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Dr. Olga Sykioti was born in Athens, Greece, in 1967. She received her B.Sc. from the Faculty of Geology from the
Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (1988), M.Sc. in Remote Sensing (1990), M.Sc. in Hydrology, Geostatistics
and Geochemistry (1991) and her Ph.D. in Remote Sensing and Geosciences (1994) from the University Pierre & Marie Curie,
Paris, France. During 1995-1999, she worked as Scientific Associate for environmental studies in the private sector.
In parallel, she worked as scientific and technical associate in the National Technical Chamber of Greece (1997-2000).
She became Research Associate (1999-2000), Research support specialist (2001-2006), and then Assistant Researcher (2006-2011)
in the National Observatory of Athens (NOA). Since 2011, she is Associate Researcher at the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics,
Space Applications and Remote Sensing of NOA.
Her scientific interests include hyperspectral and microwave remote sensing applications in geosciences with emphasis in
geology/mineral detection and mapping, landscape dynamics including monitoring of natural ecosystems, ground deformation/tectonics
as well as studies of the marine environment. She has participated either as PI-, co-PI, responsible of specific work tasks or member
of scientific teams in 24 European, ESA and national funded research projects. She has published 14 refereed scientific papers
in international journals and 40 in reviewed european and international conference proceedings. She has more than 190 third-party citations
(h-index=6). In 2009, she was awarded with a Fulbright Research Grant. She speaks English, French, Spanish (fluently), Hindi (very good) and Greek (native language).