Alceste Bonanos

Άλκηστις Μπονάνου


    Welcome! I am a Research Director at the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing at the National Observatory of Athens. I am currently leading the ERC project ASSESS. Before moving back to Athens, I spent 1 year at the Space Telescope Science Institute as a Giacconi Fellow and 3 years at the Carnegie Institution of Washington (DTM), as the Vera Rubin Fellow. I obtained my PhD in Astronomy in 2005 from Harvard University; my thesis was on “Accurate Distances to Nearby Galaxies”.


Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing

National Observatory of Athens

I. Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou St.

GR-15236, Penteli, GREECE

Tel.: +30 210 3490877

bonanos [at] astro [dot] noa [dot] gr

Research interests:

  1. *Massive stars

  2. *Variability

  3. *Extragalactic distance scale

  4. *Hypervelocity stars

  5. *Near-earth objects

Current group members:

  1. *Dr. Grigoris Maravelias


  1. *Stephan de Wit

(PhD candidate, 3/2019-present)

  1. *Gonzalo Munoz Sanchez

  (PhD candidate, 12/2021-present)

  1. *Evangelia Christodoulou

  (PhD candidate, 1/2022-present)

  1. *Kostas Antoniadis

(PhD candidate, 1/2022-present)

Previous group members:

  1. *Dr. Manos Zapartas (3/2022-9/2023)

* Dr. Alexios Liakos (11/2015-8/2023)

  1. *Stathis Athanasiou (MSc, 1/2022-3/2023)

  1. *Dr. Emmanouela Paraskeva
    (PhD candidate, 12/2017-5/2022)

  1. *Dr. Ming Yang (6/2015-4/2022)

    *Dr. Zoi Spetsieri (PhD candidate, 9/2015-12/2019)

    1. *Dr. Frank Tramper (1/2019-10/2021)

  1. *Dr. Ektoras Pouliasis

  2.   (PhD candidate, 9/2015-2/2020)

  3. *Dr. Panagiotis Gavras (3/2015-4/2018)

  4. *Dr. Kirill Sokolovsky (4/2015-3/2018)

  5. *Dr. Michalis Kourniotis

  (PhD candidate, 12/2013-4/2017)

  1. *Dr. Maria Ida Moretti (9/2015-8/2016)

  2. *Dr. Nikolay Britavskiy

  (PhD candidate, 11/2012-1/2016)

  1. *Dr. Stephen Williams (1/2013-8/2015)

  2. *Evangelos Trouboulos (MSc 7/2014-4/2015)

  3. *Dr. Norberto Castro (10/2010-10/2012)

  4. *Dr. Evgenia Koumpia (MSc 2010-2011)

  5. *Konstantinos Markakis (MSc 2010-2011)

  6.    Check out the video with subtitles (thanks Roll Productions!) and articles (Καθημερινή, Τα Νέα, ΓΓΕΤ) on the Greek L’Oreal UNESCO prize for Women in Science, which I was awarded in December 2011.

        Click on the tabs above to find out more!