a.) Refereed Journal Publications - Mapping tree species distribution in a mixed forest through linear unmixing of CHRIS/PROBA imagery, Stagakis, S., Vanikiotis, T., Sykioti, O., ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 119, 79-89, 2016. - sCASE: A primary productivity monitoring system for the forests of North Pindus National Park (Epirus,Greece), S. Stagakis, N. Markos, T. Vanikiotis, A. Tzotsos, O. Sykioti, A. Kyparissis, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 48, 223-243, 2015. - Simulation of Sentinel-2 image from AISA EAGLE and HAWK Hyperspectral imagery in a lakeshore vegetation environment, Stratoulias, D., Balzter, H., Sykioti, O., Zlinszky, A., Toth, V.R., Sensors, 15, 22956-22969, 2015. - Tracking seasonal changes of leaf and canopy light use efficiency in a Phlomis fruticosa Mediterranean ecosystem using field measurements and multi-angular satellite hyperspectral imagery, Stagakis S., Markos N., Sykioti O., Kyparissis A., ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 97, 138 - 151, 2014. - On the unmixing of MEx/OMEGA hyperspectral data, Themelis, K.E., Schmidt, F., Sykioti, O., Rontogiannis, A.A., Koutroumbas, K.D., Daglis, I.A, Planetary and Space Science, 68, 34 - 41 (doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2011.11.015), 2012. - Space mission characteristics and requirements to be addressed by space-data router enhancement of space-data exploitation, Daglis, I. A., Sykioti, O., Anastasiadis, A., Balasis, G., Keramitsoglou, I., Paronis, D., Rontogiannis, A., and Diamantopoulos, S., 'Lecture Notes in Computer Science', Y. Koucheryavy et al. (Eds.), 7277 LNCS, 366 - 373, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2012. - Band Depth analysis of CHRIS/PROBA data for the study of a Mediterranean natural ecosystem. Correlations with Leaf optical properties and ecophysiological parameters, Sykioti, O., Paronis, D., Stagakis, S., Kyparissis, A., Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 752 - 766, (doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.11.003 ), 2011. - Monitoring canopy biophysical and biochemical parameters in ecosystem scale using satellite hyperspectral imagery: An application on a Phlomis fruticosa Mediterranean ecosystem using multiangular CHRIS/PROBA observations, Stagakis, S., Markos, N., Sykioti, O., Kyparissis, A., Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 977 - 994, (doi:10.1016/j.rse.2009.12.006), 2010. - Reliable, accurate and timely forest mapping for wildfire management using ASTER and Hyperion satellite imagery, Keramitsoglou, I., Kontoes, C., Sykioti, O., Sifakis, N., Xofis, P., Forest Ecology and Management, 255, 3556-3562, (doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2008.01.077), 2008. - A method for minimizing of low frequency and unwrapping artefacts from interferometric calculations, Elias, P., Kontoes, C., Sykioti, O., Avallone, A., Van Gorp, S., Briole, P., Paradissis, D., International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(14), 3079-3086, (doi: 10.1080/01431160600578388) 2006. - Evaluating the Performance of the Space-borne SAR Sensor Systems for Oil Spill Detection and Sea Monitoring over the south-eastern Mediterranean Sea, Kontoes, C., Sykioti, O., Paronis, D., Harisi, A., International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(18), 4029-4044, (doi: 10.1080/01431160500104129), 2005. - Ground deformation at Nisyros volcano (Greece), detected by ERS2 SAR differential interferometry, Sykioti, O., Kontoes, C., Elias, P., Sachpazi, M., Paradissis, D., Kotsis, I., International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(1), 183-188, 2003. - Seismological and INSAR signature of unrest at Nisyros caldera, Greece, Sachpazi, M., Kontoes, C., Voulgaris, N., Laigle, M., Vougioukalakis, G., Sykioti, O., Stavrakakis, G., Baskoutas, J., Kalogeras, J., Lepine, J-Cl., Baskoutas, J., Kalogeras, J., 2002, J. Volcan. & Geoth. Res., 116, 19-33, 2002. - Displacement field and fault model for the September 7th 1999 Athens Earthquake inferred from ERS-2 satellite radar interferometry, Kontoes, C., Elias, P., Sykioti, O., Briole, P., Remy, D., Sachpazi, M., Veis, G., Kotsis, I., Geophys. Res. Ltrs, 29(24), 3989-3992, 2000. - Numerical multisource and multiscale imagery in the study of the topographic surface. Hydrogeological application in a karstic environment: Verneuil-sur-Avre, Perche, France, Sykioti, O, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts, 33(8), 1996/12. - Numerical multisource and multiscale imagery in the study of the topographical surface. Hydrogeological application in a karstic environment: Verneuil-sur-Avre (Perche, France) (Imagerie Numerique Multisource de la Surface Topographique ; Application a la geometrie d'un milieu karstique ; Verneuil-sur-Avre (Perche)', Sykioti, O., Deffontaines, B., Chorowicz, J., Obert, O., DeMarsily, G., Lauverjat, J., Carvalho, J., Bull. SGF, 167(2), 269-284, 1996. - Possibilites et limites de l'interpretation geologique des images SAR ERS-1, Chorowicz, J., Koffi., B., Chalah, C., Chotin, P., Collet, B., Poli, J.T., Rudant, J.P.,Sykioti, O., Vargas, G., Bull. SFPT, 138(2), 82-95, 1995. - Imagerie numerique multisource de la surface topographique: application a la geomtrie d' un milieu karstique: Verneuil-sur-Avre (Perche), O. Sykioti, B Deffontaines, J Chorowicz, D Obert, G de Marsily, J Lauverjat, Bull. SGF, 167(2), 269-284, 1995. b). Selective Conference Publications - Remote radiological assessment in the marine environment: A pilot study based on Cs-137 measurements and satellite observations in the Aegean Sea, Mavrokefalou G., Florou, H. Sykioti, O., HNPS 2016:25th Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society, Athens, Greece, 3-4 June 2016. - Hydrothermal Alteration Zones Detection in Limnos Island through the application of Remote Sensing, Anifadi, A., Parcharidis, Is., Sykioti, O., Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. XLVΙII,2016 , Proc. 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016. - Monitoring drought effects on Mediteranean conifer forests using SPOT-VEGETATION NDVI and NDWI timeseries, M. Karamihalaki, S. Stagakis, O. Sykioti, , Living Planet Symposium 9-13 May 2016. - Lava flows mapping and changes detection in the Mt. Etna Volcano between 2009-2012 using Hyperion hyperspectral images, C. Karagiannopoulou, O. Sykioti, I. Parcharidis, P. Briole, Proc. Living Planet Symposium 9-13 May 2016. - Spatially subtle ground deformations due to landslides, geophysical procedures and man-made activities, exploiting of a big number of multitemporal interferometry datasets, in SW Gulf of Corinth (Greece), P. Elias, O. Sykioti, S. Neokosmidis, P. Briole, Proc. Living Planet Symposium 9-13 May 2016. - Integration of Earth observation satellite data and real time 137Cs measurements in the Greek marine environment to GIS for advances in radiological remote control, G.Mavrokefalou, H. Florou, O. Sykioti, I. Parcharidis, Proc., Living Planet Symposium 9-13 May 2016. - Regional climate network analysis from irregularly sampled satellite Data, M. Wiedermann, O. Sykioti, C. Papadimitriou, G. Balasis, J. Kurths, R.V. Donner, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, 17-22 April 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-7639, 2016. - Reconstructing regional climate networks from irregularly sampled satellite data, Wiederman M., Donner, R.V., Sykioti, O., Papadimitriou, C., Kurths, J., EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, 12-17 April 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-9123-2. - Multi-temporal intensity and coherence analysis of SAR images for land cover change detection on the Island of Crete. Nikolaeva E., Sykioti O., Elias P., Kontoes C., SPIE Remote Sensing 2015, Toulouse (France), 21-24 September 2015, Proc. SPIE 9642, SAR Image Analysis, Modeling and Techniques XV, 964208, October 15, 2015. - Monitoring of vegetation ecosystems in Greece using vegetation indices time series, Karamihalaki, M., Sykioti, O., Stagakis, S., Kyparissis, A., Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of the Hellenic Geographical Society, 22-24 October 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece. - Joint Spectral Unmixing and Clustering for identifying homogenous regions in hyperspectral images, Mylona E.A., Sykioti, O.A., Koutroumbas, D.K., Rontogiannis A.A., 2015 IEEE IGARSS, Milan (Italy), 26-31 July 2015. - A new sparsity aware feature selection method for hyperspectral image clustering, Xenaki S., Koutroumbas K., Rontogiannis A., Sykioti, O., 2015 IEEE IGARSS, Milan (Italy), 26-31 July 2015. - Landslides modeling and monitoring by exploiting satellite SAR acquisitions. The LAVMO project, Elias P., Neokosmidis S, Sykioti O., Kavoura K., Sabatakakis N., Drakatos G., Anastassopoulos V. and Briole P., Geological Society of Greece, 13 May 2015. - Landslide modeling using information synthesis methods, Koukiou G., Kourtinos G., Kavoura K., Elias P., Sykioti O., Sabatakakis N., Anastassopoulos V., Geological Society of Greece, 13 May 2015. - Landslides modeling and monitoring by exploiting satellite SAR acquisitions, optical imagery and in-situ measurements in Greece, Elias P., Sykioti O., Neokosmidis S., Paronis D., Kavoura K., Sabatakakis N., Chousianitis K., Drakatos G., Anastasopoulos V., Briole P., 9th International Workshop Fringe 2015, ESA Frascati, 23 - 27 March 2015. - sCASE: A primary productivity monitoring system for the forests of North Pindus National Park (Epirus, Greece), Stagakis S., Markos N., Vanikiotis T., Tzotsos A., Sykioti O., Kyparissis A., ForestSAT 2014, Riva del Garda (Italy), 4-7 November 2014. - Correlations of salinity, temperature and ocean colour variations from SMOS and MODIS satellite data in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea for creating an inventory data base as to be compared to conservative radionuclides for remote recording under routine and case, Sykioti O., Florou H., Mavrokefalou G., N. Evangeliou, 10TH International Congress of the Hellenic Georaphical Society, Thessaloniki (Greece), , 22-24 October 2014. - Monitoring of vegetation ecosystems in Greece using vegetation indices time series, Karamihalaki M., Sykioti O., Stagakis S., Kyparissis A., 10th International Congress of the Hellenic Geographical Society, Thessaloniki (Greece), 22-24 October 2014. - Remote radiological assessment in the marine environment: SMOS and MODIS observations combined to 137Cs activity concentrations in the Aegean Sea - Greece, Florou H., Sykioti O., Evangeliou N., Mavrokefalou G., Tzempelikou E., 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona (Spain), 7-12 September 2014. - A Layred sparse adaptive possibilistic approach for hyperspectral image clustering, Xenaki I., Koutroumbas K., Rontogiannis A., Sykioti, O., 2014 IEEE IGARSS (International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium), Quebec (Canada), 13-17 July 2014. - Subsurface Geological modeling using GIS and remote sensing data. A case study from Platanos landslide, Western Greece, Kavoura K., Kordouli M., Nikolakopoulos K., Elias P., Sykioti O., Tsagaris V., Drakatos G. Rondoyanni Th., Tsiambaos G., Sabatakakis N., Anastassopoulos, V., 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation 2014, Paphos, Cyprus, 7-10 April 2014. - Simulation of Sentinel-2 image from AISA Eagle and Hawk hyperspectral imagery in a lakeshore vegetation environment, Stratoulias, D., Balzter, H., Sykioti, O., Zlinszky, A. and Toth, V.R. (2014). Proceedings of the ESA Sentinel-2 for Science Workshop, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati (Italy), 20-22 May 2014, special publication SP-726, 2014. - Enhancing deep space communications for scientific data transmission and exploitation, Case study: OMEGA/Mars Express, Sykioti O., Daglis I.A., Rontogiannis A., Tsaoussidis V., Diamantopoulos S., NETSPACE - Networking technologies for efficient SPACE data dissemination and exploitation Workshop, , Athens (Greece), 18-19 February 2014. - On the role of advanced data routing protocols in enhancing the characterization and understanding of magnetospheric processes, A. Anastasiadis A. Daglis, I.A., Balasis G., Papadimitriou C., Sandberg I., Keramitsoglou I., Paronis D., Rontogiannis, A., Sykioti O., Tsigkanos A., NETSPACE - Networking technologies for efficient SPACE data dissemination and exploitation Workshop Workshop, Athens (Greece), 18-19 February 2014. - Enhancing space data exploitation through DTN-based data transmission protocols, I.A. Daglis, A.A. Rontogiannis, O. Sykioti, I. Keramitsoglou, D. Paronis, A. Anastasiadis, G. Balasis, I. Sandberg, and A. Tsigkanos, NETSPACE - Networking technologies for efficient SPACE data dissemination and exploitation Workshop, Athens (Greece), 18-19 February 2014. - Using Space-Data Routers for the timely and targeted downloading of Land Surface Temperature data to local users, Keramitsoglou I., Daglis, I.A., Rontogiannis A., Anastasiadis A.,Balasis G., Paronis D., Sykioti O., Tsaoussidis V., Diamantopoulos S., NETSPACE - Networking technologies for efficient SPACE data dissemination and exploitation Workshop, Athens (Greece), 18-19 February 2014. - A fast variational Bayes algorithm for sparse semi-supervised unmixing of OMEGA/MARS EXPRESS data, A. A. Rontogiannis, K. Themelis, O. Sykioti, K. Koutroumbas, WHISPERS/ 5th IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Gainsville, Florida, USA, 25-28 June 2013. -Estimating light use efficiency of a Mediterranean pine forest from leaf to ecosystem scale using spectral indices, Vanikiotis, T., Markos, N., Stagakis, S., Tzotsos, A, Sykioti, O., Kyparissis, A., ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburg, UK, 9-13 September 2013. - Enhancing the characterization, understanding and forecasting of magnetospheric processes through advanced data routing protocols, I.A. Daglis, G. Balasis, A. Anastasiadis, M. Georgiou, C. Papadimitriou, I. Keramitsoglou, D. Paronis, A. Rontogiannis, O. Sykioti, V. Tsaoussidis, S. Diamantopoulos, 12th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), , Merida, Mexico, 26-31 August 2013. - Usage of DTN Space-Data Overlays to Administer Thematic Cross-Mission Space Data, D. Paronis, I. Daglis, A. Rontogiannis, A. Anastasiadis, G. Balasis, I. Keramitsoglou, O. Sykioti, V. Tsaoussidis, S. Diamantopoulos, B. Ghita, M. Evans, ESA Living Planet Symposium, , Edinburg, UK, 9-13 September 2013. - Space mission characteristics and requirements to be addressed by space-data router enhancement of space-data exploitation, Daglis, I. A., Sykioti, O., Anastasiadis, A., Balasis, G., Keramitsoglou, I.., Paronis, D., Rontogiannis, A., and Diamantopoulos, S., Proc. WWIC/ 10th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, Santorini, Greece, 6-8 June 2012. - Synergy of SAR acquisitions for ground deformation monitoring by means of DInSAR, PSI, and SBAS. Case study of western rift of Corinth, Greece, P. Elias, P. Briole, O. Sykioti, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-10938, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011. -On the unmixing of MEx/OMEGA hyperspectral data, K. Themelis, A. A. Rontogiannis, O. Sykioti, K. Koutroumbas, I. A. Daglis, and F. Schmidt, Proceedings European Planetary Science Congress , 19 - 24 September 2010, Rome (Italy), Vol. 5, EPSC2010-730, 2010. - Spectroscopic analysis of a Mediterranean ecosystem using CHRIS/PROBA, in-situ leaf spectra and plant measurements, Sykioti, O., Paronis, D., Kyparissis, A., Stagakis, S., ESA Hyperspectral Workshop, 17-19 March 2010, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 2010. - Effect of aerosols on narrowband indices and band depths from CHRIS/PROBA: Case study on a Phlomis fruticosa ecosystem, Paronis, D., Sykioti, O., Paronis, D., Kyparissis, A., ESA Hyperspectral Workshop, 17-19 March 2010, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 2010. - On the unmixing of MEx/OMEGA hyperspectral data using a MAP Estimator, Themelis, K., Rontogiannis, A., Sykioti, O., Koutroumbas, K., Daglis, I., Schmidt, F., Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, PS7.1 Spectroscopy and radiative transfer in Planetary atmospheres, EGU General Assembly 2010, in CD, 2010 - Synergy of ASAR and RADARSAT-2 ultra-fine acquisitions for ground deformation monitoring by means of DInSAR and PSI, Elias, P., Briole, P., Sykioti, O., Proceed. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 28 June- 2 July 2010, on CD-ROM, 2010. - Synergy of ASAR and RADARSAT-2 ultra-fine acquisitions for ground deformation monitoring by means of DInSAR and PS. Case Study Gulf of Corinth - city of Patras , Greece, Elias P., Briole P., Ganas A., Sykioti O., Proceedings XIX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association, Thessaloniki (Greece), 23-26 September 2010, on CD-ROM, 2010. - PALSAR/ALOS Interferometry in the Gulf of Corinth and Patras (Greece). Comparison with ASAR /ENVISAT, P. Elias, P. Briole, O. Sykioti, Proc. of ALOS PI 2008 Symposium, Island of Rhodes, Greece, 3- 7 November 2008, (ESA SP-664, January 2009 - Multidisciplinary study of the June 8, 2008, Mw=6.4 Andravida earthquake, Briole, P., Armijo, R., Avallone, A., Bernard, P., Charara, R., Deschamps, A., Dimitrov, D., Elias, P., Grandin, R., Ilieva, M., Lambotte, S., Lyon-Caen, H., Meyer, B., Mouratidis, A., Nercessian, A., Papanastassiou, D., Ruegg, J.C., Sokos, E., Sykioti, O., 31st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission ESC 2008, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 7-12 September 2008 - PALSAR/ALOS Interferometry in the Gulf of Corinth and Patras (Greece) Comparison with ASAR/ENVISAT, Elias, P., Briole, P., Sykioti, O., ALOS PI Symposium 2008, ESA/JAXA, Rhodes, (Greece), 3-7 November, 2008. - Ecosystem productivity and dynamics issued from multispectral and hyperspectral satellite imagery, A. Kyparissis, N. Markos, S. Stagakis, E. Levizou, O. Sykioti, Proceedings Ιnternational Symposium of Remote Sensing (SPIE 2007), Florence (Italy), 18-20 September 2007, Vol. 6742, 6742OI-1, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology IX, edited by M.U. Neale, M. Owe and G. D' Urso, 2007. - Verifying InSAR derived vertical differential displacements by leveling. Application along the Mornos Open Aqueduct, Kotsis, I., Karamitsos, S., Kontoes, C., Paradissis, D., Sykioti, O., Elias, P., Briole, P., Proc. FIG 2004, Athens (Greece) 22-27 May 2004, in CD, 2007. - The use of NDVI time-series for the study of exosystem dynamics of two deciduous (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus sp.) and one conifer (PInus nigra) forest, S. Stagakis , E. Levizou E., N. Marcos., O. Sykioti, P. Elias, C. Kontoes, C. Lolis, A. Bartzokas, A. Kypoarissis, XV FESPB Congress - Federation of European Societes of Plant Biology, Lyon, France, 2006 - Mapping of forest species and tree density using new Earth Observation sensors for wildfire applications, Keramitsoglou, I., Kontoes, C., Koutroumbas, K., Sykioti, O., Sifakis, N., Proc. 12th International Symposium of Remote Sensing (SPIE 2005), 19-22 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium, 2005, Vol. 5976 59760G, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VII, edited by Manfred Owe, Guido D' Urso, 2005. - Development of a procedure correcting and reducing unwrapping artefacts using a set of ERS SAR interferograms. Case study: The September 7, 1999 Athens Earthquake, Elias, P., Sykioti, O., Kontoes, C., Briole, P., Avallone, A., Van Gorp, S., Paradissis, D., Proc. FRINGE: Advances in SAR Interferometry from ERS and ENVISAT missions, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati (Italy), 2-5 December 2003, in CD, 2004. - Inflation/Deflation sequence on Nisyros active volcano (Greece) during 1995-2000 issued from SAR differential interferometry, Sykioti, O., Kontoes, C., Elias, P., Briole, P., Sachpazi, M., Proc. SPIE Remote Sensing 2002, Crete, 23-27 September 2002, vol. 4886: Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications and Geology II, 315-312, 2003. - Crustal deformation associated with the 1995-1998 unrest of Nisyros volcano (Greece), as observed by radar SAR interferometry, Kontoes, C., Sykioti, O., Elias, P., Briole, P., Sachpazi, M., Paradissis, D., Kotsis, I., Proc. 11th Assembly WEGENER project, Athens, June 12-14 2002, in CD, 2003 - Two examples of using ERS-2 SAR Interferometry in Greece. Study of the September 7th, 1999 Athens Earthquake and the Nisyros Volcano Activity, Kontoes, C., Sykioti, O., Elias, P., Briole, P., Remy, D., Sachpazi, M., Veis, G., Kotsis, I., Proc. ESA ERS-ENVISAT Symposium, 16-20 October 2000, Gottenborg, Sweden, 2000. - Approche geomorphologique multisource et multiscalaire. Approches tectoniques et hydrogeologiques: Vittel (Lorraine) et Verneuil-sur-Avre (Normandie), Sykioti, O. Deffontaines, B., Chorowicz, J., De Marsily, G., Obert, G., Carvalho, J., Lauverjat, J., Rudant, J.P., SGF/GFG, Rennes, Septembre 1994 - Approche morphoneotectonique multisource et multiscalaire: Applications tectoniques et hydrologeologiques a partir de quelques exemples en France, Deffontaines, B., Sykioti, O., Chorowicz, J., De Marsily, J., Carvalho, J., Reunion SGF-GFG, Morphogenese cenozoique de l' Europe de L' Ouest, Rennes, Septembre 1994. - A new approach in the detection of active percolation in a fractured hydromineralized zone; a case study of Vittel-Contrexeville, Lorraine, E. France, Sykioti, O., Deffontaines, B., Chorowicz, J., DeMarsily, G., Ichoku, C., Carvalho, EGU VII Section: Geomorphology and Neotectonics in Stable Europe: implcations for energy resources, 4 - 8 April 1993, Strasbourg, Terra, 1: 5, 328, 1993.