Dr Athanassios Ganas, Geologist

Active Tectonics, Deformation, GNSS, Geological Remote Sensing

President, Geological Society of Greece

Editor-in-Chief 2016-2024 Bulletin Geological Society of Greece https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/geosociety

Member National Experts State Committee for Seismotectonics, Greece

Ex-Member National Experts State Committee for Volcanic Hazard Assessment, Greece

Ex-Member National Experts State Committee for Seismic Hazard Assessment, Greece

President, 2018-2021 Remote Sensing Committee Geological Society of Greece

President, 2016-2018 Tectonics Committee Geological Society of Greece

Editorial Board Member 2019-currently Remote Sensing (MDPI)

Elected Member, EPOS GNSS Consortium Board, 2021-2024

Member, User Feedback Group, EPOS-GNSS Thematic Services


Speech at the GEOTEE-SEG conference (25/4/2024) on Water Resources Management (In Greek)

Curriculum Vitae Publications

Research Interests Projects


Field Work Photographs NOA GPS Project


Landmark Figures (new)



Google Scholar https://scholar.google.gr/citations?hl=el&user=BnQ-uowAAAAJ


Scopus author ID https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6603002871


Web of Science Researcher ID https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/ABE-8385-2021


Greek Active Faults https://arcg.is/04Haer


Santorini volcano WebGIS https://arcg.is/1919Ky


GNSS data repository


EPOS GLASS node http://noanetgps.gein.noa.gr:8080/glasswebui/#/site

Contact Information

Dr Athanassios Ganas

Research Director

Institute of Geodynamics

National Observatory of Athens

Lofos Nymfon, Thission

P.O Box 20048

11810 Athens



Tel: +30 210 3490186

Fax: +30 210 3490180

E-mail: aganas@gein.noa.gr




Web Page: http://members.noa.gr/aganas/en/resume.html

Hemus-NET web page: http://www.hemus-net.eu/

Bulletin Geological Society of Greece https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/geosociety

This page last updated on 15 May, 2024.