• Magnetic topology of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs)
  • Particle propagation channels inside Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs)
  • Establishment and maintenance of particle reservoirs in the Heliosphere (physical mechanisms)
  • Study of CME models using joint imaging EUV, X-ray and multi-wavelength solar radio observations
  • Solar origin of near-relativistic impulsive electron events
  • Comparison of solar particle events at high and low heliolatitudes
  • Effect of large-scale IMF structures on the propagation of energetic particles
  • Energetic particle acceleration by shock waves
  • Entry of energetic protons in the Earth's magnetotail
  • Study of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (Pierre Auger experiment)
  • Models of scale relativity theory and applications in Astrophysics
  • Magnetic Clouds as a possibility of Geomagnetic Storm Forecasting
  • Energetic particle tracing of magnetic connectivity and solar injection in the Inner Heliosphere (Solar Orbiter/Solar Probe Plus)
  • Energetic particle composition signatures in regions of CME/CIR interactions in the Heliosphere
  • Study of energetic particle signatures upstream of Saturn's bow shock
  • Particle Radiation Hazards en route to and at Mars
  • Energetic particles, plasma and magnetic field signatures in the course of Magnetospheric Substorms
  • Multi-point observations of CIRs and energetic particles by STEREO
  • Galactic Cosmic Rays - Forbush Decreases
  • Space Weather Effects and Forecasting: CMEs and SEPs