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 04886, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-04886. © European Geosciences Union 2007.


418. Atzori, S., Manunta, M., Fornaro, G., Salvi, S., & Ganas, A., 2007. Toward the integration of a dislocation model in the DInSAR time series analysis. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 07398, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-07398. © European Geosciences Union 2007.


419. Piccardi, L., L, Toth, E. Vittori, S. Aliaj, G. Cello, WD. Cunningham, G. Drakatos, A. Gosar, D. Herak, M. Herak, S. Sebela, E. Sulstarova, G. Windhoffer, B. Glavatovic, A. Kiratzi, A. Ganas, M. Omerbashich, S. Pavlides, L. Petro, G. Sijaric, B. Tomljenovic, & E. Tondi, 2007. A first attempt at compiling a map of active faults of the Adria region. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 09228, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-09228. © European Geosciences Union 2007.


420. Cowie, PA, Attal, M., Whittaker, A., Roberts, GPR., & Ganas, A., 2007. Using non-steady state landscapes in active tectonic settings to quantify the effect of sediment flux in controlling bedrock incision rates. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 05300, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-05300. © European Geosciences Union 2007.


421. TSIMI, C., GANAS, A., SOULAKELLIS, N., KAIRIS, O., & VALMIS, S., 2007. Morphotectonics of the Psathopyrgos active fault, western Corinth Rift, Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 04853, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-04853. © European Geosciences Union 2007.


422. NITTI, DO., BOVENGA, F., GANAS, A., NUTRICATO, R., REFICE, A., & CHIARADIA, MT., 2007. Refined fault model for the Mw=6.3, June 15, 1995 Aigion EQ (Greece) derived from InSAR data and implications for extensional tectonics of the western Corinth rift. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 04866, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-04866, © European Geosciences Union 2007.


423. BENETATOS, C., KIRATZI, A., GANAS, A., & DRAKATOS, G., 2006. Properties of the October 2005 earthquake sequence in the Gulf of Siğacik (Seferihisar) – eastern Aegean Sea. 11th International Symposium on Natural and Human Induced Hazards & 2nd Workshop on Earthquake Prediction Abstract Volume, June 22-25, 2006, Patras, Greece, page 24.


424. GANAS, A., LAGIOS, E., PETROPOULOS, G., & PSILOGLOU, B., 2006a.  Monitoring of Nisyros Volcano (Aegean Sea) using ASTER data: Estimation of Heat Flux. 11th International Symposium on Natural and Human Induced Hazards & 2nd Workshop on Earthquake Prediction Abstract Volume, June 22-25, 2006, Patras, Greece, page 39.


425. GANAS, A., NITTI, D., BOVENGA, F., NUTRICATO, R., REFICE , A. & PAPADOPOULOS, G., 2006b.  Improved fault model of the 1995 Aigion earthquake retrieved from ERS InSAR data. 11th International Symposium on Natural and Human Induced Hazards & 2nd Workshop on Earthquake Prediction Abstract Volume, June 22-25, 2006, Patras, Greece, page 40.


426. GANAS, A., SALVI, S., ATZORI, S., & TOLOMEI, C., 2006c. Ground deformation in Thessaly, Central Greece, retrieved from Differential Interferometric analysis of ERS-SAR data. 11th International Symposium on Natural and Human Induced Hazards & 2nd Workshop on Earthquake Prediction Abstract Volume, June 22-25, 2006, Patras, Greece, page 41.


427. SBORAS, S., GANAS, A., PAVLIDES, S., 2006. Tectonic Geomorphology and active tectonics of the Asopos Rift valley, central Greece. 11th International Symposium on Natural and Human Induced Hazards & 2nd Workshop on Earthquake Prediction Abstract Volume, June 22-25, 2006, Patras, Greece, page 95.


428. PAPADOPOULOS, GA, GANAS, A.,  & KOUKOUVELAS, I., 2006. Landsliding phenomena in NW Peloponnese, Greece: a test-site of the EC LEWIS research project. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 04402, 2006, SRef-ID:1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-04402.


429. BENETATOS CHR, ROUMELIOTI, Z., KIRATZI, A., GANAS, A., ZIAZIA, M., PLESSA, A., & DRAKATOS, G., 2006. Properties of the 17 October 2005 earthquake seismic sequence in the Gulf of Sigacik (Seferihisar) along the Greek -Turkish borders. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 08049, 2006, SRef-ID:1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-08049.


430. Tolomei, C., Atzori, S., Salvi, S., Ganas, A., and Stramondo, S., 2005. Ground deformation in Thessaly, central Greece, between 1992 and 2000 by means of ERS multi-temporal InSAR, Abstract Book, Fringe 2005 Workshop, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy.


431. KARASTATHIS, VK., DRAKATOS, G., MAKRIS, J., PAPOULIA, J., PAPANIKOLAOU, M., GANAS, A., ZIAZIA, M., & PETROU, P., 2005. Microseismicity and Passive Tomography in Attica Region, Greece. 22nd IUGG International Tsunami Symposium, Chania, Crete, 27-29 June 2005, page 274.


432. CACON, S., KONTNY, B., BOSY, J., CELLO, G., PICCARDI, L., TONDI, E., DRAKATOS, G & GANAS, A., 2005. Local geodynamic researches in Polish Sudetes and the Mediterranean region. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 01997, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-01997.


433. KARASTATHIS, VK., DRAKATOS, G., MAKRIS, J., PAPOULIA, J., PAPANIKOLAOU, M., GANAS, A., & PETROU, P., 2005. Microseismicity and passive tomography results in Attica region, Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 09571, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-09571.


434. DRAKATOS, G., GANAS, A., SHANOV, S., & DOBREV, N, 2005. Active faulting in south-west Bulgaria and static triggering of the 1904 earthquake sequence. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 07559, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-07559.


435. DRAKATOS, G., MANGAFAS, F., KOUTSIKOS, E., ANYFANDI, G., KARASTATHIS, V., BAKAMIDIS, S., CHALKIDIS, A., VALADAKI, K., GANAS, A., & PETROU, P., 2005. SOL: Design and development of a web based interactive information platform for the mitigation of the social impact of the seismic disasters. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 08425, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-08425.


436. ATZORI, S., SALVI, S, STRAMONDO, S, TOLOMEI, C, HUNSTAD, I, & GANAS, A., 2005. Estimation of slow ground movements using the SBAS and PS techniques: examples from Central Italy and Thessaly, Greece. Discussion Meeting Abstracts: The impact of satellite measurements on the observation and modeling of continental deformation. Organised by COMET, 10-11 February 2005, London, UK.


437. PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., GANAS, A., & KARASTATHIS, V., 2004. Seismicity Properties as a Marker of the Active Plate Convergence in the western Hellenic Arc. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2004, abstract #T53B-0483.


438. BENETATOS, CH., Z. ROUMELIOTI, A. KIRATZI, G. STAVRAKAKIS, G. DRAKATOS, I. LATOUSSAKIS, V. KARASTATHIS, A. GANAS & M. ARVANITIS (2003). Source parameter study of the 14 August 2003 (M6.2) Lefkada earthquake and its largest aftershocks, 1st International Workshop on Earthquake Prediction, 6-7 November, Athens.


439. PAPADOPOULOS, G.A., GANAS, A., KARASTATHIS, V., LATOUSSAKIS, J., MELIS, N., PAPPIS, J., SOKOS, E., ARVANITIS, M., FOKAEFS, A., ORFANOGIANNAKI, K., and STAVRAKAKIS, G., 2003. Preliminary Seismological aspects of the strong (Ms 6.4) Lefkada earthquake of 14 August, 2003. In Book of Abstracts: The South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc, Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives, 17-20 September 2003, Milos Island, Greece, p. 84.


440. PAVLIDES, S., PAPATHANASSIOU, G., GANAS, A., PAPADOPOULOS, G.A., IOANNIDES, K., STAMOULIS, K., PAPACHRISTODOULOU, C., and KERAMYDAS, D., 2003. The 14th August 2003 Lefkada (Ionian Sea) earthquake (Mw 6.3), Preliminary Field Observations. In Book of Abstracts: The South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc, Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives, 17-20 September 2003, Milos Island, Greece, p. 85.


441. GANAS, A., STAVRAKAKIS, G., PAVLIDES, S., SOKOS, E., and KARASTATHIS, V., 2003. The Lefkas Mw 6.3, 14/8/03 05:14:53 Earthquake: Co-seismic Stress Transfer and Seismic Hazard Implications. In Book of Abstracts: The South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc, Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives, 17-20 September 2003, Milos Island, Greece, p. 89.


442. GANAS, A., PAVLIDES, S., VALKANIOTIS, S., PAPAIOANNOU, S., SBORAS, S., ALEXANDRIS, G., and PAPADOPOULOS, G., 2003. Active Fault Geometry and Kinematics in Parnitha Mountain, Attica, Greece. Contribution EAE03-A-08949 for the EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.


443. GANAS, A, VASSILOPOULOU, S., SAKKAS, V., LAGIOS, E., DIETRICH, V., HURNI, L., and STAVRAKAKIS, G., 2003. Thermal Monitoring of Nissyros Volcano (Greece) by Digital Processing of Satellite Data. Contribution EAE03-A-09945 for the EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.


444. DRAKATOS, G., STAVRAKAKIS, G., PAVLIDES, S.B., GANAS, A., KARASTATHIS, V., MELIS, N., ZIAZIA, M., PLESSA, A., 2003. The Skyros Left-Lateral Fault and its Implications for Aegean Tectonics. Contribution EAE03-A-12801 for the EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.


445. PAVLIDES, S., KOUKOUVELAS, I., GANAS, A., KOKKALAS, S., TSODOULOS, I., STAMATOPOULOS, L., GOYNTROMICHOU, C., VALKANIOTIS, S., 2003. Preliminary palaeoseismological results from the Kaparelli fault  (Central Greece). Contribution EAE03-A-07069 for the EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.


446. KORTEKAAS, S., PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., GANAS, A., & DIAKANTONI, A., 2003. Geological Identification of Historical tsunamis in the gulf of Corinth, Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 09909, Contribution for the EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.


447. PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., KARASTATHIS, V. K., GANAS, A., &  ORFANOGIANNAKI, K., 2003. Predictable Earthquakes from foreshocks: the strong (ms5.8) shock of 2 December 2002, Ionian sea, Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 08837, Contribution for the EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.


448. MATSUMOTO, H., PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., & GANAS, A., 2002. Re-examination of the unexpected earthquake of 7 September 1999 in Athens, Greece. Research Reports on Earthquake Engineering No 82, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1-17.


449. PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., ZIAZIA, M., PLESSA, A., GANAS, A., KARASTATHIS, V., MELIS, N., and STAVRAKAKIS, G., 2002. Recent intermediate depth earthquakes in the south Aegean Sea and seismic anisotropy in the East Mediterranean. Book of Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Natural and Human-Made Hazards, page 60, October 3-6, 2002, Antalya, Turkey.


450. DRAKATOS, G., STAVRAKAKIS, G., GANAS, A., KARASTATHIS, V., MELIS, N., and ZIAZIA, M., 2002. The July 26, 2001 Skyros (Aegean Sea, Greece) earthquake. Book of Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Natural and Human-Made Hazards, page 78, October 3-6, 2002, Antalya, Turkey.


451. PAPADOPOULOS, G., GANAS, A., NIKOLAOU, E., DERMENTZOPOULOS, T., 2002. Microzonation Tsunami Risk Mapping using GIS tools. Abstracts of The International Workshop “Local Tsunami Warning and Mitigation”, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, Russia, September 10-15, 2002, page 44.


452. DRAKATOS, G., STAVRAKAKIS, G., GANAS, A., KARASTATHIS, V., MELIS, N., BASKOUTAS, I., PANOPOULOU, G., PAPIS, I., ZIAZIA, M., and PLESSA, A., 2002. Preliminary Results about the 26 July 2001 Skyros (Aegean Sea, Greece) Earthquake and its Aftershock Sequence. Abstract presented at the 11th WEGENER Assembly, Athens, June 12-14, 2002.


453. PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., MATSUMOTO, H., GANAS, A., PAVLIDES, S., and KARASTATHIS, V., 2002. Deformation patterns associated with the M5.9 Athens (Greece) earthquake of 7 September 1999. Abstract submitted to Session SCC-1 of the European Seismological Commission General Assembly.


454. KORTEKAAS, S., PAPADOPOULOS, G. A., GANAS, A., & DIAKANTONI, A., 2002. Geological identification of historical tsunamis in the Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece. In Karanci, Nuray; Yalçiner, A. C.; and others, editors, IX International Symposium on Natural and Human-made Hazards; October 3-6, 2002, Antalya, Turkey; Symposium Theme--Disaster Mitigation in the Perspective of the New Millennium; Book of abstracts: International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, p. 133-134.


455. PAPADOPOULOS, G., GANAS, A., and PLESSA, A., 2002. The Skyros earthquake (Mw6.5) of 26 July 2001 and precursory seismicity patterns in the North Aegean Sea. Abstract presented in the EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 21-26 2002.


456. GANAS, A., 2000. Mapping Earthquake deformation and damage using satellite data and digital elevation models. In NATO Advanced Research Workshop Abstracts, Istanbul, 14-17 May 2000, page 88.


457. GANAS, A., 1998. The use of EO data in Earthquake Hazard Mapping. In: 7th International Conference on Natural & Man-Made Hazards Abstracts, Chania, May 17-22, 1998, page 60.


458. GANAS, A., and PAPOULIA, I., 1997. High-resolution digital mapping of the Seismic Hazard within the Gulf of Evia rift, eastern central Greece using normal fault segments as line sources. In: Abstracts of the IASPEI 1997, August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece, page 298.


459. GANAS, A., WHITE, K., and WADGE, G., 1996. The use of DEMs to characterize the seismogenic potential of active faults in central Greece. In: Abstracts of the Joint GRSG-EARSeL Conference “Remote Topographic Mapping for Geoscience”, December 1996, Nottingham, UK.


460. GANAS, A., WADGE, G., WHITE, K., and ROBERTS, G., 1996. Imaging Fault Segments within juvenile rifts: a new use of remote sensing and DEMs in Structural Geology. Abstracts of Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting, University of Birmingham, 16-18 December 1996.


461. GANAS, A., 1996. Remotely-sensed horizontal movements in Othris Mountain, central Greece. 1st Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society Abstracts, 23-27 September 1996, Athens, page 462-463.


462. GANAS, A., and ROBERTS, G., 1996. The identification of persistent segment boundaries along seismogenic normal faults using remote sensing and fault-slip directions. 1st Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society Abstracts, 23-27 September 1996, Athens, page 70-71.


463. GANAS, A., and ROBERTS, G., 1996. Geometry, Rupture Extent and Strain Patterns along the Atalanti Fault Zone, central Greece. Presented at the Kozani International Meeting (25-27 May 1996) on “The Grevena 13/5/95 Ms6.6 earthquake: One Year after”.


464. GANAS, A., and ROBERTS, GP., 1996. Predicting earthquakes using remote sensing: the spatial perspective. In: Applied Geoscience Abstracts, page 39, Warwick University, 15-18 April 1996.