- Doctor of Philosophy (1997), Applied Physics, Univeristy
of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Master of Science in Meteorlogy (1991), Applied Physics,
Univeristy of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Bachelor of Science (1989), Physics, Univeristy of Athens,
Athens, Greece.
Professional Experience:
- Institute of Environmental Research & Sustainable
Development, National Observatory of Athens, Greece (Junior
Researcher 2002-2006, Assistant Researcher 2006-to date);
In charge of weather radar laboratory.
- Department of Meteorology, Naval Postgraduate School,
Monterey, USA.
- Aerodynamics laboratory, Hellenic Air Force Academy, Athens,
- Department of Applied Physics, University of Athens, Greece.
- Research and development in the areas of weather radar,
acoustic sounder (sodar), aircraft measurements and in-situ
meteorological sensors, turbulence, clear and cloudy marine
and over land atmospheric boundary layer, atmospheric flows
over complex terrain, air pollution transport. Scientist-in-charge
and participant in 25 R&D financed by the European Commission,
USA, national Ministries and organizations, the private
sector. Teaching on meteorology, instrumentation, remote
and in-situ sensors, aerodynamics.
- Member of the American Meteological Society (AMS), Royal
Meteorological Society, turbulence group of Fleet for AirborneResearch
- Reviewer Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,
Journal of Applied Meteorology, Journal of Hydrology, Atmospheric
Research, IEEE GRSS and scientific proposals.
Activities in International and National
- HYDRORAD - Integrated advanced distributed system for
hydro-meteorological monitoring and forecasting using low-cost
high-performance X-band mini-radar and cellular network
infrastructures, FP7 Framework, EC.
- HIRES - High resolution air-sea interaction DRI ship-board
turbulence observations, ONR, USA.
- FLADAR- Flood zoning in Southeast Attica using gauge calibrated
radar rainfall and advanced modeling techniques, Marie Curie
- HYDRATE - Hydrometeorological data resources and technologies
for effective flash flood forecasting, FP6 STREP, EC.
- ASAP - Adaptive Sampling And Prediction , structure of
the marine atmospheric boundary layer near the coast, ONR,
- AOSN II - Autonomous ocean sampling network, near-surface
and in-cloud turbulent fluxes in the coastal stratocumulus-topped
boundary layers, ONR, USA.
- ISREX- Ionian sea rainfall experiment, NSF, USA.
- CBLAST - Coupled boundary layer air-sea transfer, ONR,
- DECS - Development and evolution of stratocumulus clouds
in the coastal region, NSF, USA.
- Cross boundaries air pollution transport over large distances
and development of control infrastructure, Ministry of Environment,
- Hippodamus - A www based expanded learning environment,
Ministry of Education, Greece.
- Effect of the operation of the new Airport at Spata and
the Airport at Hellinikon, Greece, on the air quality at
the greater Athens area, Athens International Airport S.A.,
- SECAP - South European cycles of air Pollution, EC.
- MED POL - Assessment and control of pollution in the Mediterranean
region, study of the Saronikos Gulf sea breeze using acoustic
sounder, UNEP.