In the context of the 2nd Swarm Call of Ideas, the idea of a Swarm Level 2 product identifying Pc1 (0.2-5 Hz) and Pc3 (20-100 mHz) micropulsations in Swarm satellite data along with a “cleaned” version of 50 Hz data with outliers and other artefacts removed (e.g. 1 Hz feature) was submitted.
Prior to the implementation of this idea, ESA Swarm DISC (Data, Innovation & Science Cluster) decided to support an open community effort (coordinated by NOA) to further demonstrate the scientific value of high-sampling-rate Swarm data (50 Hz VFM or even 250 Hz ASM).
If you wish to contribute to this effort please email
(Activity will be running until ESA Living Planet Symposium 05/2019)